
Avalon the last order

a story about a boy and a girl named avon and sara they lived peacefully in a peaceful village one day out of nowhere a massive attack against the village by the nonhumans or what they call them creatures avon and sara survived after witnessing a massacre against his family and people now its his time to take revenge in the name of humanity and to make it clear to all the nonhumans that the humans are the dominant one

TheTactical · ファンタジー
7 Chs


Days has based since Avon and arcadius met Minerva

Avon was checking on the girls while arcadius was checking the outside

Minerva was sitting beside the fire warming her hands

She looked at him while he was checking she asked ... [ A-are they ...okey ?? ]

Avon : [ yeah ... They will live , not sure how many times gonna bass till they wake ]

He looked at her she was looking at them worried

Avon : [ you worry ?? No ?? Hey don't worry about them ... They will wake ... Soon ]

Minerva : [ its not like that ..... ]

Avon : [ then what is it ?? , you can tell me its ok ]

Minerva : [ its .... Its .... About when they ... Wake up ]

He looked down and then looked at his sister while checking her temperature

Avon : [ dont worry ... They will understand .. ]

Minerva : [ what if they don't ? ... What next ? ]

Avon : [ they will !!!! ... I will make them !!!! , you got nothing to worry about ]

She felt comfort and went to sleep .... It was the morning yet she is one of those creatures of the dark ..



Meanwhile outside the cave arcadius was exploring the mountains

He climbed the tallest mountain in the area to see the surrounding area

He climbed step by step while his heart was thumbing hard ...

This was his very first time climbing without the help of anyone

He got tired while climbing with all these equipment he was planning to reach some point at the mountain and stopped to rest for a short time

When he reached the point he was taking his breath heavy he stopped for a moment And looked behind him as there was a dead rock giant...

he looked at the giant body as multiple big red holes can be seen arcadius looked closely as he noticed something weird about the holes ...

He noticed that the rock around the holes looks weird as if something melt through it ...

Arcadius looked up to see how much left

Then he continue to climb ..

After 30 minutes of climbing he reached to the edge of one of the points

he throw the equipment into the point

And stood for a moment to take his breath ...

Then he continue once he reached the edge he lay on the ground as he taking heavy breath

He stood sit And looked down to see how much he climbed and then looked up to see how much left for him to climb




Meanwhile in the cave Avon was sheathing the blades

Sara was moving a lot .... Minerva noticed her she jumps to check on her

Avon didnt notice either .. He was lost in thoughts

Minerva reached her she checked her temper ... she was normal

Sara start opening her eyes only to see a blurry image of a beautiful young girl white soft skin .... Shining gold hair ... Glowing blue eyes ....

A perfect resemble of her old sister

She start hearing things like echos but wasn't clear to catch up ..

She finally start seeing clearly she saw Minerva

Sara touched her cheeks

She said swiftly: [ your face .... so beautiful .... ]

Minerva touched her hands as she start calling Avon

Avon looked at them wide open with a smile he was happy to see her finally wake

He rushed there And helped her to Get up

Avon said calmly : [ easy ... Easy ]

Sara in tired voice : [ w-where ... W-what happened ]

Avon : [ you fell in deep sleep after the juice ]

Sara : [ the j-juice ?? Oh ..... Yeah .. That juice ...]

Soon after Sara woke up vernara start waking up too but in her situation she seemed weirdly fine

She got up and start stretching up

Avon and Sara looked at her in confused way

They looked at each other then Avon said while vernara was stretching

Avon : [ need any help ?? ]

Vernara : [ no thanks ... I guess I am fine ]

Minerva however she looked at her as she felt something off about her

Vernara looked at Minerva right in her eyes , vernara eyes was wide open and her Face was serious

She said in serious voice : [ tell me Avon .... Who's the girl ?? ]



Meanwhile in the mountain .. Arcadius finished from his tea and looked up to see how much left ...

He checked for wind terrain to see if there is any storm coming

The weather seemed fine a little windy but no storm coming

The point he was sitting on was clear and warm so he decide to keep his equipment there And to climb without them

He only took water and bandages

He start climbing fast ... Too fast without his equipment

He nearly reached the top ... But he slipped and cut his wrists ... It was a deep cut and he was bleeding so much

But he didnt feel the pain almost at all he was Also surprised by the fact he barely felt anything ..

