
At War With My Luna

Rejected and banished by her mate, the alpha, after she told him she was pregnant with her child. Feeling betrayed and broken, Rachel swore to return with a new pack and have her revenge by killing her mate and his whole pack that didn't stop her banishment. In her journey to find a new pack, she discovers that she was actually a Luna, and she had the power to destroy the world if used wrongly. Does Rachel let revenge consume her and the whole world or does she reconnect with the one that betrayed her?

Madubuko_Nzube · ファンタジー
42 Chs

The First Battle

  Rachel's Pov.


  The meeting ended inconclusively and we all went our separate ways after rescheduling the meeting. I went straight to bed and dozed off. Loud simultaneous knocks on my door woke me up, when I opened my eyes, everything was still dark, I yawned and walked to the door and opened it. A man from the pack was standing right outside, "What's wrong?"I asked him. 

"We are under attack!" He replied with panic in his voice.

"What are you talking about, we just got here." I yawned, "See you in the morning." I closed the door shut. Then I walked back to my bed and dozed off again, a large explosion sound woke me up the second time. When I opened my eyes, the wall that was in front of me was gone. And my bed was covered with dust and the debris of the wall. I looked down from the huge hole, there was some sort of fight going on down there, werewolves and some zombies was going at it.