
Avalon the last order

a story about a boy and a girl named avon and sara they lived peacefully in a peaceful village one day out of nowhere a massive attack against the village by the nonhumans or what they call them creatures avon and sara survived after witnessing a massacre against his family and people now its his time to take revenge in the name of humanity and to make it clear to all the nonhumans that the humans are the dominant one

TheTactical · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The Journey

After Helen left the cave Avon stayed and watched his brother and sister for hours and hours

As he was waiting he was also thinking about Helens last words { become a king and restore the honor of humankind ... Only u you have the ability to do that ..... , as for the others .... I am afraid they won't hold it too long at least for her ... }

Avon looked at them while thinking

In his thoughts { what does she mean "they won't hold it too long" as if they can't contain their .... Tr.... }

A huge thud at the wall was been heard

Avon looked back in shock and stood up .. He was about to go to pick a weapon but he could feel something was .... Off

He got close to the wall and start listening closely as he hears ... Someone was crying and scratching the wall

He tried to listen more he thought he could at least hear her talk ..... But that wasn't the case ...

He stayed beside the wall for brief of moment and then he hears someone talking

Unkown voice while cracking : [ I .... I am sorry .... Mother .... I am sorry .... Please don't be mad at me ... ( takes heavy breath ) .... Please ... ]

Avon remembered Helen words to execute her { one last thing dear .... That wall is an illusionade by me once I di..... Gone!!! It will disappear and you will find her ... My daughter ... My flesh and blood .... My sweet violet .... I want you to kill her .... Please ... I don't want her to see this ugly world ... And she can't be cured either .... Please put her at peace .... You may be careful dear you may see some unpleasant things inside ... }

Avon wants to do Helen last wish but she he heard her talking .... He felt different

He looked at his sister Sara while she is sleeping and he thought "what if she was in her place !!!!?? Would I kill my own sister too ??? Without trying to find something to help her anything ?? , there must be another way , it has to"

He go back and checked on them and he brought a blanket And cover them up

He brought the fluffiest blanket he find and brought them together as he put the blanket on them he checked for his sister temperature to see if she is cold or sick

He crouched and put his hands on her head .... She was normal

After he cover them up he looked back at the wall as he can almost see the other side clearly as he knew Helen ..... Is almost gone

He goes to the tool table and brought a stick he broke it to half and brought a rope and put it around the stick he made and made sure to make the rope wide as he can so he can grab her nick

He brought another stick and used some white material `glue` to stick it up together he created the material by using salt from something called the graze stone and melted spider web

After he successfully made it he prepared himself to attack but he saw something ...

The wall was almost gone and then the wall re appeared he was confused for a moment but then ....

The wall was destroyed To small pieces like glass

Avon was prepared for what's coming next ...

He hears her cry ..... He felt her agony ..... He felt her sadness

As she was saying while her voice cracking : [ answer me ..... W..why am I here ?? .... Why !!!?? .... What did I do to deserve this ..... Tell me ..... Mother !!!! Do you feel something .....Anything ?? ] she continue to cry ...

Avon approached slowly ....

He enters the wall ....

He looked around he saw blood everywhere ...

He go to the blood trail set on his knee and touched the blood ...

It was warm ... And fresh

In his thoughts {this is new !!}

For a moment the blood looked delicious to him but he didn't forgot .... What he is

He got up and his face was full serious ... He was ready not just to capture her .... His very first succubus ... But to earn the honor to kill her as he promised

He start moving towards the voice

And the crying was getting louder .... And louder ....

While he moving slowly he start seeing more then one blood trail ... But those aren't new !!!

Thanks to his power of succubus knowledge he got from Helens blood he knew exactly how old this blood. .. Either new or old ..... Same goes to the bones

In his thoughts : {this .... Blood !!!! Is 300 ... years ... Thats impossible !!! }

He looked around to find something but all he finds is blood leads to more blood

But he saw something white inedge of the corner he goes there to investigate

He came slowly ... Once he approach he stopped

Then as quickly as possible he moved while pointing the stick .... He was shocked from what he saw .....

He saw lots ... Of lots .... Of lots .... Of human bones

He wasn't scared nor confused but shocked

He start counting them .... They were all human males their age goes between 15 - 40 , there was 30 maybe less human body

The skin and the flesh of the body still exist but he noticed their neck was completely bloody same as their stomach as if something shredded them from the .... Inside

The last victim came to this cave was 300 years ago a young boy ....

