

What started as a simple night-time robbery turned into an experience he'll never forget. Dezhong Prince, a cunning teenager,, spent the last day of an old year robbing a simple store with his friends until he took a detour that changed his life. While moving through, he's met with a beast that torments him throughout the whole night until he receives this: [Congratulations. You are the first to receive The Beast System.] Knowing he isn't the only one with the beast system, Dezhong must now grow stronger for when he encounters the others. However, he's also faced with another quest, [Discover the Shadow King.] Find out more in Awakened: The Beast System. Instagram: jt3art. Discord:https://discord.gg/fXdgzMrsmQ. -------------- Release rate: One chapter a day(bear with me, this isn't the only novel I have.) This is my first werewolf novel and it's got a lot of references to famous werewolf novels as well so, feel free to comment and let me know whether its good or not. Don't forget to comment, LEAVE A REVIEW, and vote with powerstones. Golden tickets are highly appreciated as well. Join the Discord server for sneak peeks, character images, and have a character of your own added to the novel. See you there.

joshua_jt3 · SF
350 Chs


Jin Peng, Leader of the Dragons, and Kong, leader of the Gorillas, the two rival gangs from different cities were battling with each other due to one of them being at the wrong place at the wrong time.

At the moment, Jin was in the lead as he had Kong three feet deep in the ruble of his wrecked den. The dragon leader's new found strong overwhelmed Kong to the point where he started to struggle just to get up again.

Meanwhile, Dezhong was contemplating within himself on whether he was going to have to fight Jin and get a reward or if he'd just stand back and hope for Kong to somehow make a comeback.

"Abdul, please help my dad." Kena begged as she and Dezhong were told to get back in the car by Kong. "You have to help him, please."

Abdul stood frozen as he watched Jin deliver series of attacks on Kong. As much as Kong tried, he just couldn't get up and try to defend himself other than guarding with his hands. "Please do something." Kena pleaded once more, but the man in the suit remained frozen.

"I'll do it." Dezhong replied as he jumped out of the car and run as fast as he could to Jin. With his fists folded, he leaped in the air and landed a powerful punch to the Dragon's leader, sending him tumbling over.

"Are you alright?" Dezhong asked as he pulled Kong out of the ruble he was in.

"Yeah, I am. Good job kid." Kong replied. "Can't believe what's gotten into him.

"What do you mean?" Dezhong wondered. "Don't you guys always fight?"

"No. We meet once in a while in hopes of having peace but, Jin's a stubborn man." Kong replied as he urged Dezhong to stand back. "Let me take care of this. You and I both know you can't beat Jin. That was a lucky shot. Knowing Jin, he won't make that mistake again."

"I can fight, Sir!!" Dezhong anxiously wanted to display his power. "Please, let me he….."


While the two Gorillas were talking, Jin used his skill Dragon Walk and sped for Dezhong with a powerful kick. To his chest The teenager's wind was knocked out of his lungs as he was sent crushing through the debris and landing next to Kena and Abdul.

[Your rib cage has sustained four cracks at the sternum and three cracked individual ribs. Luckily, werewolves heal much faster.]

Dezhong remained on the ground while groaning in pain as he held his throbbing chest. As soon as he read the message from his system, he felt the pain in his chest slowly leave, giving him some time to recuperate.

"Dezhong. Are you alright?" Kena asked with her palms resting on the boy's chest. His eyes widened as his heart began beating much faster.


[Congratulations: Skill acquired.]

[Charging Heart: Allows the user's body to transform the faster his heart beats. Be warned as this skill possesses a major backlash. If it's used too long and too often, it can drain the energy out of you. The skill runs for one minute straight but the more its used and perfected, the longer its effects will last.]

[Charging Heart takes 10 energy points whenever it's used and it has a recharge period of thirty seconds.]

"Hey, Dezhong, are you alright?" Kena asked once more while shaking Dezhong so he'd snap out of the gaze state he was in.

"Yes, I'm fine." He replied as he slowly got up on his feet. His head was still dazed from the kick, so it took him a few seconds to regain his balance. "Your father needs help. I'm going to join him. If you can, call for reinforcements."

"Why?" Kena asked. "We didn't come for a fight. My father only wanted to help Jin and probably make peace with him."

"We're in Dragon territory." Dezhong replied. "If we don't act quick, many of the Dragon gang members will surround us and kill us without giving a second thought. I know I have no idea how gangsters worked but I've learned from my father how their wars always go down."

[Charging Heart Activated.]

[-10Energy Points.]

[Energy: 70/80]

As soon as Dezhong activated his charging heart skill, his body erupted with a new form of never felt before energy that was so great, he fell to the ground and nearly collapsed. Having never used such power before, Dezhong felt extremely light and energetic. In fact, he felt so light that he thought he was floating away from the ground beneath him.


[Your body's readjusting to the strength of charging heart. Any sudden and forced movements will cause your heart to erupt and kill you.]

'Noted!' He said while slowly standing on his feet. As he looked at Kong and Jin fight, Dezhong was amazed at how fast his eyes and body now was. To the ordinary eye, Jin and Kong were fighting at a very fast pace but Dezhong saw them moving in slow motion.

'Such power and speed. Is this…is this what'll happen if I fully master the power of a werewolf?


[Time's running out.]

Dezhong took in a few breaths and took one mighty leap towards Jin with his hands fisted.


A dust cloud caused by his sudden movement was left behind as he charged at Jin with intense speed. However, Dezhong found himself running past the two men fighting and crushed into a piece of the shattered jasmine flooring.


Without wasting any of the precious time he had left, Dezhong got up on his feet and leaped once more, only this time he made sure not to use too much energy.

'It worked.' He said while folding his fist and landing a blow on Jin's face one more time. The Dragon's leader fell to the ground once more and got stomped on by Kong. After, Kong held both of Jin's hands tightly and said, "Look, Jin, I didn't come here for a fight. I just wanted to see how I could help and bring peace to both our cities. There's no need for Desper and RedZone to fight with each other."

"You have two minutes to leave before I have my men kill you and do the unthinkable to your daughter and that little blonde bastard of yours." Jin angrily replied. "I swear to God, Kong. I will hunt you down myself if you don't let go of me."

"Oh really?" Kong shrugged. "Then what's stopping me from killing you right now."

"You'd be declaring war not only between our gangs, but also between our people and all of Desper."