

Jin and Kong glared angrily at each other for a good amount of time as both gang leaders tossed their minds about the possibilities of War that would break out after this short encounter they had.

Kong knew well that the Gorillas and Dragons would destroy each other and kill hundreds of innocent people in the process. While they, the Gorillas had crystal power, the Dragons had thousands of mutants on their side, thus evening out the odds of winning for both.

In the end, Kong made the decision to end Jin's life once and for all, since it would save him the trouble of having to deal with him and his dragons.

"DAD!! WATCH OUT." Kena warned as members of the Dragons surrounded them from all corners. Most of them who were mutants were ready with whatever power they had to end Kong, Jena, Dezhong, and Abdul, while the normal had their weapons ready in case anything happened to their leader.

"Choose your next move wisely, Kong." Jin muttered. "End my life and my people will have no choice but bring hell on you and Desper."



[Quest Failed]

[You've failed to defend your leader and are in no position to fight. Stand down, accept your defeat, and live to fight another day.]

Dezhong's hurt sunk after he lost the quest that would land him three instant level-ups. However, as he judged the odds of him at least making it out of RedZone alive, he had no choice but to stand down…that was if Kong had plans of his own.

"Sir, what should we do now?" He asked.

The leader of the Gorillas remained still while contemplating whether he should finish his enemy off or not. Yes, he was strong enough to fight about half of those surrounding him, but he also worried for his daughter, Abdul who was just being a coward, and Dezhong, the only one who tried getting involved.

"My intentions weren't to fight you now, Jin," Kong spoke after making his decision. "If you won't accept a peace treaty, then I won't force you. Remember, I will not keep this door open forever."

Kong quickly let go of Jin and exited RedZone together with those he came with. As he said himself, his intentions were not to start a war with Jin, but knowing the Dragon's leader well, he may as well have just declared an uncalled-for war with him.

"Abdul, what was that lousy display you showed back there." Kong diverted his attention to Abdul and questioned him heavily. "What if those people snuck up on my daughter? What would you have done to protect her? ANSWER ME, DAMN IT."

"I-I…."He stammered. "I'm sorry, sir." He hung his head down in shame and remained quiet during the whole trip back to the Gorilla's base.

"This isn't the first time you hesitated in front of the Dragons, Abdul," Kong added with disappointment clearly showing in his voice. "Don't forget, the last you hesitated, I lost someone very important to me. If I trust you with something or someone again and you fail, you will pay for it heavily, understand."

"Yes sir."


A few hours passed and the leader of the Gorillas landed at his base where many of his people waited with tasks for him to initiate, approve, and provide funding for so he quickly went back into his office and dealt with each one of them.

Meanwhile, Dezhong still remained in the armored vehicle and chose to rest for a short while. After all, using a powerful skill for the first time never goes well for any normal person and in his case, it was taking a drastic toll on his energy.

[-2 Energy points.]

[-2 Energy points.]

[-2 Energy points.]

Each passing minute took away two points of his energy and as much as he tried to relax, it only got worse.

'System, is this the backlash that comes with charging heart?' He asked himself.

[As useful as the charging heart skill is, its setback for first-time users or weaklings is drastic. If used recklessly, the host's energy will deplete and if it drops low enough, loss of consciousness or death may follow.]

"Death!!" Dezhong shouted out loud, causing both Abdul and Kena to wonder what just the heck was wrong with him.

"Is everything alright?" Kena asked. "You're sweating an awful lot you know."

"Oh. Don't worry about me." He replied. "I'm alright. I just need to head back home and rest."

"Yeah. You really should. It's almost sunset. Plus, your dad's nearly going to have his public address given to Desper so you better be home when he's done."

"How did you…."

"Don't worry. Like you, I have a very strict father so I understand what will happen if you're not home by the time he gets there." She whispered with a wink at the end.

"You're right. I have to get home." He replied while gathering the little strength he had left. "Take care, Kena. See you when I see you."

Dezhong slowly jogged away from the base and felt his strength returning to him. As he did, he re-read what his system said about using the Charging heart skill over and over again in order for him to get used to it. However, there was just one problem.


"If I used charging heart, I'll lose ten energy points, and what if my energy still keeps decreasing?" After giving it serious thought, Dezhong decided to run instead since it helped him increase his speed skills.

"It's too risky. Better for me to increase my own stats than gamble with something I have little knowledge to do."

Dezhong run past the streets of the Gorilla's side of town and made it to the Eastern side. Once there, he began to increase his speed but suddenly, a loud scream burst into his ears followed by hundreds of people running in his direction.

"BEAST!!!" One of the scared citizens screamed as he, followed by hundreds of others, ran carelessly. "EVERYONE RUN FOR YOUR LIVES. WE'VE GOT A BEAST ON THE LOOSE."

"A beast? Maybe I can…."

[Don't even think about it.] His system interrupted. [You are unable to fight in the current state you're in. Know where your strength ends and find a safe place to hide.]

"But…But I have to do something." Dezhong stubbornly replied.

"Step aside, citizen. We'll take care of this."