He reached it ...

He went over the edge rolling ... He looked around .. It was empty and the view was .... Outstanding

He looked around ..... Behind him were the body's of the giant rock on his right was nothing but empty spaces

On his left he was able to see the ocean or the edge of it anyway

But he found something .... And a big smile on his face was seen

He said to himself : [ found it ... ]



Meanwhile in the cave vernara ams Sara were I'm the edge because they had feeling that this unknown girl is .... Mysterious

Vernara : [ SO AVON !!!!!! WHOS THE GIRL !!!!??? ]

she closed her fist and serious face with wide eyes looking at the for

Sara had a weird feeling as well as she start walking back to vernara

Avon is still at the back without answering

Minerva got nervous ...

She said : [ I-I ..... M.... My .... Na-name .... I-is ... ]

Vernara said : [ I asked him .... Not you be a good girl and STAY QUITE!!!!.... So I won't repeat my self Who .... Is ... The .... Girl ..... Avon ?? ]

Sara touched her shoulder and told her in soft voice : [ its fine ver let's hear her out ...please tell us your name ]

In her mind : { Avon is seems to be bothered by something at the moment .. I hope I can help by anyway possible }

Minerva : [ m-my name I-is ..... Minerva .... A .... And I am ..... A ( "she looked at Avon in hope he help her" ) a succubus .... A-Avon sav..... ]

Sara was shocked and her hand start shaking as if she remembered something

and vernara eyes filled with hatred

Vernara in serious voice : [ a "SUCCUBUS" you say ??? How amusing ... After so long ...]

She looked at Avon and said

: [ I will deal with you later Avon right now .... I want to taste the blood of a succubi ]

Vernara Picked her Axe and throw the double blade to Sara

Sara catches them

Vernara : [ after we done here I want a have a toast with you dear Sara .... ]

Vernara start approaching her with hatred in her eyes

She draw the Axe high and was about to land her Axe

Minerva was scared she wanted to protect herself but she thought Avon would be sad that I killed one of his companion

When she was about to land he Axe to Minerva Avon pushed her away while he was drawing the blade he was shathing ...

Minerva fell to the ground ... And Avon blocked her Axe attack with the blade

Vernara with her eyes full of hatred and Avon with his eyes empty like a body with no soul

Vernara was pushing he Axe and said : [ YOU !!!!! DID YOU FORGOT WHO IS WITH YOU ?? .... OR DID THIS SUCCUBI MISSED WITH YOYR HEAD ?? .. ]

Avon moved to the side and took his blade away so fast

Vernara hit the Axe to the ground and made a small hole ...

Avon then punched her in the face ... Made her fell to the ground

Avon said : [ she .... She is not our enemy .... And you have no right to decide who die and who live ... ]

She looked at him furious taking heavy breath ... She got up and she was ready to charge again

Avon looked at her with his empty lifless eyes

Then Sara step in and shouted : [ both of you stop !!!!! This isn't the time for this .. ]

Vernara furiously screamed and throw her Axe to the wall

Minerva stood up behind Avon

Sara looked at them as she was confused as well



Then arcadius arrived as he was happy to share his new Intel

He looked at everyone as the air was filled with hatred

He looked at them and said : [ did I miss something ?? ]

Avon : [ not much ... They just woke up ]

Arcadius : [ I can see .... Anyway you already know Minerva right ... She is sweet girl you will like her ... ]

Vernara : [ did she miss with your brain too ?? ]

Arcadius : [ w-what?? ]

Sara : [ ver please cut it off .. Let us understand first then we act ]

Arcadius looked at Avon and Avon pointed to his mouth as to shut it

Arcadius understood the assignment And stood back without saying anything

Sara steps on and asked Avon

Sara : [ can you please explain to us brother .. Why should we keep this creature with us ??? Knowing what her race done to us ??!!! , we are all ears ... ]

Avon : [ first thing dear sister this .."creature" has a name and her name is Minerva .... She is no succubi ... She is a normal person stuck in a curse ... A curse that I will find a cure to it .. ]

Sara she she heard her name again he hand start twitching a little bit

Sara : [ normal ?? .. W-What curse ???? ]

