
At The Beginning,Sign In To Ancient Eucharist

(Tianjiao(genius) Contends For Hegemony And Invincible flow).Jun Xiaoyao travels through the fantasy world and hecomes the heir of a barren ancient family.Sign in at the Taiyue Ancient Monument, get a six-star reward, and the idols will control the prison! Sign in at the ten-year-old banquet and get a seven-star reward, the supreme bone! Sign in at the Bronze Immortal Hall and get an eight-star reward,the mother of all things! Sign in at Boundless Sea and get a 10-star reward. He transforms into Dafa! Countless years later, Jun Xiaoyao sat cross-legged in the sky and pointed at the sky with his sword "Nine heavens and ten places, my master rises and falls, at the end of the fairy road, I am the pinnacle!" This novel is translated upto 210+ by one fellow author,but there are some changes in there and meaning of word.However,I am translating following the orginal setting.So those who like the orginal seting,you can read.I will be translating the whole novel(more than 1000+ chapters). Daily 4/5+ chapters

HuangTian1156 · 東方
18 Chs

: Refreshes the sign-in place, the tenth sequence, Jun Zhanjian is out of the customs!

After that, Jun Xiaoyao took Jun Linglong and returned to the Tiandi Palace with Jun Zhantian.

As for the other Jun family children in the arena, they watched him leave with envy and awe.

If Jun Xiaoyao does not perform well, everyone will naturally have some words in their hearts.

But now, Jun Xiaoyao's performance has completely conquered everyone.

Haven't you seen that even Jun Linglong is willing to be Jun Xiaoyao's maid?

"You said, will Jun Zhanjian get back to the field? "A young man from the Jun family asked with interest.

"No, as long as Jun Zhanjian is not stupid, he shouldn't provoke the Son of God. "The others shook their heads.

Everyone knows that Jun Xiaoyao is highly valued by the 18 ancestors and has a promising future. He is destined to be the pillar of the Jun family in the future.

If Jun Zhanjian went to offend Jun Xiaoyao because of a Lan Qingya, it would definitely be a brain twitch.

As for Jun Xiaoyao himself, he didn't take Jun Zhanjian's matter to heart at all.

If he came to seek revenge for Lan Qingya, Jun Xiaoyao would be happy to fight against him.

"Is this the Heavenly Emperor Palace? "

Jun Linglong looked at the magnificent palace in front of her, with a ray of excitement in her expression.

Although she has a high status, she is not eligible to enter the Heavenly Emperor Palace.

"Feel free, don't be formal. "Jun Xiaoyao waved his hand.

"Thank you, Master Son of God. "Jun Linglong bowed to Jun Xiaoyao and smiled sweetly.

"For other people, it's hard to get Jun Linglong to take a closer look, but I can easily accept her as a maid. Is this power and status? "Jun Xiaoyao was secretly speechless.

Reincarnation is really a technical job.

"By the way, Grandpa, if Linglong will take care of her grandson's daily life in the future, you won't have to come every day. "Jun Xiaoyao turned his head and said.

"Hey, you grandson..." Jun Zhantian blew his beard and stared.

With a beautiful maid, you turned around and left Grandpa behind, didn't you?

However, Jun Zhantian couldn't beat Jun Xiaoyao, so Jun Zhantian compromised, but sometimes if he needed to preach, he would still come.

In the next few days, Jun Xiaoyao was comprehending the body refining technique of Divine Elephant Prison strenght.

Divine Elephant(idol) Prison Strenght is not only for cultivating great strength, but also has the evolution of various martial arts techniques.

For example, the strongest attack method, the Spear of the Underworld, can be evolved.

Because of the Divine Idol(Elephant), it can suppress the boundless hell, absorb the aura of hell, and turn it into a spear that penetrates everything.

It can also evolve the strongest defense method, guarded by the Underworld god, which will not be broken or destroyed.

It can even condense demon wings, and with a shock of wings, the void is extremely fast.

As Jun Xiaoyao's comprehension deepens, more and more abilities will be unlocked later.

In the end, you can even evolve a true Taikoo(divine/ancient) idol, summon the gates of hell, and an endless group of demons will fight for the Jun Xiaoyao's happiness!

"This Divine Idol(elephant) prison strenght, it's really practical."Jun Xiaoyao was amazed.

Although the Jun family also has many supreme body refining techniques, in terms of functionality, it is not as complete as the this.

"I really hope there is still a chance to sign in. "Jun Xiaoyao couldn't wait to sign in again.


At this moment, a systematic voice came from Jun Xiaoyao's mind again.

"Congratulations to the host, the new sign-in location has been refreshed! "

"Please sign in at the ten-year-old banquet! "

Jun Xiaoyao was taken aback when he heard this voice: "Ten-year-old banquet, is it my ten-year-old banquet? "

He listened to Jun Zhantian and said that when he was ten years old, the Jun family would hold a grand ten-year-old banquet for him.

