
Chapter 17

I took the girl in my arms quickly, the problem is that I felt a vampire attacking me from behind.

[Image of the girl]

I quickly rolled on the ground, but still the attack hurt me and left a scratch on my back, and now I'm bleeding.

Tsk, well, clutching the girl even tighter in my arms I prepared to run to the exit again, once I shot out, and killed a few newborns on the way, once I was a few meters away from the door, I managed to see how the 5 who weren't participating in this appeared in front of the door.

Damn bastards, there really is no other way out of this place, even though there are some windows, it's really not worth going out that way, so I decided to just make my way through taking as little damage as possible and taking advantage of them knowing the danger of the staff.

Squeezing my staff, I throw it as hard as I can in the direction of the vampire that was in the center of the door, once the vampire dodged it and the others got close to me to attack me, I took all the remaining needles in my sleeves and threw them forward.

Once they were out of the way, I poured as much solar energy as I could into my body, and accelerated like crazy towards the door, for obvious reasons I don't have time to open a door, so I just crashed into it and went through it, the girl was not hurt since I have her wrapped in my hood, and this same hood is poured with solar energy, so she should be fine, although with some nausea.

Once I was out of the place, I just kept running as far as possible and go to the temporary apartment I'm staying in, I need to grab as much supplies as possible I have, and go to an airport, before the Volturi arrive.

Although I'm tempted to ask the girl some questions, she must be too traumatized at this point, and with the speed I'm going it must be hard for her to listen to me.

Once I was in the building opposite the one I was temporarily staying in, I used the radar, and there were already vampires inside.

Tsk, I really need what's in that apartment, because I threw the cane, I don't have one, and the spare is in there, plus I'm out of needles.

Well, I'll just leave the child here for a moment, I can't fight properly with a child on my back.

Leaving the girl on the floor, with the hood covering her like a blanket, I whisper to her that I'll be back in a moment.

Jumping out the window that overlooked my apartment, I felt all the worry I felt for the girl vanish, and I just wanted to pledge my allegiance to the vampire in front of me.


Quickly the seal sent solar energy into my brain, giving me a refreshing feeling.

To my regret, by the time I was at my full capacity, I had a vampire claiming my neck.

"As usual, you are immune to my powers, well, I didn't expect you to be awake, Avatar."

"If you know what I am, why don't you just kill me already, you know how dangerous I am, especially to your kind."

"hmm, well, Aro wants to talk to you, besides, why don't you tell me how you woke up. From what we heard from the Romanian coven, they had made a deal with the witches to put you to sleep and lock you in a place no one would find. And we both know that a witches' spell is very hard to break, and even worse for someone asleep like you."

Mmm, so it was the witches, but then why weren't the chains spellbound.

Tsk, let's not think about that now, I have something more important to solve right now.

I use a large amount of solar energy in the seal, so I can shoot a beam, like the one that helped me get out of the cave, I know Chelsea must have been prepared for something like that, but it was really just a distraction.

Once the beam was fired, I grabbed the arm that was squeezing my neck, and leaned forward to turn it around.

Once the vampire was on the ground, I grabbed a cane that was hanging on the wall and a set of needles on a piece of furniture and jumped out the window again. Although I want to kill her both, I don't have time to play.

Once I got to where I left the girl, I grabbed her again and ran back as fast as I could.

If Chelsea was here, they must have known she wanted her "feast" to not happen.

Haa... I don't have time to keep thinking about this, right now I must ensure the girl's safety and my own.While I was running through the forest, I managed to feel how a group of vampires were following me, how they know my position could be because of many things, but the first one that comes to my mind is my blood. I really don't have time to fight, if I stay too long with them, more will come in a short time.

Since I decided not to fight the vampires that were following me, I poured more solar energy back into my body and accelerated as much as possible.

---a few hours---

Well, now I'm deep in a forest, and slowly starting to see the sunlight again.

It's been a while since they stopped following me, but still it's not safe, there are vampires in all the nearby towns, so it's not safe.

About the girl... she fell asleep. I won't judge her, if she went through that massacre for the first time, the first thing she would do when she survived is to rest, the problem will be the nightmares the girl has, seeing your whole family die by beings that only existed in fairy tales must be traumatic.

After a few more hours, and finding a road on which to walk quietly, I feel the girl in my arm squirm a little.

"You woke up." I feel her freeze for a few seconds.


"she's dead!"



"eyeyeyey, don't cry, if you keep going, those guys are going to come here."



.... Oh god, have mercy on me.


N.T.: if no one else votes, then the winner will be Jane...now the problem is if I age her a bit, or make the MC feel physically attracted to a 15 year old body.... if I put it that way it sounds so bad.

And, I don't have a name for the girl, you can tell I'm not very original with names, you can tell by the name of the MC.

oh yeah, the Volturi are supposed to be around 17 members, let's make it more hehe. so give me ideas of powers that Aro would recruit.