Hr noticed the young boy body and goes there ... He touched his head ..... And he saw ..... He saw it all !!!!!

The torture ..... The extrem things they did to him .....

Avon got angry And shocked from his ability to see people memories

He start tearing up .... He felt the pain that this boy goes through he got up without looking back or anything

But before he leaves he looked down at the boy and said [ I am sorry ..... I promise I won't let this happen again !!! ]

He start walking fast towards the crying noice

He saw something from a far on ground with wings and cover her face

He knew ... He start walking so fast and prepared himself to hit her ...

But then she raise her face .... Avon suddenly stopes ....

Avon looked at her .... She .. Was looking at him crying

She said : [ please .... Whoever you are ..... End it ... I know ... .... I know everything .... And I am sorry for it.... But I have to .... That what they said I have to .... To do it ..... To survive they said ] she continue crying

Avon stood there looked at her with his eyes wide open

He saw her face she was .... Young .... Too young to be one of them .... Her hands was covered with blood as he noticed she tried to do something to herself ...

He looked at her stomach it was all scratches .... And whatever hurt her it was recently but her regeneration power is stronger

She looked at him and begged him with her voice cracking .. [ end it .... Please .... I don't want to live like this anymore ]

He prepared himself to finish her off as he put the stick aside and pulled his blade

Helen voice in Avon mind {remember dear our weakness is not our throat nor our naked body ... But rather it is something exist in this world as source of material ... ]

Arcadius : [ what is it ?? ]

Helen : [ pure iron !!!! , one hit and it can burn the skin and the flesh of any succubus once you hit them in that area they won't regenerate for almost a year ... Thats how powerful than iron is ]

Avon pulled his blade which made from pure iron

The young girl looked at his blade and she knew what it made of she closed her eyes and bowed to show him her Neck so he can cut it clean without being hurt

He prepared .... He raised his blade and was about to cut her head off...

but then he hears her whispers [ I AM sorry .... Dear big sister !!!! ]

Avon stops tight before the blade touch her skin as he start to tear up

He said in low voice : [ big ..... Sister !!!! ]

Avon lowers his blade and put it back inside the cover

She looked and said : [ is .... Is it over ?? ]

Avon replied : [ no !! Its not ... ]

She Start questioning him with her angry sad voice : [ why?? Why won't you end it ?? You have a golden chance to earn your very first kill ... Yeah I know who you are Avon I heard you and saw you all these years behind this wall I know everything about you ]

Avon : [ then I believe you know why I won't kill you ]

Young succubus girl : [ can you enlighten me ?? ]

Avon : [ because we are the same ... ]

Young succubus girl : [ the same ??? We are nothing alike .... what do yoy know of me ?? Why should I live in this world who took everything from me ?? Made me like this ... Did you know what they did to me ... ]

Avon in angry voice : [ YES !!!!! I KNOW ... If may I ask .... You said ... Big sister ?? You had one don't you ?? Can I ask you how is she like ?? ]

Young succubus girl : [ she was beautiful , kind , honest , always looked after me whenever I was whatever the situation was I was wrong or right she always stood beside me ... She protected us .. ]

Avon : [ you said you know everything as if you what you become of right ?? What you done to these people ?? ]

Young succubus girl : [ why do you ask such question ?? You here to end me so end it why do you ..... ]

Avon : [ they told you its for survival matters right ?? You have to do this to survive but you didnt know did you ... What you done .... You just did what they told you to do ]

Young succubus girl : [ I had to it ... They said I was not human anymore ... So why you ask when you can ... ]

Avon : [ but in my eyes ... You still a human !!! ]

She opened her eyes wide as she was shocked fr what she heard

Avon continue : [ when I drinked your mother blood we thought it was some delicious juice but no it wasn't ( "he came close to her and set beside her" ) we are the same because I am a succubusyb my self ... Well half of it anyway ]

young succubus girl : [ I can't live without doing it to someone and you know that ]

Avon : [ not true at all .... Do you know last time you did it ?? ]

Young succubus girl : [ I can't remember .. A year ... 2 years or so !!?]

