
At Last I Found You In My World

He came out of meteorite crash. The world is unknown to him. But there he met her and he found someone he can grow attached. But no one knows his secret, not even her. Will he ever tell her? What will happen to them in the future? *Author Note* This is a book that won the wfp#26 competition in silver tier. If you enjoy it, drop a power stone and I'll keep writing! Vote through power stone and add it to your library, yeah don't forget to write a review too as I'm new and needs guidance from dear readers. ................ Support author here : patreon.com/FAYSAL_AHMED_5058 ko-fi.com/faysal_ahmed_5058

Faysal_Ahmed_5058 · 都市
25 Chs

Titanic pose

Ray asked that because she already tried to commit suicide once. So, she really has that tendency.

Confirming Ray's fear, without uttering a word Olivia Taylor continued walking to the balcony as if she didn't hear a thing. Just like this, Olivia Taylor slowly got to the edge of the balcony, casually pulled a chair over, stepped on it and got closer to the guard rail.

This time Ray Tristan was worried, this girl can't possibly have such a fierce temper, right? She had to know that if she jumped off the balcony, and fell onto the hard stone surface, even if she doesn't die she will be crippled...

However, Olivia Taylor's actions immediately let Ray Tristan know, how terrifying her determination was...

Apathetically, Olivia Taylor turned her head back to take a look at Ray Tristan, her eyes brimmed with resolve, hate, pain and sadness, as if her entire soul was terribly tormented from staying in that absolutely beautiful body, and wanted to attempt to break free from it...

The 2 pairs of eyes interlocked. Ray Tristan felt his heart twitch at this moment, he was too familiar with this type of expression, this expression was also too similar to the image deep in his mind, which he had no way of erasing. It was that image which made him break free from the shackles he was held back by for more than eons, and made him accomplish what everyone thought as impossible...

But today, from Olivia Taylor's eyes, Ray Tristan once again recalled too many things that he had tried to forget yet failed to forget. In this moment, Ray Tristan was lost.

Olivia Taylor looked Ray Tristan standing there dumbstruck. She didn't want to show the suffering in her heart... Even if she jumped off, that man would remain unconcerned. Once again thinking of the pain of losing her virginity to him, and the pressure and disputes in her personal life, work life and home, Olivia Taylor felt that she was truly about to crumble... What meaning is there in continuing this life? Death can end all of my troubles...

Right at this time, the young waiter who had the coffee prepared was carrying a tray up the stairs, and the first thing he saw, was the image of Olivia Taylor about to jump off.

"waitt... Miss Olivia! What are you doing? It's dangerous!"

Just as the male waiter spoke, a figure flashed past his eyes, bringing about an after image, so fast that it was like a movie's special effects!

At the instant Olivia Taylor held back her tears and was about to jump off the building, a pair of strong yet forceful hands suddenly wrapped around her delicate waist, stopping her jumping motion.

All of these happened in a flash, the waiter who stood at the head of the stairs simply wasn't able to see what actually happened clearly, all he saw was on the balcony, the man with crude clothes was hugging the beauty's waist. The two were silent as they stood quietly on the balcony motionlessly for a long time...

Sunlight scattered onto the green plants on the balcony, and onto the young man and woman, with an atmosphere that leads one to feel harmony and have ambiguous fantasies.

At the same time the waiter sighed a breath of relief, he inwardly envied this man for being able to have such a relationship with a great beauty like Miss Olivia. After silently placing the coffee down, he retreated down the stairs.

Olivia Taylor felt herself move from hell to heaven in a flash, she did not know how Ray Tristan accomplished moving to her back so quickly, she also didn't have the mood to think about such a thing. She could only feel a pair of scorching hot arms tightly embracing her waist, so tight that she felt a little pain, while the man's heavy breath slowly blew onto her sensitive shoulder.

"Release me, even if you stop me for now, I will still die later on." Olivia Taylor's face was flushed, but she still spoke stubbornly.

Ray Tristan sucked in a deep breath, as if he was enjoying Olivia Taylor's body fragrance. Her body had a faint smell of jasmine, as someone who has smelt too many top quality perfumes, Ray Tristan felt that this body fragrance beats everything else.

"Olivia Taylor, I lost, I'll marry you." Ray Tristan softly sighed and said.

Olivia Taylor's delicate body jolted, then she turned silent. Have I won? But why is it that I don't feel the slightest bit happy? That's right, this is merely a man to be used as a shield, he even seized my chastity when my consciousness was unclear, I hate him, how can I possibly love him? If I don't love him, why would I be happy about getting married to him?

At the same time, many pasersby on the square saw the man and woman on the balcony, many of them with keen interest pointed them out.

"Hubby, what do you think they're doing?" Some girl asked with her arm wrapped around a man's arm.

"Isn't that obvious? They're copying titanic, it looks really romantic..."

On the balcony, Olivia Taylor couldn't stand those hot gazes, and finally realized that the two's motions looked incredibly weird. She jumped off the chair in a panic, broke free from Ray Tristan's embrace, and returned into the coffee shop.