
Avian's Advent

Haruto, the story's protagonist had lived contentedly and had a long life ahead of him to look forward to but is one of many who perishes due to unforseen circumstances. He is then reincarnated as a monstrous bird! How will he survive and adapt to his new life? What will his future adventures as an avian in another world entail? Cover not mine.

Frostoon · ファンタジー
24 Chs

Meeting the new family

After getting that horrible experience over with, i look around in search for my fellow hatchlings or other kinds of bird but don't see any trace of them. What were all those bird noises i heard when i was still in the egg? Pretty sure i heard a crow sound then. I hear mama bird give a quick tweet before she gently grab hold of my body with her beak and take flight.


As i continue to scream and complain internally, outwards i was being as still as possible while taking in the scenery around me. I catch glimpses of a river nearby and other kinds of birds flying around. Even a bird coated in metal! Wow cool! Is what i would have thought if i was still calm. LEMME DOWNNNN!!!

After a short moment of flying which was already too much for me, we land onto a typical nest. Not too shabby. After calming down from that short adventure, the first thing that captures my attention is another big bird which i recognise as papa bird. Equally as big, if not, slightly larger than mama bird. With the normal 2 eyes instead of 4 and a single tail. Orange in colour, with flames bursting out occasionally from his wings. What i find very unusual is that he has 4 wings instead of 2. I see 2 hatchlings cuddled up against him sleeping peacefully as mama bird puts me down in front of the papa bird. He's a phoenix right? Or at least close to being one. All i know is that phoenixes are fire birds and he has both characteristics down. Can he resurrect too? That would be OP!

Oh right got to greet papa bird. I give him a cheerful greeting tweet before he kaws at me as a greeting and to join the rest of my siblings. All too happy to oblige, i slowly walked towards them with my new bird legs now that i had energy from eating. I've been wanting to do this ever since i saw how puffy they looked. Settling into a comfortable position against papa bird's fluffy feathers, i feel a soothing warmth coming from him before mama bird joins in the cuddling and i fall into a deep sleep...NO! Not yet! I have to sort out this odd situation i find myself in first!

I've read a few monster reincarnation novels but usually they start off with a deathmatch with their own siblings first or surviving in a dangerous environment filled with ferocious monsters. Thank god for not being put in that situation. I wouldn't be able to survive for more than 10 minutes without cowering in fear and hiding. Hopefully my bird parents won't kick me out of the nest once i grow up into adulthood. Maybe they will feed and provide for me for the rest of my bird life.

Maybe i have some cheat skill or special ability that can make my life easy! Eh wishful thinking, but i can dream right?How do i find out though? Umm...


...No? Umm how about...


Still not working? Don't tell me that i do not even have a status screen! There should be tutorials for these kinds of things come on! Ugh i will figure it out later.

Its kind of weird that i have 2 very different birds to the point that they contrast each other as my parents. Shouldn't they all be of the same type? I thought that papa bird would end up being an ice elemental bird like mama bird but he ended up being the opposite! How did that happen? Did they eat some elemental fruit to gain their elemental affinities or something? Does that mean i don't have an element? Or were they just born like this? This weird as heck. No point contemplating about it now, i'm sure i will find out eventually.

I'm a bit surprised at how calm i am at having been reborn as a bird in the middle of who knows where, in another world but i've always been especially good at adapting and humans are already good at it. But since i'm a bird i will probably have to learn how to fly which means being high up in the sky... I DON'T WANNA! BEING IN A PLANE WAS ALREADY A SCARY EXPERIENCE AND BEING UP HERE ON THIS TALL ASS TREE AIN'T HELPING ALL THAT MUCH! IT TOOK ALL I HAD TO ACT CALM BACK THEN! I DIED FROM PLANE CRASH DAMMIT! THIS IS WHY FLYING IS A BAD IDEA! HEIGHTS ARE BAD! I HAD TO FORCE MYSELF TO ACT COOL BACK THEN AND IT WAS EXHAUSTING AS HECK! I WAS TOO SCARED TO EVEN FALL ASLEEP DURING LONG FLIGHTS AND I END UP BEING EVEN MORE EXHAUSTED! HOW DO PEOPLE DO IT!? NOW I AM REBORN AS A FLIPPING BIRD? I guess its better than having to fight to survive as soon as i wake up but still!

I wonder how my family is doing back on Earth. Hopefully still good? I kinda miss them now... i miss my friends too. Wait. If i was reborn here after the plane crash my friends might have been reborn here too? In fact, everyone from the plane crash should have been reincarnated here. Huh. I still don't know enough about this world yet to even start searching for them though. How big is this world? Are there humans here too? Are there elves!? They usually live in forests right!? Ehehehe i wish for a female one to capture me one day and keep me as a pet! Then i can oogle her all day! Ehehehehehe please let that happen god! Nah just kidding that will probably be boring as heck after a day or two.

Haaaaaa.. Not much i can do about my current situation now i guess. Time to slip away into dreamland.