
Awakened to hunt beast

Beast has started to appear in the human world and killed humans lots of them. But the humans had brought to light new knowledge of how to fight these beasts using their Ki energy. Somewhere on the planet, there was a boy named Steven. He was a young boy who lived in the town of Azua with his family. One day, a beast attacked the town, killing Steven's family. After the attack, Steven discovered that he had awakened with a special power. He vowed to use this power to rid the world of beasts by killing them. follow Steven's journey to complete quests and achieve his aim

Oluwatoyise · Fantasy
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54 Chs

Steven vs Ben

Steven had picked up the book Elijah had given him the other night and started to read it. The book was a sword technique book, he had removed his sword for the sheath and he had started performing the illustration in the book.

Elijah enters the room wondering why Steven ran upstairs only to see Steven looking into the book he had given him and performing what was written and drawn in the book.

"This is unnecessary, It is already nighttime and you can study all the techniques inside the book before tomorrow. Just do Ki circulation, recover the Ki energy you lost today, and use the crystal you obtained back at your village to acquire a level 1Ki pill" Elijah said as he gave Steven directions to a shop.

And please Steven do not cause any trouble while you go out to get the Ki pill.

Steven searched inside the room, found the crystal, and headed out.

Steven had gotten halfway to where he was going and a notification appeared.

[Would you like to absorb crystal]

Steven had seen this message before and he is seeing it now. The system was asking him to absorb the crystal.

Steven hesitated for a while, but eventually, he hit yes. The crystal in his hand had disappeared and notifications appeared again

[Common tier crystal absorbed]

[Ki energy: 35≈45]

[Ki energy: 10/45]

[All stats increased by 1]

It is even better than I thought, I guess I will be heading back to Elijah then.

You are back so fast did you get the Ki pill with the crystal you obtained?

"Yes, and I used it on the way while coming back here" Steven answered because he didn't want Elijah to question him about where the Ki pill was.

"Then get in a sitting position"

Steven had done as Elijah had instructed, Elijah also got into a sitting position right at the back of Steven and placed his hand on his back.

"I am going to use my Ki energy to move your Ki energy around your body now"

Elijah did as he said and Steven also concentrated on what Elijah was doing. Now continue to move your Ki energy like that every day and don't forget that feeling Elijah said as he stood up and headed for his road.

Steven continued his Ki energy circulation for an hour until a system notification appeared.

[Ki energy 45/45]

Finally, tomorrow is going to be great, I just know it; Steven said as he walked up to his room to sleep.

The sun was up and Steven was up early and had gotten dressed for the day. He came out of his room and saw Elijah already having breakfast which Steven had joined in to eat his food.

"You like to eat breakfast quite early huh"

" Yes, and I hope you can beat that Ben guy you are about to face today, you have to show him that you are not a weakling; Elijah said as he finished his breakfast.

Steven too had finished his breakfast and was now following Elijah to the Ironclaw training hall where his duel was going to take place.

Steven entered the training hall and had a lot of stares from the other recruits. He looked at Jake who was warming up for today's training and didn't even notice the recruits that were entering the training hall.

All the recruits had arrived and one of the beast hunters had gotten to the centering of the training hall. "okay everyone, today according to Sir Andrew who hasn't arrived yet, Steven the new kid is going to be fighting Ben today before he can train with us as one of the recruits of the Ironclaw"

Both Steven and Ben had gotten to the center of the training hall and had gotten into a fighting stance. "He is using a staff as his weapon, I pray this goes well for me". Steven said as he removed his sword from the sheath.

[All stats have been increased by four]


They both dashed at each other and Steven swung his sword with speed and precision, aiming for Ben's head and chest. Ben blocked his attacks with his staff, using its length and flexibility to his advantage. He also tried to hit Steven with the ends of his staff, hoping to knock him off balance.

The fight was intense and evenly matched. They exchanged blows and parries, dodging and counterattacking. They both showed their skills and determination, neither willing to give up or admit defeat.

"He his fast, The new kid is fast" one of the recruits said has he saw Steven dodging all the attacks aimed for him by Ben.

The fight continued and Steven had hit Ben with his sword making him move back a little. Steven went in for another attack, but he saw two Ki slashes heading his way.

Steven had dodged one of the slashes and had cut through one slowing him down, making Ben get the opportunity to hit Steven had the side of his stomach making him fall on the floor.

[HP: 85/100]

That hit was strong but Steven didn't have to worry about that now as he saw Ben swinging his staff down towards Steven. He had dodged the attack and moved back a little for some space.

Are you kidding me, this Ben guy is strong and they call him the weakest, this is getting annoying.

Looks like I am going to use all the stat points that I have on agility and start to use the Ki slash as well. Why don't I try what he did against me, sending two Ki slashes as a means of distraction and bringing him down with my sword.

[Agility: 11≈15]

Steven had dashed at Ben again had thrown two Ki slashes at him. "He his faster than before" Ben noticed as he cut through the attacks only to see Steven already behind him and has been hit by his sword making a cut at his back.

Ben was stunned and disarmed. He had no time to react as Steven pointed his sword at his throat.

And the winner of this duel is Steven, the beast hunter who referee their duel said.

[Quest completed]

[50 exp rewarded]