
At The Beginning,Sign In To Ancient Eucharist

(Tianjiao(genius) Contends For Hegemony And Invincible flow).Jun Xiaoyao travels through the fantasy world and hecomes the heir of a barren ancient family.Sign in at the Taiyue Ancient Monument, get a six-star reward, and the idols will control the prison! Sign in at the ten-year-old banquet and get a seven-star reward, the supreme bone! Sign in at the Bronze Immortal Hall and get an eight-star reward,the mother of all things! Sign in at Boundless Sea and get a 10-star reward. He transforms into Dafa! Countless years later, Jun Xiaoyao sat cross-legged in the sky and pointed at the sky with his sword "Nine heavens and ten places, my master rises and falls, at the end of the fairy road, I am the pinnacle!" This novel is translated upto 210+ by one fellow author,but there are some changes in there and meaning of word.However,I am translating following the orginal setting.So those who like the orginal seting,you can read.I will be translating the whole novel(more than 1000+ chapters). Daily 4/5+ chapters

HuangTian1156 · 東方
18 Chs

Cultivating Military Tactics, Jun Zhan Tian's 'Dao heart' is about to collapse

Jun Zhanjian's face turned blue and red.

Just now, I was thinking that the shot should not be too heavy, if it hurts Jun Xiaoyao, it will not be good.

It's better now, I'm covered in dust and injuries.

"Brother Xiaoyao really has the posture of a emperor and a man. The clan brother admires..." Jun Zhanjian got up, barely squeezing out a smile that was more ugly than crying.

Today, his face is considered to be lost.

As soon as Jun Xiaoyao started fighting, he was so full of firepower that he didn't even have time to use his immortal sword body.

However, even if he could use the immortal sword body, Jun Zhanjian was not sure that he could stop Jun Xiaoyao.

Because when Jun Xiaoyao was born, he had the vision of All Saints Worship.

As soon as the eucharist vision comes out, who can be the enemy?

"What a monster..." Jun Zhanjian sighed secretly in his heart.

He has such strength when he is only three years old. In a few years, it will be worth it. I am afraid that he can challenge the top five sequence.

Everyone around was also surprised from ear to ear. It must not be long before the news of this battle will spread throughout the Jun family.

Jun Xiaoyao just broke the Eternal Extreme Realm at the ancient monument of Taiyue, and now he has defeated Jun Zhanjian again.

A small number of the people who had questioned Jun Xiaoyao's heart before, are now also falling to the ground with admiration.

"Brother Xiaoyao has a great future in the future. After you are ten years old, you will definitely become a sequence, even above me. "Jun Zhanjian said.

According to the rules of the Jun family, the younger generation is only eligible to join the competition for sequence after they are ten years old.

Jun Xiaoyao shrugged.

He has long been the zero sequence set by the 18 ancestors.

Status is even above the first sequence.

It's just that it hasn't been announced yet.

It will be announced at the tenth birthday banquet. If Jun Zhanjian knows the news, he still doesn't know what his expression will be.

"Brother Xiaoyao, goodbye. "Jun Zhanjian just wants to retreat and practice now.

Jun Xiaoyao said lightly: "By the way, Brother Zhanjian Clan, as a leader, you don't need to make all cats and dogs followers. That would be a loss of identity. "

Hearing this, Jun Zhanjian's eyes flashed, and he said, "I know. "

But Lan Qingya, who heard this, her face turned extremely red, and her heart was extremely humiliated.

Obviously, the cat and dog in Jun Xiaoyao's mouth refers to her.

Afterwards, Jun Zhanjian and Lan Qingya left.

"Hey, my methods are still insufficient..." Jun Xiaoyao's eyes were thoughtful.

Although he is now in the stage of laying the foundation, it is time to practice some martial arts magical powers.

Otherwise, the means are too single.

As an ancient aristocratic family, the Jun family doesnlt lacks all kinds of rare martial arts classics.

"Go to Grandpa and ask. "Jun Xiaoyao thought to himself.

On the other side, Jun Zhanjian stopped before he had walked far.

"It seems that in the past, you should leave Jun's house. "Jun Zhanjian said indifferently.

"No, Master Zhanjian, don't drive Qingya away! "Lan Qingya's face suddenly changed, extremely pale.

In Jun's family, she has any cultivation resources at her fingertips, and her status is also superior.

If she leaves Jun's house, she will be no different from those female cultivators who are struggling at the bottom.

"Go ahead, if it weren't for you, how could I get into such trouble and lose such a big face! "

Jun Zhanjian flicked his arm, shaking Lan Qingya to the ground, causing him to vomit blood.

Looking at the back of Jun Zhanjian's indifferent departure, the pain on Lan Qingya's face turned into a bitter resentment.

"Jun Xiaoyao, it's all you, relying on your identity, oppressing others..."

"The ancient eucharist, is it the ancient eucharist that has broken a shackle? If you tell the news to the hostile forces of the Jun family, or the Taikoo(ancient) Royal family..."

Lan Qingya's face changed, speculating in her heart.

With her limited imagination, she couldn't imagine that Jun Xiaoyao was a desolate ancient eucharist that had broken the ten shackles.