At that time, many forces in the Barren Heaven Immortal Realm, the Barren Ancient Family, the supreme Clan, etc., will be invited to the banquet.

Even the identity of Jun Xiaoyao's Zero sequence will be announced at the ten-year-old banquet.

This banquet was Jun Xiaoyao's first appearance in the world.

"It seems that the place and time of signing in are random, and there is no regularity. "Jun Xiaoyao thought.

But this is nothing. The power of the divine idol prison and the chaos god-grinding visualization method are enough for Jun Xiaoyao to practice now.

"I'm a bit looking forward to the ten-year-old banquet..." Jun Xiaoyao smiled lightly at the corner of his mouth.

"By the way, why hasn't there been any movement on Jun Zhanjian's side? Is it really discouraged? "

Jun Xiaoyao muttered secretly, still a little disappointed.

At the same time.

Inside the jun's house, there is a spirit island suspended in the void.

The ten sequence members of the Jun family have different treatment from ordinary Tianjiao, and each has an independent mansion.

Or Tiangong, or God Island, or Dongtian Blessed Land.

This spirit island is the tenth sequence of the Jun family, the mansion of the Jun Zhanjian.

Above the Spirit Island, there is a mountain peak, like a long sword, inserted into the sky, exuding a terrifying swordsmanship!

At the foot of the mountain peak, Lan Qingya, dressed in a blue dress, has been waiting here for several days.

"Master Zhanjian hasn't left the customs yet? "Lan Qingya's expression revealed anxiety, grievance, and unwillingness.

The more she thought of what happened on the martial arts field, the more Lan Qingya felt aggrieved and angry.

But she didn't dare to trouble Jun Xiaoyao and Jun Linglong, so she could only rely on Jun Zhanjian.

In the past, every time someone offended Lan Qingya, as long as they looked for Jun Zhanjian, someone else must apologize in the end.

It is precisely because of this that Lan Qingya has developed such an arrogant character.


At this moment, a huge wave suddenly came from the top of the mountain.

A terrifying storm of mana traversed the heavens and the earth, as if a tornado had formed.

"It's Master Zhanjian, he has broken through again! "

On the spirit island,some of Jun Zhanjian's followers were alarmed, and their eyes were all looking at the mountain peak.

There was a look of grievance on Lan Qingya's face, and she looked very excited.

Jun Zhanjian broke through, and his strength strengthened again, which must be able to help her vent.

Not to mention teaching Jun Xiaoyao, at least teach Jun Linglong.

Above the mountain peak, a young man in a black robe with a sword on his back stepped down into the void.

Generally speaking, after entering the Spirit Sea Realm, you can walk through the sky when you reach the Divine palace realm.

Obviously, this black-robed young man is already a master of the Divine palace realm.

He is about thirteen or fourteen years old, with fluttering hair and deep black pupils. His temperament is like an excalibur that cuts through the sky, which is daunting.

This black-robed boy is the tenth member of the Jun family, Jun Zhanjian!

It is rumored that on the day of his birth, all the sabers and long swords of the Jun family were unsheathed independently, pointing to the birthplace of the Jun Zhanjian.

He is born with a clear sword heart, and he has an immortal sword body, which can hold endless sword energy in his body. For kendo exercises and martial arts, he has demonic talents.

It is precisely because of this kind of talent that Jun Zhanjian has risen strongly and become one of the top ten Sequence.

Although it is only the tenth sequence at the bottom of the ranking, it is still not to be underestimated.

You know, the entire Jun family, with tens of millions of young Tianjiao, how difficult it is to get a serial identity.

Not everyone is like Jun Xiaoyao, who was born high and has an extraordinary status.

"Qingya, have you been waiting for me? "

Jun Zhanjian landed, and a group of followers around him bowed and handed over, but Jun Zhanjian directly ignored him and looked at Lan Qingya.

"Master Zhanjian! "

Lan Qingya squeezed out a few tears, with a look of grievance on her face, and threw herself into Jun Zhanjian's arms.

"This bitch..." The other followers scolded secretly, with contempt in their eyes.

As the followers of Jun Zhanjian, they also didn't like Lan Qingya's style.

Sh said that Jun Linglong is a green tea girl, and now she is the real green tea girl.

"What's the matter, who made you unhappy again? "Jun Zhanjian smiled faintly.

He is indeed quite fond of Lan Qingya, and his attitude towards her is different from that of the rest of his followers.

"Here's the thing..." Lan Qingya told all the things.

Then she wept over her grievances and said, "Master Zhanjian, Qingya is all for the sake of your face. Who would have thought that Jun Xiaoyao and Jun Linglong..."

"You said...you offended Jun Xiaoyao? "

The black hair covered Jun Zhanjian's eyes, making people unable to see his expression clearly.

"Yes, Master Zhanjian, you must get justice for Qingya..." Lan Qingya said aggrieved.


However, she was greeted with a loud slap!

"Are you trying to kill me! ? "

There may be some changes in name the of divine elephant prison.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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