
At The Beginning,Sign In To Ancient Eucharist

(Tianjiao(genius) Contends For Hegemony And Invincible flow).Jun Xiaoyao travels through the fantasy world and hecomes the heir of a barren ancient family.Sign in at the Taiyue Ancient Monument, get a six-star reward, and the idols will control the prison! Sign in at the ten-year-old banquet and get a seven-star reward, the supreme bone! Sign in at the Bronze Immortal Hall and get an eight-star reward,the mother of all things! Sign in at Boundless Sea and get a 10-star reward. He transforms into Dafa! Countless years later, Jun Xiaoyao sat cross-legged in the sky and pointed at the sky with his sword "Nine heavens and ten places, my master rises and falls, at the end of the fairy road, I am the pinnacle!" This novel is translated upto 210+ by one fellow author,but there are some changes in there and meaning of word.However,I am translating following the orginal setting.So those who like the orginal seting,you can read.I will be translating the whole novel(more than 1000+ chapters). Daily 4/5+ chapters

HuangTian1156 · 東方
18 Chs

Chapter 6 Breaking the Eternal Extreme Realm, Jun Linglong wants to follow?

The record of Jun Zhanjian's five million catties has been maintained in the ancient monument of Taiyue for a long time.

It's not that he is the strongest in the younger generation of the entire Jun family.

For the rest of the sequence, many of them practiced outside or in retreat, and did not test their physical strength at the Taiyue Ancient Monument at all.

At this moment, seeing Jun Xiaoyao about to make a move, the eyes of the audience gathered.

After all, Jun Xiaoyao was born with a golden spoon and was named the Son of God when he was born.

His every move has attracted the attention of all sides.

If Jun Xiaoyao's performance is poor, although everyone dare not openly ridicule anything, they will obviously have some words in their hearts.

Jun Zhantian, who was hidden in the void, also became a little nervous on a rare occasion.

Whether you can establish prestige for the first time in Jun's house depends on Jun Xiaoyao's performance this time.

Jun Xiaoyao himself didn't think so much, but after a simple breakthrough, he wanted to test his strength.

He clenched his fists with five fingers, simple and not fancy at all.

Jun Xiaoyao felt as if a thousand giant elephants were rushing in his body, and terrifying power was transmitted from the muscles of the muscles to the fist.


Jun Xiaoyao slammed a punch on the ancient monument of Taiyue, and the phantom of the golden god behind him seemed to follow the bombardment.

In an instant, the entire ancient monument roared and trembled violently!

A dazzling number appeared on the ancient monument of Taiyue.

Ten million catties!


All the children of the Jun family, their eyes full of horror, rubbed their eyes desperately, unable to believe what they saw in front of them!

Only three years old, 10 million catties of great strength!

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't believe it at all!

Lan Qingya's eyes widened, her delicate body trembled, and her heart was deeply shocked!

Although she didn't want to admit it, the ancient monument of Taiyue had never made a mistake!

Jun Linglong's beautiful eyes were also shocked, making her inner conjecture even more certain.

Even Jun Zhantian, who was hidden in the dark, his old face was stunned and looked a little funny.

However, the matter is not over!

One after another Cracks, centered on Jun Xiaoyao's fist, spread like cobwebs in all directions.


Jun Xiaoyao himself was stunned.

He swore that he definitely did not deliberately destroy public property.


In the dumbfounded gaze of everyone, the ancient monument of Taiyue shattered every inch, and finally it collapsed and shattered into countless pieces.

At the same time as the collapse, a voice that seemed to have come from ancient times resounded throughout the monarch's family!

"Create the Eternal Extreme Realm again and give the Heaven Dao rewards! "

This voice came from the void, extremely magnificent, as if an emperor was whispering.

But what he said shocked the ten parties!

Eternal Extreme Realm!

What does this represent?

It represents countless eras from ancient times to the present. At Jun Xiaoyao's age, no one has stronger physical strength than him.

Even the ancient emperor, the supreme Emperor of the ancient times, was not comparable to Jun Xiaoyao physically when he was three years old!

This is definitely a terrifying record!

In contrast, Jun Zhanjian's record of five million catties is obviously so shabby.

"Master Son of God, he has broken the eternal Extreme Realm! "Jun Linglong's beautiful eyes were extremely bright, and her brilliance flashed.

If before, she had only guessed, then now, she has a 50% certainty!

Jun Xiaoyao may be the invincible existence with his back to all beings in that corner of the future!

Lan Qingya was pale. This record was so terrifying that she couldn't even imagine it.

Remembering that she had guessed that Jun Xiaoyao had only 100,000 catties of power, Lan Qingya felt a little embarrassed and her face turned red.

