
At Last I Found You In My World

He came out of meteorite crash. The world is unknown to him. But there he met her and he found someone he can grow attached. But no one knows his secret, not even her. Will he ever tell her? What will happen to them in the future? *Author Note* This is a book that won the wfp#26 competition in silver tier. If you enjoy it, drop a power stone and I'll keep writing! Vote through power stone and add it to your library, yeah don't forget to write a review too as I'm new and needs guidance from dear readers. ................ Support author here : patreon.com/FAYSAL_AHMED_5058 ko-fi.com/faysal_ahmed_5058

Faysal_Ahmed_5058 · 都市
25 Chs

Drunken fling

Ray heard a sound coming from the rooftops of the parking lot when he was about to leave.

So he got curious to see who it is that made the sound here. He went around searching and quickly found the origin of the sound.

With a mere glance, Ray Tristan's gaze became heated...

Under the dim light of night sky, the soft jet-black hair hung from her shoulder down onto her waist, a white one-piece dress wrapped over the beautiful curves, which were like soft and beautiful waves.

After moving closer to her, Ray Tristan could smell an alluring body scent which brought with it a mix of jasmine and alcohol.

The woman seemed to be very drunk. Her fair hand held onto a wine bottle which was almost empty, yet her body weakly leaned against the edge of the building slightly, and shifted about from time to time. That well-rounded butt of hers formed a captivating curvy line.

Ray Tristan walked up to her, supported the woman up but she started resisting. She was blabbering about something incoherently. Her words couldn't be formed properly into a sentence.

After listening to her blabbering patiently Ray could make out some sentences. From what he could understand, it looks like this women came here to commit suicide in order to escape forced marriage. But she is not willing to accept this kind of marriage proposal where her happiness is not valued. She wanted a life-partner who is worthy of her, understands her, does not want her for her fame and wealth. Most of all, a man who is not afraid of her and loves her only for the rest of his life.

Ray listened to her blabbering,and s.h.i.+fted away the messy hair covering her face, revealing a drunk and flushed pretty face. Whether it was that beautifully sculpted face, or the cool elegance and allure from being drunk, either was enough to make any man lose himself.

No wonder her family wanted to marry her off for personal gain. Any man will be willing to pay any price if they could get her as their wife.

In addition her plump breasts, and an exquisite waist matched well with that smooth porcelain-like face that looked like a meticulous piece of art. This was a 27-28 years old mature lady with an appearance like she came out from a painting, forcing Ray Tristan to have lustful thoughts.

"Whether you want to marry or not, you have to stand up for yourself. Running away from problem like this isn't going to fix your problem. In the end, you only hurt yourself, no one will care once you die. Stay alive and fight till the end maybe the ending will be different then.", Ray Tristan said seriously, trying to hide his lustful thoughts deep inside his mind.

The women seemed to hear what he said. So she got even more emotional.

"Waah.. You are such a nice guy. You took such a care of me. Come.. come.. have some wine. I have already finished most of it. Let's toast to you. For finding a man who is nice to me..."

Ray Tristan hesitated for a moment, the truth was, it's not that he can't drink, it's just that every time he drinks, the alcohol would cause disorder to his psyche. There were too many things he didn't want to recall, which is why he needed to be calm. Therefore, to him, alcohol is poison....

"Alright, but only one sip" Harboring a tinge of guilt, Ray Tristan is unwilling to utterly disappoint the women, so he decided to accept. Silently hoping in his heart that nothing will happen, since it's only a single sip of wine.

So he took the wine bottle from the women and took a sip. After handing him the bottle, the women leaned forward, and pressed her body onto Ray Tristan's chest. This woman's physique looked well-developed from any angle and caused men to drool. At this moment, Ray Tristan distinctly felt two soft moldable lumps pressing against his body, gently stroking it, bringing with it a stimulating sensation.

The intense visual stimulation along with fierce seduction aroused Ray Tristan's male hormones.

When a man meets a woman, among hormones, the adrenal glands hormones' reaction, is the most straightforward evaluation of the woman. Evidently, this women scored well in this.

Just as Ray did his best to suppress his body's reaction, the women gave him a crafty smile, as if she was a fox who succeeded in her plot, "This is good, my man, seems like your 'capital' is outstandingly robust huh..."

Although he only drank a small amount of wine, the alcohol had already started affecting his mind. Ray felt that his craving for alcohol had already been awoken, yet he didn't dare to drink in excess, the pain of recalling undesired things after drinking is something only he knew.

However, seeing that his lower body still had a pitched tent, Ray felt the need to vent some of his pent-up emotions, otherwise 'it' would be stifled to death.

The woman seemed to have been drunk heavily, without waiting for Ray to ponder any further, she casually grabbed hold of Ray's t-shirt collar, then her tender and beautiful lips which were like fresh flowers came kissing.

But because she was unable to find the target, the woman's kiss only landed on Ray's cheek, then slid away.

Ray was stimulated by that ice-cold yet soft contact on his face to the point where he felt like he was burning all over. Seeing this beautiful and delicate lady's limpid expression, with a captivating appearance that anybody would want to take ownership of, he then thought. He himself wanted to indulge for a night, why think so much? Embracing the soft and delicate body with force, he fiercely kissed onto the woman's fragrant lips.


The woman let out a low moan, seemingly bitter about Ray's rough action, yet seemingly pleased about having her tongue being wrapped around.

Hello readers, I entered writing formula practice #26 with this book. Please help me with your vote and comments.

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