In her opinion, the ancient eucharist that has broken a shackle is very rare.

"By the way, I heard that this Jun Xiaoyao will hold a ten-year-old banquet in the future. At that time, if the enemy is attracted..."

Lan Qingya knew that with her own abilities, not to mention this life, even in the next life and in the next life, she would never be able to retaliate against Jun Xiaoyao.

The only way is to kill someone with a knife.

"Wait, Jun Xiaoyao, and Jun Linglong, this bitch, you will all pay the price! "

Lan Qingya was disheveled and disheveled, and was finally escorted away by the guards of the Jun family and thrown out.

On the other hand, Jun Xiaoyao didn't care about the little man Lan Qingya at all.

In Jun Xiaoyao's eyes, she is not even as good as ants.

The reason for admonishing Jun Zhanjian in that way was just that he didn't want to see it unsightly in the future.

At this moment, Jun Xiaoyao was asking Jun Zhantian for advice.

"What, you want to learn martial arts and magical powers, which is too ambitious..." Jun Zhantian frowned with white eyebrows.

In his opinion, Jun Xiaoyao was too impatient.

He was only three years old, and it was when he laid the foundation that he learned the magical powers of martial arts.

Moreover, cultivating the magical powers of martial arts also requires talent and understanding, and it consumes a lot of time.

"Let me give it a try. If it takes too much time, it's a big deal not to learn. "Jun Xiaoyao said.

In the end, Jun Zhantian couldn't beat it, so he could only agree to let Jun Xiaoyao cultivate a kind of martial arts magical power first.

Moreover, Jun Zhantian also showed off a careful thought. He specially selected a powerful, high-level, but also very complex offensive magical power from the Jun family.

"This is a martial arts technique. After great cultivation, mana can be condensed into swords, guns, swords, halberds, axes, tombstones, hooks, forks and other magical weapons. Once the martial arts are out, thousands of magical soldiers will accompany them, slashing the sky and destroying the earth, which is extremely powerful. "Jun Zhantian explained.

"Well, I will practice military tactics. "Jun Xiaoyao had excitement in his eyes.

Jun Zhantian smiled, and thought proudly in his heart: "Grandson, it's too tender to want to fight with Grandpa. Grandpa also practiced this art for a full year before he could get started..."

In Jun Zhantian's expectation, Jun Xiaoyao should give up after practicing for a few days.

However, after just a few days.

In the Heavenly Emperor's palace, there was a roar and tremor, and endless golden light surged into the sky.

The golden mana swept like a storm, and then condensed into magical weapons such as swords, spears, swords and halberds, splitting the sky and splitting the earth.

"Grandpa, it took a few days before I was able to get started. Cultivating magical powers is really complicated. "Jun Xiaoyao walked out, shook his head slightly, and said with disappointment.

"Cough..." Jun Zhantian almost didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood.

"Grandpa? "Jun Xiaoyao was puzzled.

"No... nothing. If you want to learn any magical powers in the future, you can go to Martial hall to find it by yourself. Grandpa wants to be quiet. "

Jun Zhantian turned around and left, not wanting to stay with this little monster for a while.

Because if you stay any longer, Jun Zhantian is afraid that his Dao heart will collapse, and he suspects that he has lived on the dog for so many years!

Jun Xiaoyao looked confused.


Next, five years passed in a flash.

This year, Jun Xiaoyao was already eight years old.

When a teenager grows up, he is as handsome as a fairy.

Sometimes Jun Linglong can stare at Jun Xiaoyao's stunning beauty for a whole day, without the slightest boredom.

For any woman, seeing such a handsome face like a fairy every day is definitely a blessing that cannot be cultivated in three lifetimes.

Jun Xiaoyao himself has been focusing on cultivation and has not slackened.

His practice is the supreme method of the monarch's family, the Taixuan Sutra.

The method of refining the body is the power of the god elephant to relieve prison.

The method of soul refining is the chaos god grinding visualization method.

In addition, there are some martial arts magical powers of the Jun Family, including Bingwajue, which he is also practicing, which can be said to go hand in hand.

Jun Xiaoyao's cultivation base was also directly connected to the nine heavens of the spirit Sea and broke into the realm of the divine palace, which was similar to the cultivation base of Jun Zhanjian at the beginning.

Moreover, because of the special reasons of the ancient eucharist, the spiritual sea of Dantian in his body is a golden spiritual sea, boundless.

The degree of mana is unmatched by no one of the same class, and it can be called an endless sea of spirits.

"It's only two years since the ten-year-old banquet. After the ten-year-old banquet, it's time for me to go out and walk the world. By the way, I'll explore the secret of Yuantian Supreme. "Jun Xiaoyao murmured to himself.

He has never forgotten these two sign-in places.

After all, he had already signed in to Ancient Eucharist and the God Elephant Town Prison, and he was very curious about what good things he could get by signing in next.

On the other side, Jun Linglong is also practicing in a side hall of the Tiandi Palace. She has completely become Jun Xiaoyao's loyal maid.

At a certain moment, Jun Linglong felt something in her heart and took out a jade bracelet that delivered the news, and news came out of it.

"It's her? "Jun Linglong's beautiful eyes narrowed.