
At War With My Luna

Rejected and banished by her mate, the alpha, after she told him she was pregnant with her child. Feeling betrayed and broken, Rachel swore to return with a new pack and have her revenge by killing her mate and his whole pack that didn't stop her banishment. In her journey to find a new pack, she discovers that she was actually a Luna, and she had the power to destroy the world if used wrongly. Does Rachel let revenge consume her and the whole world or does she reconnect with the one that betrayed her?

Madubuko_Nzube · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Prison Break

Azriel's Pov.

"I'll only ask you once, and if you don't give me a satisfying answer, I'll kill you the same way I killed your in-law" The king drew close to me with the sword in his hand, "Where is the Vampire's bane?"

"Before we get to that, there is something, I, want to ask you." The king said nothing, he just walked closer and closer to me, "How did it feel killing your own son?"

"Don't make me reapeat myself because I will ask you only once, where is the vampire bane?"

"It is up my arse." I replied with a smirk. 

"Then you have chosen death," The king raised the sword up to slice me into two. 

"Okay, I will tell you were it is,"

"Where is it?" 

"I have to go and bring it myself" I said as I slowly stood up to my feet. "You think I am stupid?" The king turned to the door, "Guard!" A guard walked in, then the king turned to the me, "Tell him where it is now or I will kill you right here."