Avon : [ she used to be a normal girl a farm girl .... It happened 3000 years ago the succubus swarmed their village and the surrounding area killing and sucking the life out of everyone ... ]

vernara start to clam a bit and she was hearing him closely as she also curious

Avon : [ the succubus swarm attacks started 3500 years ago I don't know the details exactly but that what Minerva told me anyway and from what I read and heard .... Humans stood and fought them back defeating them so many times but the succubus back then are different from this time ... ]

Vernara : [ what do you mean different ? ]

Avon : [ 3500 years ago all what they cared about is to kill as much humans as they can and to ensure their existence but they never thought that humans will fight back or do them any harm as they were using their beauty as their main weapons ... Back to the subject the humans killed so many of them so much that they had almost no one left ... ]

Arcadius : [ interesting so humanity knew how to kill them all the way back 3500 years ago .. I am amused not gonna lie ]

Avon : [ in the end one of then stepped up and called herself the Queen as she was the only survivor knowledgeable of human ... She start hunting humans and doing unspeakable things to them and to be exact to my words the female humans ...!!! ]

Vernara : [ why ?? Both male and female has the same amount of life source what's so special about us to them ?? ]

Arcadius : [ its not about the amount of the life source ... Its about the host itself ... ]

Vernara : [ w-what ??!!!! ]

Sara : [ you don't say ..... ]

Avon : [ they needed numbers so they hunted female human alive And did the unspeakable to them over and over until they finally show some pleasure once they do .... They turn them ... This who turned are consumed by pleasure and blood ... But few of them had a full control to their body , emotions and minds ... Just like our master ... And just like Minerva ]

Sara : [ you said something about the Queen being the only survivor that mean ... If she dies... ]

arcadius : [ all of them either die or turn back to normal ]

Arcadius : [ I don't know why I doubt they would be cured especially when their blood is just infected with demonic cells and their mind mostly lost I believe death would be more merciful then curing them .... After all these years doing the unspeakable being cured all of sudden with all these memories I don't know who have the ability to get hold of themselves after they start remembering what they have done ]

Avon : [ worst case that they already know what they have done but couldn't control themselves due to the pleasure ... ]

Vernara : [ but what about Minerva ... She seems normal ... She want to live like normal human after all .]

Minerva : [ thats correct but I can't Deny that things that I have done In my part , I don't feel ashamed but more like guilty .... Mother wanted to help Me ... But sadly nothing can cure a converted succubi ... As arcadius said death is more merciful then being cured ... ]

Arcadius : [ I was just stating a fact but you shouldn't take what I say seriously ... You also deserve to live happy ]

Sara : [ he's right you know ... Deep inside you just human ... That what matters the most ]

Minerva : [ I will think about that ... Thank you all ]

Avon looked at her with his empty eyes

Vernara : [ back to the subject , you said she is the only survivor ?? You mean from the original attack ?? ]

Avon : [ correct ... The humans eliminated almost all of them ... There are few original survivers but the rest are normal humans consumed by their pleasure instinct ]

Arcadius : [ I bet the Queen will never show herself knowing the danger she is on ]

Sara : [ I feel like there is more to the story then we already know ... It feels like .... There is something .... Missing something crucial ]

Avon : [ I want to know as well but to do so we have to begin our journey and in our way we will seek the answers we want and maybe .... We will be the one who Helen wished us to be ... ]

Vernara : [ even if we started this journey .. Its been 20 years since the attack and we don't even know if our kingdoms survived ... ]

Arcadius : [ my father kingdom is from the east coast to the north coast covering most of the dark forest to the sea ... It was far from the attack so I doubt they reached them ... But I believe my father is the one who died not the kingdom ]

Avon : [ because he tried to rescue the village yes ?? ]

Arcadius : [ correct ]

Sara : [ as for us our father had most of the land in the mountains , the forest , the sea and few of the endel lands it was too far from the village but I have the same guess I don't think father survived ]

Avon : [ even if he survived I don't think we meant anything to him to begin with .. ]

Sara : [ Avon ...!!! Don't say that ... You don't know maybe he did care for us ]

Avon : [ really now !!!??? Our dear father living in the royal palace surrounded by his royal knights inside his city with massive walls care for us ?? Open you eyes sister if he really cared for us he would've let us lived inside that palace instead of the village ]

Sara : [ maybe he thought the village was more safe then the palace since its too far from endel and all other aspect ]

Avon : [ and tell me dear sister ... Was the village safe ?? ]

Sara looked at the ground

Sara : [ N-No ..]

