
At The Beginning,Sign In To Ancient Eucharist

(Tianjiao(genius) Contends For Hegemony And Invincible flow).Jun Xiaoyao travels through the fantasy world and hecomes the heir of a barren ancient family.Sign in at the Taiyue Ancient Monument, get a six-star reward, and the idols will control the prison! Sign in at the ten-year-old banquet and get a seven-star reward, the supreme bone! Sign in at the Bronze Immortal Hall and get an eight-star reward,the mother of all things! Sign in at Boundless Sea and get a 10-star reward. He transforms into Dafa! Countless years later, Jun Xiaoyao sat cross-legged in the sky and pointed at the sky with his sword "Nine heavens and ten places, my master rises and falls, at the end of the fairy road, I am the pinnacle!" This novel is translated upto 210+ by one fellow author,but there are some changes in there and meaning of word.However,I am translating following the orginal setting.So those who like the orginal seting,you can read.I will be translating the whole novel(more than 1000+ chapters). Daily 4/5+ chapters

HuangTian1156 · 東方
18 Chs

Chapter 4 Jun Linglong, Seven Senses Exquicite Heart, who is Jun Tiandi?

-----------Tian Di----------Means----------Heavenly Emperor--------


Junjia Martial Arts Arena is located on a giant island suspended in the void.

Many Jun's younger generations will practice in the martial arts arena.

Among them, there are not only arenas, but also various places for testing and cultivation, which can be tested by the descendants of the Jun family.

The ancient monument of Taiyue was forcibly occupied by the powerful man of the Jun family and moved to the martial arts arena for the younger members of the clan to test their physical cultivation.

At this moment, next to the ancient monument of Taiyue, a young girl in palace costume is adjusting her breath, preparing to challenge the ancient monument of Taiyue.

The girl was about fourteen or fifteen years old, with long golden curly hair, which was scattered like waves, and her hair was crystal clear and dazzling.

Her skin is like clotted fat, with purple cherry lips, and her temperament is noble and elegant.

Although she is not old, the delicate body of a girl wrapped in tight-fitting palace clothes is exquisite and beautiful, and she is beginning to show her scale.

"I wonder what Jun Linglong will achieve this time? "

"She has a delicate heart with seven senses, and she can comprehend all kinds of exercises extremely quickly. She must have practiced all kinds of physical exercises. "

"I heard that there are several sequences who wanted to recruit Jun Linglong as a follower, but she refused. "

Many children of the Jun family around looked at the girl named Jun Linglong and whispered.

Jun Linglong, although not a member of the top ten, is also regarded as a well-known noble girl in the Jun family.

Because she has a delicate heart with seven senses.

This kind of heart is also called the heart of a saint, which means that if Jun Linglong does not fall in the future, he will be destined to be sanctified.

Although for an ancient family like the Jun Family, a saint is not particularly unusual.

But looking at the entire Wasteland Immortal Realm, the saints are definitely big people standing in the top row.

Because Jun Linglong has the posture of sanctification, some people are willing to throw olive branches to solicit, but all of them were rejected by Jun Linglong.

"Zhentian Golden Palm! "

Jun Linglong raised her snow-white and jade-like hands and bombarded the ancient monument of Taiyue.

It obviously looked like a slender and delicate body, but at this moment it seemed that endless power had burst out.


After a loud noise, the ancient monument of Taiyue lit up.

150,000 catties!

"Jun Linglong is so strong, she has increased her strength by 30,000 kg more than last time. "

"Yes, an ordinary Tianjiao, who has cultivated his body to the extreme, is only 100,000 catties of great strength. Jun Linglong has already broken through that level. "

There were sounds of admiration from all sides, and the fiery eyes of a group of licking dogs were indispensable.

Jun Linglong's snow-white jade face was always plain, without waves.

At this moment, a shrill female voice sounded.

"Jun Linglong, why did it take so long to increase only 30,000 catties of strength? "

A woman in a blue dress came with a thin waist twisted.

Her face is charming and pretty, but her words are sharp.

"It's Lan Qingya, the tenth sequence, a follower of Jun Zhanjian. "

"She has a higher status than her followers, and she is quite favored by Jun Zhanjian when she hears that Jun Zhanjian is quite fond of her. "

Lan Qingya is not a member of the monarch's family, but a follower recruited from the outside by the tenth Monarch Zhanjian.

Jun Linglong ignored it, but Lan Qingya said with sharp words: "Master Zhanjian left a record of five million catties of great power on the ancient monument of Taiyue, which is dozens of times that of you, but you rejected his solicitation. Do you know how ignorant you are now? "

Lan Qingya didn't like Jun Linglong's fake height very much.

Obviously, Jun Zhanjian had already taken the initiative to solicit her, but Jun Linglong still refused him.

In Lan Qingya's view, Jun Linglong is a contrived green tea lady.

"Although Jun Zhanjian is very good, it is not the best. Those who follow Jun Linglong will be able to suppress the existence of an era. "Jun Linglong said lightly.

No one knows that the exquisite heart of the seven Senses has a hidden ability, that is, it can vaguely see a corner of the future.

Of course, this ability is very counterintuitive and cannot be actively used.