Avon : [ 300 years .... thats the last time you did it .. I believe you didnt go there in that part of the cave because you didnt want to see them ... The one you killed ]

Young succubus girl : [ I didnt kill them .. I ... I have to ... ]

Avon looked at her with clam face and small smile : [ I know .... I know ... And I don't blame you for it ... Do you remember your name ?? ]

Young succubus girl : [ yes ... It been a long time since I said it ... It will be hard .. ]

Avon : [ take your time ... I am not in a hurry ]

Young succubus girl : [ wh..... What about your journey ?? ]

Avon : [ it can wait ... I wish to hear your name ]

Young succubus girl : [ m....my name is m.. Minerva .. ]

Avon looked in shock and start tearing a little as he looked at her his vision a little bit blush but he start seeing figure of his big sister on her face

As if she got reincarnated in a form of a succubus

He stood on his knees and got close to her he hugged her

He felt something similar so much similar ...

Minerva : [ a...are you okey .. Avon ?? ]

Avon : [ yes .... Never been better .... You know you lol like someone I used to know long time ago ... ]

Minerva : [ and how do I look like ? ]

Avon : [ beautiful like the moon shines in the darkest nights ]

She blushed a little and looked away

Minerva : [ look Avon I don't want to do these horrible stuff to you I don't know if I have the power to do stop myself or ..... ]

Avon : [ you are wrong .... How many times I will repeat myself you did it because they told you ... What you doing from this day forward is your choice and only you who can choose what you want to do ]

Minerva : [ I can't change my self ... Is that a choice too ?? Avon ?? ]

Avon : [ no but we can find a cure for it .. For every disease there's a cure and this situation is no different from other once I find it you gonna be the first to be cured ]

Minerva : [ and eh is that ?? ]

Avon : [ because you deserve to live like a normal human ... Tho I am not sure about your immortality but ... For being able to carry such thing inside you ... You deserve to at least taste the beauty of this life ( he led her hands ) and I can show you how beautiful this life Is ]

Minerva : [ I don't want to be such a curse to you ... To any of you .. ]

Avon said smoothly : [ you are not a curse neither a burden ... You are now one of us ]

He got up and lend her a hand

Avon : [ come with us ... Our journey Begins here ... ]

The girl picked his hand and got her up


Meanwhile the other young one woke up from their deep sleep

The first to woke up was arcadius he saw the girls sleeping beside him AMD looked around he saw something weird

Yet he doesn't know ....

He got up and checked for the others after that he start looking around after he realized Avon wasn't one of them

He saw a path between the walls one he couldn't identify ..

He picked his blade and goes prepared I'm case something jumped on him

He felt something Is different not just in the path but in his vision and body

He moved slowly and looked carefully for anything

He saw the blood trail and decided to follow since the trail leads to one way

After a while he hears something moving

He prepared for the first strike waiting in the end of the corner

Before anything happened he Realized the body's on his right he was shocked but didn't show any facial expressions and didn't bother him one bit

After moment the place went quite arcadius kept waiting for a while

He stayed there waiting

He felt something moving so fast in the end of the corner so he jumped and throw the first blow

He went for the throat as Helen teached him

He cut the head off ...

He looked at the body

there was nothing but illusion a decoy puppet the one he used to train with his siblings

He picked the head and looked at it he smiled And then throw the head away

Arcadius : [ since when you start using decoys ?? ]

Voice from the dark ...

Voice : [ since now ... When did you wake up ? ]

Arcadias : [ just Now ]

Something start appearing from the dark ... It was no other then him .... Avon

Arcadius : [ brother ... !! ]

Avon : [ brother ... !! ]

Arcadius : [ once i woke up I saw the path so I decided to investigate .. You ? ]

Avon : [ too bad you didnt witness it breaking down ]

Arcadius : [ no worry I will have plenty of chances to see many walls falls .. ]

The both start laughing and shakes hands and hugged

Arcadius : [ man last night was wild we all went out sleeping after that juice ]

Avon : [ yeah the food was delicious too ... Did the others woke up too ?? ]

Arcadius : [ no not yet ... Where's Helen anyway and why .. There's a mountain of body here ?? Looks like they been for centuries ... !!! ]

Avon : [ so you knew the date they died as well huh ?? Impressive ..]

