
Author's Rebirth

[This novel is not dropped][It's on Hiatus] (Warning; -(The first 60 chapters will contain pure adventures!)(45 Chapters free!! ) -For every 4 Golden Tickets- 1 bonus chapter -Read the free chapters then judge it by yourself War- Present!, Necromancer- Top tier!, Mc vs The World- Present!!, Destruction- Universe Scale!!, Netherworld Summoner- Yes, Yes!!, Harem- Absolutely no!!, Female Lead- Single!, Romance- Not the main focus of the story!!, No Personality- Top Quality!!, Evolution- Monsterous!!, Level-Up System- Killll! ---------------------------- On my way to a job interview, I had an accident. Instead of dying, I woke up inside my book 'Era of Heroes,' which I wrote when I was in my early 20s. I found myself in the body of Alex Delius, a minor character in the story. Trying to survive in a harsh world without any power or a strong background was challenging. Then it hit me—I could make life easier with my knowledge of the future and understanding of the main characters! Right...? "Yeah, I can do this!" Or so I thought until I remembered how the book ends. This world is heading for doom! Before long, I realized the novel and the world I ended up in might not be as alike as I first thought. Follow Alex’s journey as he makes friends, betrays, manipulates, and falls in love using all the information he has as the author. ========== -The cover Art is not mine If the owner wants to remove it, Please contact me. -(How can you support my novel?) = By Power Stones and Golden Tickets - For every 150 Power Stones- 1 bonus chapter - For every 4 Golden Tickets- 1 bonus chapter - For every 1 Plot hole of the story- 1 bonus chapter ============ You can also support this book by giving this book comments and reviews.

JetLord004 · ファンタジー
68 Chs

Conquering the Colossus

Amid the brutal battle with the Titanoboa, frustration and anger welled up inside me.

My once-gritted teeth now ground together as I cursed the god responsible for thrusting me into this surreal nightmare.

Between parries and dodges, I shouted in defiance, "Is this your idea of entertainment, you sadistic deity? Toying with lives for your amusement?"

My words echoed through the jungle, but there was no answer, only the relentless hissing of the Titanoboa.

It was as if the very environment had turned against me, the trees and underbrush conspiring with this monstrous serpent to seal my fate.

The Titanoboa struck again, faster and more ferociously than ever.

Its colossal form coiled around me, squeezing the air from my lungs.

The world spun as I was slammed against a towering tree trunk, and pain radiated from my head where it had collided with the unforgiving bark.

Blood oozed from the gash on my forehead, mixing with sweat and dirt.

My vision blurred, and I fought to stay conscious, knowing that if I lost focus for even a moment, it would be the end.

The Titanoboa drew back for a final, lethal strike, its eyes gleaming with hunger and malice.

Summoning every ounce of strength and willpower I could muster, I rolled to the side just as the serpent's fangs sank into the tree where I had been moments before.

The impact of its bite sent splinters of wood flying, and the tree groaned under the immense pressure.

As I staggered to my feet, blood trickling down my face and into one eye, a grim determination settled over me.

I couldn't rely on curses or anger to save me; I had to focus on survival.

God had placed me in this nightmarish world, but I would be the one to determine my destiny.

With blood trickling down my face and the throbbing pain in my head, I knew I had to act fast. Desperation fueled my every move.

My hand fumbled inside my pocket, searching for the vial of health potion I had managed to bring with me into this bizarre realm.

Finally, my fingers closed around the cool glass container, and I wasted no time.

With the Titanoboa's menacing presence still looming, I uncorked the vial and downed the potion in a single gulp. Its healing properties rushed through me, knitting together my wounds and dulling the pain.

My vision cleared, and my strength began to return.

With newfound vigour, I faced the monstrous serpent once more.

The Titanoboa, sensing that I was no longer an easy prey, hissed with frustration.

It lunged at me, jaws agape, but this time, I was ready.

With lightning reflexes, I sidestepped its attack, narrowly avoiding the gaping maw.

The sword, now wielded with precision and purpose, sliced through the air.

It struck the Titanoboa's exposed underbelly, eliciting a roar of agony from the colossal serpent.

I pressed the advantage, striking, again and again, my movements fluid and calculated.

The Titanoboa writhed in pain, its massive body thrashing about.

But I held my ground, determined to turn the tide of this relentless battle.

The jungle seemed to pulse with energy as if the very environment itself responded to my defiance.

Trees swayed, and the ground trembled beneath us, but I paid it no mind.

All that mattered was the serpent before me, a symbol of the challenges this surreal world had thrown my way.

With each strike of my sword, I felt a surge of confidence and strength.

The Titanoboa's movements grew sluggish, its attacks less precise.

It was weakening, and I could see the doubt in its glowing eyes.

As the Titanoboa's movements slowed and doubt flickered in its gleaming eyes, I knew that this was my chance.

I had to exploit its weakness and end this battle once and for all. My mind raced, searching for a plan that would give me the upper hand.

Amidst the dense jungle foliage, I spotted a small cave entrance.

It seemed just big enough for me to squeeze into, but there was no way the colossal snake could follow.I

t was my one advantage in this perilous situation.

Without hesitation, I disengaged from the Titanoboa and sprinted towards the cave.

The serpent, enraged and wounded, pursued me with relentless determination.

My heart pounded in my chest as I reached the cave's entrance, my lungs burning from exertion.

I had to make the serpent believe that I was trapped, that it had me cornered.

I took cover in the cave's shadow, my sword ready. The Titanoboa, its enormous body coiled and poised to strike, slithered towards the cave entrance.

I couldn't resist the opportunity to finish me off.

I watched as the snake's massive head entered the cave, its eyes fixed on me with a mix of hunger and triumph. Inch by inch, its colossal body followed, but it quickly became apparent that the cave's dimensions were working against it.

The Titanoboa's bulk was simply too immense for the narrow cave.

It struggled and writhed, its massive scales scraping against the rocky walls.

Panic flickered across its eyes as it realized it was stuck. It was the moment I had been waiting for.

With all the strength and precision I could muster, I lunged forward, driving my sword deep into the Titanoboa's vulnerable underbelly.

A deafening roar of agony echoed through the cave as the serpent thrashed in pain, unable to retreat or strike back effectively.

I pressed my advantage, striking again and again, each blow sinking deeper into the Titanoboa's flesh. Its struggles grew weaker, and its hisses of pain grew fainter.

The once-terrifying predator was now a wounded giant, defeated by its own hubris.

As the life drained from the Titanoboa's eyes, I withdrew my sword, panting and covered in a mixture of sweat and the serpent's ichor. I had done it.

I had overcome the surreal nightmare thrust upon me by whatever sadistic deity had orchestrated this ordeal.

I stepped out of the cave, the jungle around me now eerily silent.

The world seemed to exhale as if it had been holding its breath during the battle.

I wiped the blood and sweat from my brow, feeling a sense of accomplishment and relief wash over me.

But there was no time to rest. I knew that this bizarre world held more challenges, and more trials to test my strength and resolve.

As I moved deeper into the jungle, my sword at the ready, I couldn't help but wonder what other surreal horrors awaited me on this twisted journey.

One thing was certain, though - I would face them with the same determination and willpower that had allowed me to defeat the Titanoboa.

I had taken control of my destiny in this nightmarish realm, and I would continue to fight for my survival, no matter what twisted challenges lay ahead.

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