Jun Linglong has only triggered it once in her life until now.

In that corner of the future, Jun Linglong saw a vague and detached figure, dressed in white, with her back to all beings.

Hundreds of millions of creatures, Taikoo and ten thousand races, all bowed down behind him, chanting the name of their sovereign Emperor Tian.

At that time, Jun Linglong decided that in this life, the monarch's family would definitely produce a real dragon to suppress the eternal time and space.


In that corner of the future, the Emperor Juntian, who is worshipped by all living beings, refers to which Tianjiao member of the Jun family?

Because of this doubt, Jun Linglong never followed anyone.

She has been waiting for the person who most resembles the Emperor Juntian to appear.

Jun Zhan's sword body is the tenth sequence. Although it is very strong, it has not yet given Jun Linglong that feeling.

However, when Lan Qingya heard Jun Linglong's words, she felt very ridiculous.

"Hehe, suppressing an era, Jun Linglong, your excuse is a bit ridiculous. "

Even the strongest number one in the active jun family did not dare to say this sentence 100%.

Because this is a world of great disputes, with the rise of all races and the emergence of Tianjiao, no Tianjiao dares to speak out and can suppress this era.

At this moment, above the sky in the distance, a white crane attracted everyone's attention.

Above the white crane, there was a figure sitting cross-legged like a young god.

It was Jun Xiaoyao.

He has only broken through the five realms of Shinzo, and he has not yet acquired the ability to walk in the sky, so he can only come by white crane.

"Who is that figure? "

"It looks so young, do you come to the martial arts arena at such a young age? "

A group of Jun's children began to discuss.

Jun Xiaoyao has been staying in the Tiandi Palace since he was born, and has never walked around the monarch's house.

Therefore, except for the eighteen ancestors, a group of elders and their biological mother Jiang Rou, no one had ever seen Jun Xiaoyao.

"Hmm? He..."

Jun Linglong's beautiful eyes fell on the young figure, and Linglong's heart suddenly trembled in her body.

There was a throbbing in my heart.

"No way..." Jun Linglong's beautiful eyes gradually widened, and an intuition surged into her heart.

The white crane fell, Jun Xiaoyao tiptoed a little, and landed easily.

"What a handsome boy, I really want to pinch his face..." A young girl from the Jun family said with beautiful eyes.

"Cute, I want to ride..." Another plump and domineering woman from the Jun family stared straight at Jun Xiaoyao with beautiful eyes and a silly smile on her face.

Being stared at by such a group of Jun family women who looked like wolves and tigers, Jun Xiaoyao felt a little panicked.

His kidney is indeed very strong, but he is still a three-year-old child in the end.

He doesn't want a small horse to pull a cart.

"This boyish blood is too powerful, how can he feel better than us? "

A young man from the Jun family couldn't help asking, "Kid, which line of the Jun family are you from, why have you never seen you before?" "

Jun Xiaoyao said casually: "Of course you have never seen me. This is the first time I have come out of the Tiandi Palace. "

"For the first time from the Tiandi Palace..."

As the young man from the Jun family was talking, his body suddenly trembled.

Tiandi Palace, that is the place where the highest-status talents of the monarch's family are eligible to live.

The young man looked at Jun Xiaoyao with shaking eyes and said, "You... could it be that you were three years ago..."

"Yes, I am Jun Xiaoyao. "Jun Xiaoyao said lazily.


As soon as the words fell, the entire martial arts arena was in a daze.

Jun Xiaoyao can now be described as the most mysterious and highest-ranking younger generation of the Jun family.

He was born three years ago, which alarmed the 18 ancestors, and personally gave him the status of the Son of God.

It can be said that Jun Xiaoyao's current status is not inferior to that of the top ten series!

"Meet the Son of God! "

In the martial arts arena, all the children of the Jun family bowed and bowed.

Jun Linglong's eyes were heterochromatic, but she also saluted Jun Xiaoyao.

Lan Qingya's complexion also changed. She was a retainer with a foreign surname, and she didn't dare to offend Jun Xiaoyao, so she hurriedly bowed.

Looking at the children of the Jun family who saluted him respectfully, Jun Xiaoyao secretly tut-tut, thinking to himself.

"No, according to the routine, in this situation, shouldn't someone come out to question me, and then be slapped in the face frantically by me, acting so obedient, how can I pretend to be coerced? "

Jun Xiaoyao had a feeling that he was unable to exert his strength by hitting the cotton.

He still wants to find someone to pretend to be coerced, no, let's talk about it.

However, Jun Xiaoyao still underestimated the identity of the Son of God.

I am afraid that no one present dared to disrespect him at all.

"Forget it, since no one provokes, I'd better sign in as soon as possible. "

Jun Xiaoyao shook his head slightly, and walked directly to the ancient monument of Taiyue.

At this moment, the mechanical sound of the system came from his mind.

"Ding, I have arrived at the ancient monument of Taiyue, where I signed in. Do you sign in? "

"Sign in! "Jun Xiaoyao thought silently in his heart.

Chapter's in early phrase maybe a little rough.But it will get better overtime.I hope you people support me.


This is the last update for today,I will update tommorow

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