Avon : [ was the village been saved ?? ]

Sara : [ it wasn't ... But still he is our father and we should respect that ]

Avon : [ no .... No I won't ... He wasn't there for us ... He never were I hardly remember what he looked like .... But mother .... Big sister they are the one who were there for us .... They are the one who protected us ... And where are they now Sara ??? Tell me what happened to them sister ?? Do you think he would've care to hear that ?? ]

Sara : [ I - I do not know ... ]

Avon : [ neither do I ]

Vernara : [ how about we calm ourselves down for a bit I understand how things happened .... We still need to understand what really happened 20 years ago all what we know is there was a swarm of monsters attacking the village .... ]

Arcadius : [ ... they said that they were attacking from the sky as well .... ]

Sara : [ .... No army has ever reached us nor the guards .... ]

Avon : [ .... They attacked everything inside and outside the village leaving no place to take shelter .... ]

Arcadius : [ what if the nearby kingdoms knew and went to help us but they never reached us .... ]

Vernara : [ as if something blocked their path right ? ]

Arcadius : [ correct ... And we have to go there maybe we will understand better if we see it in our own eyes ]

Avon : [ thats right since you went up there to look for something tell us what you find ]

Sara : [ you went up ??? ... To the mountains ?? ]

Vernara : [ since when you know how to climb shorty ?? ]

Arcadius : [ since today ... Anyway long story short I went up climbing to see the nearby area in hope to see some towns or villages in my way up I saw our .... giant friends ... Destroyed .... There was holes inside their body's it was like something melted through them ... When I reached the top I saw the area there is a nearby village to the north and south area and I believe I saw the oceans in the east area ... Thats all ]

Avon : [ arcadius you told us your kingdom ruled the sea right ?? Then thats your way home I believe and for the rest of us we will go to the nearby village to seek more information our top priority is to reach our old village there's some stuff I need to get from there ]

Arcadius : [ one last thing dear brother ... ]

Avon : [ what I it ?? ]

Arcadius : [ I am not going to my home town ... Not yet anyway ... ]

Avon : [ what ?? ]

Sara [ why ?? Its your home isn't ?? ]

Arcadius : [ yes .... But you are my family too .. I can't leave you knowing you are going to our old home ...and if somehow you find home that means its my home as well ]

Avon : [ as you wish brother .. ]

Vernara : [ OK I am get ready Sara give me a hand to back our stuff ]

Sara : [ coming ... ]

They started to get ready as Avon and arcadius were discussing some matters on their next journey Minerva went out to look at the area

She was there standing in the gate with air flowing around her she was looking at the sky as she seeing as if it was first time looming at it

Avon saw her but didnt want to interfere same with arcadius

After 3 hours of preparing they saw if they were kissing something And went on to their journey

They saw a path .. A stairway in perfect shape going down they looked surprised and looked at arcadius because he didnt tell them

Arcadius : [ don't look at me I didnt see this in my way up ]

Avon : [ sure .... ]

Arcadius : [ hey ... W-why don't you believe me I am telling the truth here damn it ]

They kept going down until the girls got tired so they rest for a short time and continue going down on their way down they saw the giant rock lying on the mountain ... Lifeless

Sara : [ thank you ... For protecting us ]

She throw some flowers and the flowers start flying with the Air path

When they finally reached the bottom they saw a beautiful flowers and tree as they last time saw it was 15 years ago

They were amazed from the view and continue their path until they saw a road they looked both ways and decided to take the right one

On their way they saw a remaining of what it was an armored convoy to some nearby kingdoms

The body's still their and their skeleton showing up with their damaged armor

Avon took a closer look and it was belonging to a human knight he looked for an amulet or something to see where they from but none of the solders were wearing any

They looked inside the cart they saw 3 skeleton without a head in a fancy dress Sara felt sorry for then

Vernara got close and searched for anything she noticed their clothes torn apart but the heads are nowhere to be seen and she saw 2 amulet

One blue and other is green she called for Avon

Avon : [ what did you find ? ]

Vernara show him the amulet , Avon held the green amulet and show it to Sara they looked at each other in sadness as if they knew who this amulet belonged to ...

