
At The Beginning,Sign In To Ancient Eucharist

(Tianjiao(genius) Contends For Hegemony And Invincible flow).Jun Xiaoyao travels through the fantasy world and hecomes the heir of a barren ancient family.Sign in at the Taiyue Ancient Monument, get a six-star reward, and the idols will control the prison! Sign in at the ten-year-old banquet and get a seven-star reward, the supreme bone! Sign in at the Bronze Immortal Hall and get an eight-star reward,the mother of all things! Sign in at Boundless Sea and get a 10-star reward. He transforms into Dafa! Countless years later, Jun Xiaoyao sat cross-legged in the sky and pointed at the sky with his sword "Nine heavens and ten places, my master rises and falls, at the end of the fairy road, I am the pinnacle!" This novel is translated upto 210+ by one fellow author,but there are some changes in there and meaning of word.However,I am translating following the orginal setting.So those who like the orginal seting,you can read.I will be translating the whole novel(more than 1000+ chapters). Daily 4/5+ chapters

HuangTian1156 · 東方
18 Chs

The Chaos God Mill Visualization Method, kidnapped by Morality?

Jun's house, inside the Tiandi Palace.

Jun Xiaoyao sat cross-legged in a secret room of cultivation.

There are many superb divine sources piled up around, releasing endless rich aura.

In the Immortal Realm, ordinary warriors practice with ordinary source stones.

And some monks with top-level Taoism and first-class power will use more precious heavenly sources for cultivation.

Only forces such as the barren ancient family, supreme dao lineage, immortal dynasties, etc., can afford to use the most precious divine source.

On top of the divine source, there is also the immortal source, but that kind of thing is beyond the reach, and generally the ancient families can't get much out of it.

There are four grades of source stones of different rarity: lower, middle, upper, and absolute.

What Jun Xiaoyao uses for cultivation is the most top-notch divine source except for the immortal source.

It can be said that Jun Xiaoyao casually took out a superb divine source, and when it was placed in the outside world, a group of people would break their heads.

At this moment, Jun Xiaoyao sat cross-legged with his eyes closed.

In his mind, there is a bright and magnificent palace.

This is the divine palace condensed by the soul power.

The five realms of the physical body and the five realms body of all cultivate the physical body to the extreme.

The nine heavens of the spirit sea are the cultivation of the Dantian spirit Sea, which is related to the degree of mana power.

On the other hand, the nine heavens of the divine palace are to cultivate the sacred palace and let the soul thrive.

Wait until Jun Xiaoyao breaks through to the true spiritual realm.

Within the palace, a true spirit will be born, and his soul power will skyrocket again at that time.

In the future, the true spirit can even be transformed into a primordial spirit, separated from the physical body, and travel across the four seas and eight deserts.

"This chaotic god grinding visualization method is really good..." Jun Xiaoyao thought to himself.

In his mind, it seemed that a chaotic world had emerged.

In the chaos, a huge and boundless divine mill slowly turned, crushing the heavens and the earth.

On the surface of the mill , it was stained with blood stains, like the blood of gods and demons.

This chaotic divine mill visualization method relies on the divine mill of visualization to crush people's consciousness and soul, and then reshape it again.

Jun Xiaoyao's soul became more solid and vigorous in such destruction and rebirth.

"If you change to an ordinary person practicing this method, you will definitely be tortured to death, but for me, it doesn't seem to be too difficult. "Jun Xiaoyao thought.

Perhaps it is because he is a soul who has traveled, so his soul power is far superior to ordinary people.

This chaos magic mill helped him a lot, but it would not bring pain.

"And after that, as the cultivation deepens, you can directly use your soul power to evolve the chaos god mill as a means to confront the enemy. "

"I can bear that kind of pain, but others must not be able to bear it. "Jun Xiaoyao sighed.

He seems to have another powerful hole card.

At the same time, over Huangzhou.

A fiery spirit bird, pulling a gorgeous chariot, fluttered its wings and flew across the void, bringing out a gorgeous tail flame.

This attracted the attention of many people.

"Hey, that chariot has a Suzaku totem, which seems to be a chariot from the ancient country of Suzaku? "

"That's right, it is rumored that the people of the ancient imperial family of Suzaku used the fire spirit bird to pull the cart. Could it be the well-known imperial daughter, Bai Yu'er? "

"Look at the direction it is going, it is the Jun family! "

The arrival of this chariot made many people talk about it.

However, for a long time, the chariot stopped outside the Jun's residence.

In the entire sky over the Jun Family, except for the Jun family's own people, people from other forces who dare to rush across the sky will be regarded as an invasion and will be directly wiped out.

The curtain of the carriage door was opened, and a beautiful woman with tall posture, slender legs, and red feather clothes stepped out. It was Bai Yu'er.

She came alone this time and did not bring an entourage.

Bai Yu'er looked around, and in the residence of the monarch's family, countless sacred islands were suspended in the void, with various caves and blessed lands, spouting out of the sky.

This shocked Bai Yu'er's heart.

