
At Last I Found You In My World

He came out of meteorite crash. The world is unknown to him. But there he met her and he found someone he can grow attached. But no one knows his secret, not even her. Will he ever tell her? What will happen to them in the future? *Author Note* This is a book that won the wfp#26 competition in silver tier. If you enjoy it, drop a power stone and I'll keep writing! Vote through power stone and add it to your library, yeah don't forget to write a review too as I'm new and needs guidance from dear readers. ................ Support author here : patreon.com/FAYSAL_AHMED_5058 ko-fi.com/faysal_ahmed_5058

Faysal_Ahmed_5058 · 都市
25 Chs


"What a pain!!"

"Say I let you go now. What will you do then?"

"Will you bring more people to trouble the old man or me with? I need guarantee that you won't trouble anyone anymore now."

Ray threatened them with a bunch of questions as he wasn't convinced that they will stop bothering the old man.

"We promise you that you will never see us in your sights. "

Ray's eyes flashed, with a smile in his face he looked at them.

"I don't want you to stay out of my sights and commit crime. I want you to stop harassing weak people who work hard to earn their livings. You can loot the wealthy evil people as much as you want. I don't care. But emphasis on the 'evil', you understand?"

The mobs were shocked by what Ray Tristan said. He was completely different from what they thought. They thought he was some hero of justice but he is just pissed at them for picking on the weak.

"Do you get me now?"

The bullies bobbed their head up and down like obedient kids who got punishments for stealing.

"We will do as you say."

All the bullies said together in a loud voice.

"Then go, don't forget to take your boss too."

They didn't need Ray to speak another word, they got up and carried Lishan with them and ran away from here with lightning fast speed.

"Thank you, young man," smiled the old man as he stared at Ray Tristan.

"Is there anything wrong, old man?", Ray asked the old man when he felt the man looking at him reverently.

"Hehe, young man, this old man here knows that there are many supreme masters in this world. You don't really have to lie to me. If you don't have super strength, how did you shatter the brick with your waist?" stated the old man confidently.

"Hahaha... old man. Finally someone who can see my extraordinary quality. You have a great eyesight for an old man.", Ray bragged on about himself shamelessly in front of the old man.

"It's just my wife who can't see it. No worries, even she will realise it slowly someday. "

"Young man, you don't need to go so far with your bragging. A wife? At your age? Can you afford one?", questioned the old man with doubt.

"Oh, you know my wife is a great beauty. She is the CEO of Starlight Corporation, Olivia Taylor. Although it hurts me to say but in truth, she is more rich than me. She doesn't need my money at all. "

"Man, you really hurt yourself fighting those mobs. You lost your mind completely. That brick must have affected your head even though it hit you in the waist. Don't worry. You got hurt because of me, so I will treat your head. Let's go to see a doctor now.", the old man gave Ray Tristan a pitiful look while sighing. He genuinely felt bad for him. He thought he lost his mind in a injury during the fight.

Ray became speechless at the old man's behaviour. 'Why is no one believes the truth nowadays?'

Ray shook his head helplessly and decided to end things here. He needs to return home in time.

"Okay, old man. I am not hurt anywhere. Just think of me as a chattering box and forget what I said. I am leaving now, you should move your stall in somewhere else. "

"I will take your advice but are you sure you are alright? I will feel bad if you became mentally ill. Don't go spouting that nonsense anywhere else? You heard me. ", the old man still reminded Ray with concerned tone. But that only made Ray Tristan's mouth twitch in irritation.


During the afternoon...

A bus arrived at Delta Road. Ray Tristan stood up and got off the bus.

Delta road leads to the most famous residential area in south region of DC city. Palace of Celestial is the most luxurious residential area in Dark Cloud City. You could tell by the name itself that many famous figures, wealthy families and elite professionals lived here.

Most of the houses were private villas with three stories of European style architectures, an individual garden and a courtyard, and they are absolutely stunning.

Olivia's private villa was the 16th unit.

Since Ray and Olivia is just married, they need to stay in the same home together and Ray didn't have a good place where Olivia would agree to live yet, and among the conditions agreed on contract it was decided that Ray would move into her house, so he would obviously live with Olivia in her villa.

When the villa's security guards saw Ray Tristan, suspicion sprouted within them, as they were very curious as to why a rich man was walking in. But they ignored it as an occasional exception.

After entering Palace of Celestial, Ray Tristan had to walk two more kilometers before reaching unit 16th. The gap between each villa was about a mile in between, surrounded by clear waters and lush greenery.

The entire villa's area exceeded 500 square meters in size. This figure was without considering the gigantic swimming pool or the huge garage outside. The palace-styled garden was made up of huge and heavy stones to. It was hard to imagine how huge the price tag of this house was.

"Looks like my wife learned how to live lavishly this time. It's going to be fun living with my cold wife. I am really looking forward to see how this time you will entertain me."

After ringing the doorbell, the finely carved amber door soon opened. The person opening the door was a neatly-clothed middle-aged lady with an apron, with a face that had slight signs of aging. Yet it was maintained very well, not looking old despite probably being 40 to 50 years old. At this moment, seeing Ray Tristan, her eyes revealed some happiness and she enthusiastically said: "You must be Young Master Ray, Miss did say you would come today. Please come in."

Seeing that the middle-aged lady seemed totally uninterested in his background, Ray Tristan let loose a little, entered the house, smiled and said: "Ma'am, how shall I address you?"

"My name is Louisa Miller, you can simply call me Louisa", Louisa with open eyebrows and smiling eyes then said: "How can I allow Young Master address me as ma'am? I've watched Miss grow up, it would be more appropriate to call me Auntie."

"Aunt Louisa is not old at all! If you walked on the streets, you can definitely capture the hearts of many men." sincerely said Ray Tristan.

There is no woman who doesn't like being complimented as beautiful, Aunt Louisa may be middle-aged, but naturally would not be any different.

"Aww... aren't you a charmer, young master? You must have stolen many lady's heart like this."Getting even more joyful aunt Louisa complimented Ray generously.

"Oh, I am not-..

Unfortunately, at this time a cold voice came from the front, just like an iceberg, interrupting Ray.

"Auntie Louisa, don't get dragged by his sweet wordplay. He doesn't know anything else besides using that tounge of his."