
Awakened to hunt beast

Beast has started to appear in the human world and killed humans lots of them. But the humans had brought to light new knowledge of how to fight these beasts using their Ki energy. Somewhere on the planet, there was a boy named Steven. He was a young boy who lived in the town of Azua with his family. One day, a beast attacked the town, killing Steven's family. After the attack, Steven discovered that he had awakened with a special power. He vowed to use this power to rid the world of beasts by killing them. follow Steven's journey to complete quests and achieve his aim

Oluwatoyise · ファンタジー
54 Chs

Meeting Other Recruits

Steven and Elijah were heading for the building where the Ironclaw Beast Hunters Association trains recruits before heading for the academy, but Steven had a question.

"Hey Elijah I want to ask you something"

"OK please go on, what is it that you want to ask me" Elijah asked as he looked at Steven curious to know what question he was about to ask. 

Steven thought of a way to ask his question without revealing the system he had to Elijah and then he came up with the right way to ask his question. "When I woke up after my injury at the infirmary I could not feel my Ki energy and I was also wondering why you did not use any skill when you were fighting the beast at my village and attacked it with just your strength and speed".

"It is quite simple Steven when you use up all your Ki energy and when it is used up like that, you can recover it with Ki circulation. And as for why I did not use any of my Ki skills while fighting against the beast in your village, I thought it was unnecessary to use it. I am stronger than most second-rate beast hunters in the Ironclaw you see".

"So when do I start this Ki circulation that you talk about" Steven asked

"While training with the other recruits"

They were about to enter the building and Steven was excited and nervous at the same time. when they entered the building, Steven was surprised to see about twenty people in the building and various training equipment on a large training ground where all the recruits were currently training and different beast hunters putting them through

Seeing the recruits registered under the Ironclaw association, he was sure each one of them would have their unique sorry to tell about why they wanted to be a beast hunter. 

"Ha, Elijah what are you doing here did you come to watch the recruits train"? Andrew asked has Elijah had approached him. Andrew the man in front of Elijah right now is one of the strongest beast hunters in the Ironclaw beast hunter association. He is a first-rate beast hunter at the Ironclaw Association and he is currently one of the hunters training the recruits.

No no no Andrew, I came to add one more recruit to the Ironclaw recruit training hall; Elijah said as he pointed to his side to show Andrew the recruit by his side, but there was no one there.

Elijah looked around looking for Steven and then he saw him already mimicking what the other recruits were doing. Elijah had a smirk on his face and shook his head slowing as he was heading to where Steven was staying.

"So this is the recruit you were talking about," Andrew said as he followed Elijah towards the recruit he was going to. "Yes, that is him and I want you to train him. The association head has already given me the go-ahead that he should train with the other recruits"

"Just because the association head said that without any proof to back it up does not mean I will add him to train with us. How about I put him to a test and make him fight one of the weakest recruits we train over here" Andrew said as he looked at Steven who was currently approaching one of the other recruits.

"He can't fight right now, he came here after he woke up from the infirmary and he might not have recovered from the injury he sustained".

"Well, he should get ready by tomorrow to show that he has what it takes to train with us. we need no one to draw us back while we train" Andrew said as he looked at Elijah who was looking at Steven having a conversation with another recruit.

Steven had approached a recruit who was with a whip swinging it at a dummy. "You are good with that thing, where did you learn to use it like that" Steven asked as he was amazed by what the recruit was doing.

The recruit looked at who had asked this question and saw a young handsome boy with a smile on his face, blonde curly hair and beautiful blue eyes. His voice was a little deep but smooth he had a height of about 6ft. "looks like you are new here" Jake said as he looked at Steven stopping what he was doing.

"Yes I am new here and I would love to train with the other recruits, And from the looks of it, you look like one of the best recruits here if not the best. Now tell me where you learned to use that whip like that." Steven asked curious to know what his answer was going to be. 

Well, I learned how to use the whip from my grandfather and yes I am one of the best recruits here. But you have to be careful about other recruits here like Liam, he likes to torment the weak.

May I have your attention everybody; Andrew said as he walked to the center of the training hall. We are going to have a recruit join us, but before he can do that he will have to prove himself by fighting one of the weakest recruits training with us so that he can start training with us.

So you are going to fight Ben tomorrow to prove yourself. defeat Ben tomorrow then you can start training with us. That is what we do for recruits who want to train with us at the Ironclaw. Andrew said as he looked at Steven.

All the recruits were now looking at Steven, which made him a little nervous. "Let me see what you can do with that pretty sword of yours Steven; Jake said as he looked at Steven.

[Quest: Defeat Ben tomorrow]

[Reward: 50 exp]

Oh shit, not again; Steven said as he saw the system notification.

OK that's all for today you can all head home now; Andrew said. Steven had met up with Elijah and was still thinking of how he was going to win against a trained recruit. he might be the weakest but can be quite skilled.

Steven and Elijah had gotten home and Steven ran upstairs to go and pick up the book Elijah had given him the other night.