Arcadius : [ for some reason yeah .. BTW Avon why do I feel .. There's someone behind you !!!!?? ]

Avon : [ because there is someone behind me and I want to introduce you to her ... ]

She shows up arcadius knew what she is and was prepared to all possible outcomes

He start looking at her from bead to toe as he was a looking at the resemblance ....

Avon : [ this ... Is Minerva ... Helen dau.... ]

Arcadius attacked while shouting [ stay back !!!!!! ]

Avon shout : [ NO WAIT !!!!!! ]

He was about to strike .... Minerva got scared and raise her hands to cover her face ...

Avon pushed him with his shoulders and arcadius fell to the ground ..

Arcadius : [ what are you doing can't you see she's ... ]

He saw Avon standing in front her as if he is protecting her

Arcadius shocked voice : [ Avon ??? wh-what are you doing ??? She's mind controlling you now ?? ]

Avon : [ NO !!! ]

arcadius : [ then explain .. ]

Avon : [ she is Helens daughter ... ]

Arcadius : [ why didn't you say anything bro damn ]

Avon : [ I was about to before you go and attack her ]

Avon give him a hand to get up .. Arcadias grabbed his hand And got up

Avon start cleaning him from the dust

Arcadius : [ I am fine I am fine .. I just hope I didn't stutter her ]

Avon : [ then why don't you go and apologize to her ?? That would be nice too ]

Arcadius : [ sure your highness ... ]

Arcadius have his sword to Avon while Avon is preparing him and fixed his hair

Arcadius whisper : [ hey !! Hey !! I gkt this ... Watch this ]

Avon : [ good luck .. ]

Avon pushed arcadius from behind to go to her

He start walking towards her and once he reached her he said smoothly

Arcadius : [ hey !!! ... What's up ... ]

Avon put his hand on his face covering his eyes from embarrassing

Arcadius looked back at him and pointed to his throat as he was whispering to Avon [ I will cut you ... ]

Minerva said in low voice : [ h-Hey ... !! ]

Arcadius looked back at her he took a heavy breath and said ...

Arcadius : [ h-hey .. I .... I am sorry .. For what happened earlier ... I didnt .. Mean to .. You know ]

Minerva : [ its .. F-fine ... No harm was done ]

Arcadius : [ BTW my name is arcadius in case you don't know ]

Minerva : [ yes I know who you are ]

Arcadius : [ wait .. You ..k-know .. B-but from whhheee .... ] he looked at Avon

And Avon pointed to his hands as he has no idea

Aecadius : [ oh off course you do .... What am I talking about ... ( he looked at Avon and pointed to his throat ) you little ... I will cut good this time .. , anyway I am heading back in case you need anything .. Okey ... Aaalright then see ya ]

Minerva : [ thank you .. You are so kind ]

She looked at him with smile and arcadius blushed And looked away

Arcadius : [ its... Its nothing really .. Hahah ]

He heads back to Avon

Avon : [ that worked out didn't it ?? ]

Arcadius : [ yeah yeah shut up ... Tell Me .. Why are we keeping a succubus alive ?? I know she's Helen daughter but .. She's gonna be a problem isn't not ?? ]

Avon : [ I don't think she will be a problem at all brother she ... Just ... Innocent .... Another young kid who got caught up into all this miss ... Don't blame her for what she is ... Blame the one who couldn't protect them .. Now we got to explain this too for the other girls ... ]

Arcadius : [ Sara will understand but ... Vernara is hot headed sometime .. But I hope they do .... What do you want to do now ?? ]

Avon : [ easy .... We prepare for the journey .... A journey to bring justice and order to this world ... A journey .. To save the human kind from extinction ]

Arcadius : [ journey huh .. Man thats gonna be a long way ... But it will be worth it for sure where you heading ? ]

Avon : [ I was thinking to to go back to the village with sara to get our stuff and then go to find anything left from our parents kingdom maybe we will find a start and answers there , you ? ]

Arcadius : [ don't know ... Maybe the village too .. To get my family insignia and them heading to Arcadia I hope it didn't fall after all these years ]

Avon : [ your people is strong I am sure they did survive ]

Arcadius : [ yeah they are strong I trust them ... preparing for the journey huh ?? ]

Avon : [ yeah preparing for the journey ]



Chapter 4 : the journey

Chapter 5 : Ruins

don't worry this is just preparing for the journey the real journey however it will start I'm the next chapter lol

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