Although the ancient Kingdom of Suzaku was also a first-class power and well-known, it was still nothing compared to the ancient aristocratic family, and there was not much comparability.

But immediately, a touch of confidence and a touch of disdain appeared at the corner of Bai Yu'er's mouth.

What if the Jun family is aloof?

The Tianjiao figure of the Jun family was not greedy for her body, and wanted to give her the immortal medicine.

However, Bai Yu'er had already made up her mind and would not easily hand over her body to the Jun Tianjiao.

After all, she has a marriage contract.

At that time, if something happens, wouldn't it make the prince of Qinglong Ancient Kingdom's head green?

After thinking about it, Bai Yu'er walked forward.

At the entrance of Jun's house, there is a guard of Jun's house, which is as towering as a tower, and the blood is monstrous.

"Those who come stop and report their names. "

The guard of the Jun family said indifferently.

"I am the daughter of the ancient Emperor Suzaku, Bai Yu'er, and come to meet Jun Linglong. "Bai Yu'er said lightly.

"Meet the noble girl? But if you have a keepsake, get out if you don't have one. "The Junjia Ban Guard said indifferently.

Bai Yu'er's face stagnated.

At any rate, she is also the daughter of the emperor of a country, and even a doorman of the monarch's family dared to scold her like this.

However, she came to ask for something this time, so she could only be patient and took out the jade brief that communicated with Jun Linglong.

"Go in. "The Junjia guard waved indifferently.

Bai Yu'er bit her lip, her status as a royal woman seemed so unworthy of mention in front of the Jun family.

On the other side, Jun Linglong also found Jun Xiaoyao.

"Master Son of God, she has already come. "Jun Linglong said.

"Let's go and see this princess. "

Jun Xiaoyao got up, dressed in a white shirt, handsome and handsome. Although he was only eight years old, he was as tall as a teenager.

Here, Bai Yu'er walked into a courtyard like a fairyland.

Jun Linglong and she made an appointment to meet here.

However, after a long time, Bai Yu'er heard the sound of footsteps and looked at it at a glance.

But seeing a young man with a very long figure and skin like a fairy jade, he walked slowly.

He seemed to be like the son of a god, with a divine posture and jade bones, a peerless face, and a thin layer of brilliance enveloped his whole body.

Bai Yu'er was stunned.

There are not a few young Junjie, the proud sons of heaven she has seen, all handsome and romantic.

But compared with the young man in front of him, they are like firefly and Haoyue, loach and true dragon, there is no comparison at all.

Even her fiancé, the great prince of Qinglong Ancient Kingdom, is also handsome and talented, but compared with the young man in front of him, he still looks bleak.

Beside Jun Xiaoyao, Jun Linglong, dressed in a palace costume, followed his feet with a slow pat.

Seeing this detail, Bai Yu'er took a deep breath from the bottom of her heart.

Jun Linglong is a noble daughter of the Jun family, and she has to please and bow to her existence. As a result, how does she feel like she has become a servant girl?

"What is the origin of this jun's Tianjiao, could it be that he is a Sequence? "Bai Yu'er's heart set off a panic.

"You are Bai Yu'er? "Jun Xiaoyao asked lightly.

"Exactly. "Bai Yu'er saluted slightly, but she was very reserved.

She also recovered.

No matter how detached the young man in front of him was, he hadn't planned for her yet.

That being the case, there is no need for her to be too humble and reduce her worth.

"You want to ask for an immortal medicine to save your father? "Jun Xiaoyao continued.

"That's right, I hope the son will be kind and can lend a helping hand. "Bai Yu'er said calmly, without any humility in her tone.

Jun Xiaoyao raised his eyebrows slightly when he saw this scene.

How do you feel about this attitude...

Not quite right.

It seemed that she didn't come to ask for medicine at all, but came to ask for it as a matter of course.

"Oh? But can you give me a reason, after all, the medicine of immortality did not fall from the sky. "Jun Xiaoyao said with a faint tone.

Baiyu'er stagnated slightly, and then a faint sneer appeared at the corner of her mouth.

Sure enough, is it with a purpose?

However, it is impossible for Bai Yu'er to exchange the immortal medicine on her own terms.

She said: "The son is a mortal. He must have a good position in the monarch's family. There should be no shortage of immortal medicines. If the son gives an immortal medicine, he can save a life. "

"Not only that, but to save my father was to save the lives of hundreds of millions of people in the ancient Suzaku Kingdom. "

"For the son, this is just a small effort, but he can gain merit and fame. Isn't the son unwilling to do it? "

Bai Yu'er spoke, standing on the moral high ground.

Jun Xiaoyao has the ability to provide relief, why not relief?

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, isn't it?

Hearing these familiar remarks, Jun Xiaoyao wanted to laugh.

This reminded him of the Internet keyboard warriors who forced celebrities and rich people to donate in his previous life.

"It turns out that I was also kidnapped by morality one day? "Jun Xiaoyao was speechless in his heart.

Monarch means -- Jun

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