

In the realm of Eldoria, Taxon, a gifted young boy from a small village, is admitted to the prestigious Aetherium Academy due to his exceptional magical talent. As he navigates the challenges of academy life, Taxon faces fierce competition and ancient rivalries. Determined to rise to the top, he delves into arcane mysteries, forms powerful alliances, and confronts dark forces threatening the kingdom. However, Taxon's journey takes an unexpected turn when he discovers a looming threat to the entire galaxy. With his newfound allies, he embarks on a quest to defend Eldoria and beyond from the encroaching darkness. As battles rage and sacrifices are made, Taxon emerges as a beacon of hope, rallying mages from all corners of the realm to stand united against the impending doom. Through courage and resilience, Taxon transforms from a humble apprentice into a legendary mage, shaping the fate of Eldoria and the galaxy itself. Welcome to the Aetherium Academy, where legends are forged in the fires of magic, and heroes rise to defend the stars.

Naiga7 · ファンタジー
7 Chs

Chapter 6 - First Steps and New Beginnings

Standing alone in the middle of Elara's bedroom, Taron looked around at the mess she had made. The whole room was in ruins, with books, clothing, and various magical paraphernalia scattered haphazardly across the floor. He sighed, realizing he had to clean it up before she would give him the books he needed.

Gritting his teeth, he murmured, "I didn't agree to this." Grabbing the broom in his hands, he got to work, sweeping up the debris and organizing the chaos.


Prince Axel was meticulously preparing tea in his lavish room when Brin, his loyal attendant, entered. Bowing slightly, Brin reported his findings, "I have investigated his background, and it is just as we expected. He comes from a poor family and was only lucky that the academy chose him."

The delicate teacup in Axel's hand almost shattered as he remembered the clash between him and Taron. "A nameless peasant dared talk back to me. This prince will have no rest until I ensure the rest of his life is miserable."

"Your wish is my command, my prince," Brin responded, his voice unwavering.


Taron, who had just finished cleaning Elara's room, went downstairs only to find her deeply immersed in cultivating. He looked around and found two books beside her. "All this effort just for two books," he muttered, facepalming and picking them up. He knew her demons couldn't disturb her when she was already cultivating or sleeping; they only prevented her from starting such activities.

Closing her door behind him, he walked back hurriedly to his place. He had a class early the next morning and didn't want to be late on his first day. After a brisk thirty-minute walk, he reached his dormitory.

Entering silently to avoid waking Nyx, who was already fast asleep, Taron instead picked up one of the books Elara had given him. The book was titled "The Arcane Path: A Guide for New Mages." He settled into his bed, eager to start reading.


### "The Arcane Path: A Guide for New Mages"


#### Chapter 1: Awakening the Arcane Within

**Introduction to the Arcane Arts**

Welcome, young mage, to the beginning of your journey into the arcane. The path of magic is as ancient as time itself, woven into the very fabric of existence. This guide will serve as your companion and mentor, leading you through the fundamental principles and practices that form the cornerstone of your magical education.

**Understanding Magic**

Magic is the art of harnessing and manipulating the energy that permeates the universe. It is a gift, a talent that lies dormant within you, waiting to be awakened. The first step on your path is to understand that magic is not just a tool but a way of perceiving and interacting with the world. It is an extension of your will, a bridge between the seen and unseen, the known and the unknown.

**The Essence of Mana**

At the core of all magical practice is mana, the raw energy that fuels your spells and enchantments. Mana flows through all living things and the environment, an invisible river of power that can be tapped into and shaped by a skilled mage. Learning to sense and manipulate mana is the foundation of your training.

**Exercise: Sensing Mana**

1. **Find a Quiet Place:** Sit comfortably in a place where you won't be disturbed. Close your eyes and take several deep breaths, allowing your mind to settle.

2. **Focus Your Awareness:** Turn your attention inward, to the center of your being. Feel the rise and fall of your breath, the beating of your heart.

3. **Reach Out with Your Mind:** Imagine a gentle wave of energy flowing through you. This is the mana within. With each breath, try to sense its presence, its rhythm.

4. **Extend Your Senses:** Slowly expand your awareness outward. Feel the mana in the air around you, in the earth beneath you, and in the life forms nearby.

5. **Record Your Experience:** After a few minutes, open your eyes and jot down what you felt. Each experience is unique and valuable to your growth.

**The Three Pillars of Magic**

Magic is structured around three core disciplines: **Elemental Magic**, **Enchantment**, and **Divination**. Mastery of these pillars will give you a balanced and versatile skill set, allowing you to adapt to various situations and challenges.

1. **Elemental Magic:** The manipulation of natural forces such as fire, water, air, and earth. Elemental mages harness the raw power of the elements, bending them to their will.

2. **Enchantment:** The art of imbuing objects and beings with magical properties. Enchanters craft powerful artifacts and enhance the abilities of allies.

3. **Divination:** The practice of perceiving and interpreting the flow of time and events. Diviners gain insights into the past, present, and potential futures, guiding their actions with foresight.

**Exercise: Choosing Your Path**

1. **Reflect on Your Inclinations:** Take some time to think about which aspect of magic resonates most with you. Are you drawn to the fierce power of the elements, the subtle intricacies of enchantment, or the mystic visions of divination?

2. **Seek Guidance:** Consult with your mentor or peers to gain insights into each discipline. Their experiences can provide valuable perspective.

3. **Make a Decision:** While you will eventually learn all three pillars, starting with the one that aligns most closely with your natural talents will make your initial journey smoother.

**The Code of the Mage**

As a practitioner of magic, you are part of a long and storied tradition. With this power comes great responsibility. The following tenets form the code that all mages are expected to uphold:

- **Wisdom Over Power:** Use your abilities to seek understanding and enlightenment, not dominance or destruction.

- **Respect for All Life:** Recognize the value of every living being and the balance of nature.

- **Integrity in Practice:** Be honest and ethical in your use of magic. Deception and abuse of power are the paths to ruin.

- **Continuous Learning:** The journey of a mage is one of perpetual growth. Always strive to expand your knowledge and skills.

Remember, young mage, the arcane path is not a solitary one. You are part of a community of practitioners who share your quest for knowledge and mastery. Support one another, learn from each other, and together, you will achieve greatness.


As he read, Taron felt a growing excitement. This was just the beginning of his journey, and he was ready to embrace the challenges and discoveries that lay ahead.