
Author's Rebirth

[This novel is not dropped][It's on Hiatus] (Warning; -(The first 60 chapters will contain pure adventures!)(45 Chapters free!! ) -For every 4 Golden Tickets- 1 bonus chapter -Read the free chapters then judge it by yourself War- Present!, Necromancer- Top tier!, Mc vs The World- Present!!, Destruction- Universe Scale!!, Netherworld Summoner- Yes, Yes!!, Harem- Absolutely no!!, Female Lead- Single!, Romance- Not the main focus of the story!!, No Personality- Top Quality!!, Evolution- Monsterous!!, Level-Up System- Killll! ---------------------------- On my way to a job interview, I had an accident. Instead of dying, I woke up inside my book 'Era of Heroes,' which I wrote when I was in my early 20s. I found myself in the body of Alex Delius, a minor character in the story. Trying to survive in a harsh world without any power or a strong background was challenging. Then it hit me—I could make life easier with my knowledge of the future and understanding of the main characters! Right...? "Yeah, I can do this!" Or so I thought until I remembered how the book ends. This world is heading for doom! Before long, I realized the novel and the world I ended up in might not be as alike as I first thought. Follow Alex’s journey as he makes friends, betrays, manipulates, and falls in love using all the information he has as the author. ========== -The cover Art is not mine If the owner wants to remove it, Please contact me. -(How can you support my novel?) = By Power Stones and Golden Tickets - For every 150 Power Stones- 1 bonus chapter - For every 4 Golden Tickets- 1 bonus chapter - For every 1 Plot hole of the story- 1 bonus chapter ============ You can also support this book by giving this book comments and reviews.

JetLord004 · ファンタジー
68 Chs

The God's Enigmatic Offer

As I ventured deeper into the jungle, my heart still pounding from the intense battle with the Titanoboa, a sense of surreal anticipation grew. The thick jungle surrounded me, shadows deepening with each step, as if the jungle itself held its breath, waiting for the next unexpected turn in this frightening journey.

Suddenly, with no warning, the world around me transformed. The vibrant green jungle turned into a swirling mix of colours, and I felt a dizzying sense of movement. It was as if reality had been torn apart, pulling me through existence itself.

Abruptly, the swirling colours stopped, and I found myself in an unfamiliar room. It was large and shadowy, with walls that seemed to shift like moving shadows. At the far end, on a throne made of darkness, sat a figure unlike any I had encountered before.

The man on the throne had no face, his features hidden by a dark void. He wore robes that appeared woven from the same shadows that filled the room, radiating an otherworldly power.

Approaching cautiously, my hand rested on my sword's hilt, even though I knew it might be useless in this strange place.

"Who the fuck you are? "

"God. "

"What?? "

"Mortal, I am the god who rules the universe. "

With a mix of acceptance and frustration, I asked the question that had consumed my thoughts since this nightmare began, "Are you the god responsible for all of this?"

The figure on the throne looked at me with an eerie, faceless gaze, and his voice echoed through the room like a distant whisper, "Yes, I am the god who brought you here."

Unable to contain my anger any longer, I demanded answers. "Why?" I questioned. "Why manipulate lives for your own amusement? What have I done to deserve this torment?"

The god's reply was mysterious, veiled in secrecy. "Mortal, I exist beyond what you can fully grasp. I've observed your world and its inhabitants with interest, finding amusement in the chaos of your struggles. You have been a pawn in a game I created for my own satisfaction."

I clenched my fists, my frustration boiling over. "Satisfaction? Is that all I am to you? A plaything for your amusement?"

The god's voice remained dispassionate. "In the grand tapestry of existence, the suffering of one mortal is but a single thread. Your defiance and determination have entertained me, and for that, I offer you a reward."

A reward? I was taken aback. After all the horrors I had endured, a reward from this capricious deity was the last thing I expected.

The god extended an ethereal hand, and in it materialized a book, its cover adorned with mysterious symbols that seemed to shift and writhe. He held it out to me, and I cautiously took it, eyeing the tome with suspicion.

"What is this?" I asked, my voice trembling with a mixture of anger and curiosity.

The god's response sent shivers down my spine. "That, mortal, is a book of ancient and forbidden magic. It contains knowledge and power beyond your wildest imagination. It is yours now, a token of my favour."

I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as I held the book in my hands. The power within its pages was palpable, but so too was the danger. I had heard stories of those who had delved too deeply into dark magic, and the consequences were never pleasant.

"Why give me this?" I demanded. "What do you want in return?"

The god's faceless visage betrayed no emotion, but his words sent a chill through my soul. "I give you this gift, mortal, because I sense the potential for greatness within you. You have survived the trial I set before you, and in doing so, you have impressed me. Use the knowledge within that book wisely, for it may be your key to survival in this world I have thrust you into."

I felt a surge of anger and resentment. "Survival? I never asked for any of this! You brought me here against my will, subjected me to horrors beyond imagination, and now you offer me a book of dark magic as if it's some kind of reward? I curse you for what you've done to me!"

The god remained unmoved, his shadowy form radiating an unsettling aura of power. "Curses are but empty words, mortal. You are here because I willed it, and you will continue to face the challenges of this realm as long as I find it entertaining. But remember this: the power to change your fate lies in your hands. Use the gift I have given you wisely, and you may yet find a way to free yourself from this nightmarish existence."

With those cryptic words, the god leaned back in his throne of darkness, fading into the shadows of the room. I was left standing there, clutching the mysterious magic book in my hands, my heart heavy with a mix of anger, fear, and determination.

As I contemplated my next move, I couldn't help but wonder if the god's words held a glimmer of truth. Could the knowledge within the book be my salvation, or would it lead me down a darker path? Only time would tell, and in this surreal nightmare, time was a resource in short supply.


Hey guys,

I am very, very sorry for this chapter. This chapter is too short but I will edit it in the future and make it longer, that's all guys.

Love you guys, and keep supporting more chapters. Don't forget to leave comments and reviews.

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