"Haha, grandson, amazing! "

Jun Zhantian couldn't help but appear from the void, his face flushed, and he couldn't stop smiling.

The corners of Jun Xiaoyao's mouth twitched, how could this sound like a curse?

When the rest of the Jun's brothers saw Jun Zhantian appear, they bowed one after another and said, "I have seen the patriarch! "

"Grandpa, this ancient monument of Taiyue is broken..." Jun Xiaoyao said speechlessly.

"It's okay, it's broken when it's broken, but you have brought a big surprise to my jun family again! "Jun Zhantian couldn't help being overjoyed.

Compared with the eternal record set by Jun Xiaoyao, an ancient Taiyue monument is broken. What's the matter?

At this moment, in the void, a cloud of chaotic light emerged, and finally fell into Jun Xiaoyao's hands.

This is a reward for breaking the eternal extreme Realm.

Jun Xiaoyao took a closer look and found that it was a piece of jade.

A divine thought penetrated into it, and Jun Xiaoyao was shocked to find that what was recorded in this jade book was a kind of supreme soul refining method.

"Chaos God Mill Visualization Method!"

"Interesting, is this to make my body and soul invincible? "

Jun Xiaoyao smiled secretly.

His physical body has broken the extreme realm, unparalleled in ancient times, coupled with this supreme soul refining method, when the physical body, soul and soul will be complete, who can be the enemy?

Jun Xiaoyao thought, put away Jade slip, and decided to comprehend it carefully in the future.

At this moment, a rainbow of light swept across from a distance, and it was an old man of high status in the monarch's family, who shouted loudly.

"The eighteen ancestors have a sense that the Eternal Extreme Realm has been broken, and they will reward the Son of Xiaoyao with three immortal medicines! "

The words of this patriarch once again caused an uproar in all directions.

A group of Jun's brothers were extremely jealous!

Immortal medicine is an extremely precious existence.

Generally speaking, even if it is a first-class force in the Immortal Realm, there may be only one or two immortal medicines.

Although the Jun family is an ancient aristocratic family with rich heritage, there is not much Immortal medicine.

Three immortal medicines were rewarded at once, which had never happened in the Jun family before!

However, thinking that Jun Xiaoyao had broken the eternal record, this reward seemed to be justified.

Lan Qingya was a little numb when she was shocked.

She still remembers deeply that Jun Zhanjian was once fortunate enough to get a Immortal medicine, and he simply view it as an ancestor, and was reluctant to use it.

But Jun Xiaoyao got three plants at once. This contrast is too huge.

"Tell me on my behalf, thank you for the reward of the 18 ancestors. "Jun Xiaoyao is not arrogant or impatient, and said calmly.

He is also preparing to return to the 'Tiandi' palace for retreat, digesting the results of this time.

Jun Linglong hesitated slightly, bit her jade lip, and still took a lotus step, feeling uneasy and said, "The Son of God, please stay. "

"Hmm? "Jun Xiaoyao turned his head and saw Jun Linglong.

She was wrapped in a palace dress with a delicate figure that was just beginning to show her size.

The golden slightly curly long hair is crystal clear and dazzling, and the flawless jade face on the ground is even more snow-white and delicate, with unparalleled temperament.

"You are? "Jun Xiaoyao was puzzled.

"The little girl, Jun Linglong, has seen Xiaoyao Shenzi. "Jun Linglong said slightly abruptly.(Shenzi - Son of God =Leader of younger generation)

She has always been indifferent and self-contained, with a delicate and elegant temperament.

But facing Jun Xiaoyao at this moment, Jun Linglong felt that she was so ordinary to her bones that she couldn't afford to be arrogant at all.

"Something wrong? "Jun Xiaoyao said lightly.

The blond girl does look very seductive, but Jun Xiaoyao is not the type who can't walk when she sees a woman.

Therefore, Jun Xiaoyao's attitude is quite plain.

Jun Linglong felt a rare anxiety in her heart. After saluting Jun Xiaoyao, she opened her lips and said.

"Linglong hopes to become a follower of the Son of God! "

After a word fell, the entire arena was silent.

Many male children of the Jun family were pale and heartbroken.

In their eyes, the exquisite noble girl who is high above and can only be seen from a distance and cannot be blasphemous, but at this moment, she bowed down and offered to become a follower of others.

This feeling is as if she is the goddess in her own mind, taking the initiative to become someone else's plaything.

Well I will be adding information About how sequences of the family is divided in "auxilary chapters”,so check it.

Next chapter will be after 6-8 hours from now.....maybe..as I am little busy.

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