The solders body's armor were either torn apart or into half as most of the body's didnt have any head

Arcadius called them not far : [ hey I found where they took their heads ]

Everyone rushed there to see and they saw countless amount of skeleton skulls penetrated through spears on both sides making a path And in the middle a pyramid of human skulls

The one on the spears were solders since their helmet still on and on the top of human skull pyramid is 2 skull with hair still on one is beautiful blonde and the other one was red

Avon and Sara recognized immediately the blonde one as he held her amulet in his hand

He walked slowly to the pyramid and start to take the skull one by one placing them gently on the ground

Minerva was shocked as she tried to go to help him but arcadius stopped her

He said quality : [ let him be ... See that blonde one .... Thats his auntie ... Its better leaving him alone ]

They stood there watching as Sara goes there to help

They placed every skull gently on the ground until they finally reached the blonde one Avon held her head and looked at her as he start remembering how her face used to look like

As he remembered her smile .... The very last time she smiled ....

Sara start tearing up a little

Avon placed the blonde skull gently on ground and took out something out of the bag

He start cleaning Sara tear as he looked her in the eye and told her : [ no more tears ... OK dear ? Never again ]

Avon took the blonde skull and Reached the cart he placed the skull inside alongside everyone else it took them 5 hours doing this And it was about nightfall

He set a fire into the cart ..

Minerva : [ w-why would you do that ?? ]

Avon : [ even tho they died long time ago she still a very important person in my family as for the solders they were brave enough to protect them some ran away but rest of then stood their ground ... Fought till they very last ]

Vernara and arcadius sat up the camp for tonight not far from the cart

They slept inside only Minerva still awake Sara woke up as she was thirsty she saw Minerva awake

Sara : [ not sleepy I see ?? ]

Minerva : [ this is my very first night outside the cave ]

Sara : [ I bet its beautiful right ... To be out here in the breeze of the cold air and clean sky .. With all the quite around us ]

Minerva : [ I honestly can't tell if its beautiful or not ... ]

Sara : [ why though ?? ]

Minerva :[ didnt you see back there the amount of body's ?? Left there to root all these years nobody came ... Nature didnt clean them either as if they were left there to be remembered for all those who didn't came to aid them ... And I assume you and Avon knew that blonde one ?? ]

Sara : [ that is correct ... She used to be someone from our family last time we saw her was 2 days before the Attack even though she left too early yet she didnt make it thus far ... But there is nothing to be sad about dear Minerva what happened has happened we can't do much in these time , but what we can do is doing the right thing and it is making them rest well ]

Minerva : [ my kind is truly disgusting ]

Sara : [ your kind ?? "Chuckles" no dear you are still human from the inside here "she put her hand on her heart" never forget that ]

Minerva : [ then can you tell me what beautiful is ?? ]

Sara : [ beautiful isn't something that can be describe it is something you feel it like nature for example we attached to nature beauty because the beauty doesn't simply disappear its just always beautiful like the stars the rain the sea the sunrise all you need to do is let all your burdens aside and feel the feeling of freedom this is what beauty mean ]

Sara drink water And gave some to Minerva she said : [ I am found to bed tomorrow we might reach the village get some rest dear ]

Minerva went to sleep right after Sara

In the next day they woke up and the weather was clean and foggy they backed their stuff and went on their path

They saw a lot of stuff around the roads clothes , carts , food , dead animals and so on

It didn't look good after a while of walking they start seeing the outskirts of the village but it seems the buildings are mostly destroyed ....

They didnt look surprised rather a bit tired

They continue the path to the village as the sides of the roads was filled with dead skeletons and so many stuff and then they reached the village wall

It was mostly burned down

They went inside the village

The building inside the village was either destroyed or burnt the road was filled with destruction so many skeletons so many dead animals so many stuff left behind unused

Arcadius : [ I was wondering why the bandits never came here to loot this place or any other places who got attacked ]

Vernara : [ I believe they were scared that the monsters or non humans still roaming these places ]

Avon : [ or maybe they all died ]

Arcadius : [ yeah .... Good point there ]

They continued walking thought the ruins village as they were walking and looking around Sara saw a small skeleton holding a teddy bait in his hand she was surprised that this little skeleton still holding to this ...

