
At Last I Found You In My World

He came out of meteorite crash. The world is unknown to him. But there he met her and he found someone he can grow attached. But no one knows his secret, not even her. Will he ever tell her? What will happen to them in the future? *Author Note* This is a book that won the wfp#26 competition in silver tier. If you enjoy it, drop a power stone and I'll keep writing! Vote through power stone and add it to your library, yeah don't forget to write a review too as I'm new and needs guidance from dear readers. ................ Support author here : patreon.com/FAYSAL_AHMED_5058 ko-fi.com/faysal_ahmed_5058

Faysal_Ahmed_5058 · 都市
25 Chs

Proposal for Ray

Yet Ray Tristan had a depressed smile in his face, he said, "I say...Miss, your surname is Taylor right? Miss Taylor, I don't have the money for that Naples or something you ordered, a few hundred dollars for that cup, I would have to sell a few hundreds of pickle!"

"I'll treat you." With her eyebrows knit together, the lady impatiently said.

"This is not a matter of whether you treat me or not, it's about my earnings not permitting me to drink this grade of coffee or whatever you call it. Also, as a literate man with four healthy limbs, how could I covet a coffee treat by a girl like you? You must know, although I'm poor, I'm still an upright person, and not a hoodlum that swindles. If I want to drink coffee, I have to be the one to pay for it, but fact is, I don't really like to drink coffee... If I am honest I learned this term today for the first time in my life."

"It's my treat, not you coveting." Said the lady as she slightly crumbled, she already took a step back to treat a cup of coffee yet she still had to face such a load of nonsense.

But Ray Tristan had a face of solemnity, as he seriously spoke, "Miss Taylor, as those from the ancient times say, a gentleman does not eat free food, what you are doing is charity to me, if you look down on my earnings and look down on my status in society that's fine, that's right, I'm a pickle seller. But you cannot insult my integrity, and trample on my self-esteem..."


Great beauty Taylor suddenly slammed on the table and stood up, her plump chest repeatedly oscillating, "Do you have an end to your chattering? I don't have the free time to speak drivel to your nonsense!"

The moment those words were spoken, Ray Tristan who was constantly jabbering on and on stopped, like he was a totally different person, his face revealed some pride as he smiled, "Miss Taylor, this should be the way, you're so young, be more rich in emotions, don't maintain a boarded up face. I find your angry expression much prettier than your cold expression."

"You��…" Totally without the manners of a wise and virtuous woman, great beauty Taylor sat back down on her seat, a pair of bubbly glittering eyes stared at Ray Tristan, "I don't have the free time to speak such nonsense with you, right now, I have something to discuss with you."

"Speak then, what is it?"

Olivia Taylor swore, in her entire life this was her first time seeing such a shameless person. Although she made preliminary preparation, and knew that this person was merely a peddler that sells pickle, but so what? The fact that she lost her virginity to him cannot be changed, as for what comes after, she could only make the best out of her mistake...

"Ray Tristan..."

"Wait!" Ray Tristan once again stopped Olivia Taylor from speaking.

"What now?" Olivia Taylor was a little angry, on her icy face there was a light blush from the blood rising.

Somewhat embarrassed, Ray Tristan said, "Miss Taylor, you see, you know my name, and even knew I was caught by the police, obviously you have had me investigated. But I don't even know what your name is, yet you say you want to discuss something with me, isn't this a little..." With that said, he greedily sized Olivia Taylor up, and licked his lips.

"Olivia Taylor… Can we discuss now?" Olivia Taylor suddenly regretted her decision, the man in front of her eyes had an evil face, worlds different from the honest man she thought he was, but when she set her mind on something she never had a change of heart. Therefore, bracing herself, Olivia Taylor still planned on continuing till the end.

"Olivia Taylor..." As if Ray Tristan was pondering while softly calling out a few times, he said, "Not bad, this name suits you well."

"My grandfather was the one who named me, but this isn't the main point, I need you to do something for me." Olivia Taylor felt that her name felt disgusting when called out by this rascal.

Ray Tristan put on his guard as he looked at Olivia Taylor, "That...Miss Taylor, you can't possibly want me to reimburse the debt of helping me pay the bail right? I don't have money, only one rotten life."

Seeing Ray Tristan put on a "clearly pitiful" look, Olivia Taylor felt the corniness, and was lazy to take another look at him, she turned her head away and said with an unexpected shyness in her frosty face, "Marry me."


"Marry me..." Olivia Taylor's rosy face looked like juice could flow from it, repeating herself, her voice that was low like a mosquito.

Ray Tristan still suspected that he heard wrongly, very carefully he turned his ear forward, and hoarsely asked, "Miss Taylor, can you speak clearly, why do I find that I'm hearing things..."

"You aren't hearing things." It seemed that Olivia Taylor was determined, and returned to a cold indifferent face as she said, "I said, I want you to marry me! Get married immediately!"

After word after word made their way into Ray Tristan's ears, Ray Tristan had no choice but to admit that he didn't hear things, and couldn't help but smile bitterly and say, "Miss Taylor, this is too...too careless of you, isn't it? You can't say you want to marry me just because you got on the bed with me once, right? Marriage is something that concerns a person's entire lifetime, I believe you need to carefully reconsider things first in a calm manner, do not act on impulse."

This time Ray Tristan did not joke with her, and instead sincerely and earnestly spoke to Olivia Taylor, hoping that she could understand.

Yet Olivia Taylor immediately shook her head, "I'm not a child, I'm clear as to what I'm doing. I'm also not young, it's about time I married, however there has not been a suitable person to choose... Of course, don't think that you're the suitable person to choose. Due to various reasons, those things yesterday happened..." At this point, Olivia Taylor's pretty face involuntarily blushed, then she immediately followed with, "I can tell you clearly, that I'm a very reserved woman. Rather than be forced to marry with a man that I'm unfamiliar with and loathe, why not choose you, at least I gave my first time to you."

Ray Tristan deeply hummed for a moment, then with a cold smile he said, "Miss Taylor, I understand what you mean. The marriage you want is only for display, you need someone as a male schmuck that yields to you. In comparison with the other candidates, I seem to be the easiest to control, right?"