She took the teddy bait and looked at its name the little one named it garbit she looked at the small skeleton and said gently : [ what a beautiful name ]

Avon was looking at her from afar as he felt sorry

They continued their path until they got out of the village and in the main gate there was so many skeletons wearing armor And they saw so many other nonhuman creatures all around the area they resembled the succubus

They continue on the path and before the villige view gone only Avon who looked behind at the village he said quality : [ my apologize to you all I wasn't big enough nor was i strong to save you but your right will be forever not forgotten and someday I will bring it to you ]

They continue the path until they saw a sign and one of them leading to the royal village they got a little excited to finally go to the place they once called home

But not really since that so long home is forever lost ....

It was a nightfall they sat the camp on beside the river side and they took path on the water arcadius and Avon went first and they start discussing something

Arcadius : [ tell me brother ... What will you do there ?? The village I mean ?? ]

Avon : [ there's necklace belonged to my family for many generation its been told its the oldest one and mother told me she will give it to me someday in the future ]

Arcadius : [ so this necklace ... What's use for you anyway ?? ]

Avon : [ I have a feeling that my father kingdom still alive but with different rulers I will take the necklace and take my right to the throne and maybe restore the old order too off course all this after I bury my family ]

Arcadius : [ old order ?? As you mean theeee order ??!!!!]

Avon : [ yes long time ago before my great grandfather there was the original rulers of humankind they created this order in order to serve human and unite them as one they didnt have name so they go by the name of the order empire my family the von astratus was one of them ... ]

Arcadius: [ what was their objective?? And what happened next ?? ]

Avon : [ the order empire objective was simply to serve humanity if anything other then human attack humans all the order will attack them as one and it serve great deal in economy and protection and what happened to them its complicated ... ]

Arcadius : [ go on I am all ears ]

Avon : [ there is legendary swords the tails said that these blades forged by great blacksmith using exotic material of falling star an unbreakable blades forged for the order empire rulers he also created something to break the blade too ... ]

Arcadius : [ why did he create that ]

Avon : [ simple because the order empire loyalty and oath was in the blades if someone dies with anyone to inherit it they used this mechanism to break it and there is other occasion you can break it if one of the rulers felt threatened and scared for his empire or kingdom by getting destroyed they simply break the oath and loyalty to the order by breaking the blade using the mechanism ]

Arcadius : [ is there any blade left ?? ]

Avon : [ yes ... Yes there is , the first time the order was created there was 9 rulers of humankind when the demon and all nonhuman unite against humanity 6 rulers stood up and break their blades only 3 didnt do it ... ]

Arcadius : [ 3 kingdoms against all demons , devils and non humans what a brave souls they were , you know who they were ? ]

Avon : [ the arcadians , bluezenguardians AMD the von astratus ]

Arcadius : [ m-my family ... No way you pulling my legs here dude .. ]

Avon : [ I would never do that .. And you will see it to yourself one day ]

Arcadius : [ beside the jokes where did you learn all that brother ?? ]

Avon : [ back in the cave one if the books was ancient between Helen collection she let me read one if them so I picked the order empire history it was interesting one too you know ]

Arcadius : [ haha yeah I hope I read more about these but you know I had to train more on my skills and fighting skills ]

Avon : [ yeah you never disappoint haha anyway let's finish fast the girls want to take this river too you know ]

Arcadius : [ sure sure Iam sure its going to be spicy over here hahaha ]

Avon : [ hey no peaking or you know what why the hell not hahaha ]

Arcadius : [ hell yeah brother thats what i am talking about ..., anyway tomorrow I am gonna invite you to tea party in my old backyard ]

Avon : [ sure why not tomorrow it is then haha ]

Chapter 5 : ruins

Chaoter 6 : a place that I used to call home

its long one but its for better because I didnt want to make it multiple parts on 1 chapter so I put it all here in future chapter there might be 10k words in one chapter haha I hope you all enjoy and don't forget to get some snacks and something to drink too enjoy

TheTacticalcreators' thoughts