

In the realm of Eldoria, Taxon, a gifted young boy from a small village, is admitted to the prestigious Aetherium Academy due to his exceptional magical talent. As he navigates the challenges of academy life, Taxon faces fierce competition and ancient rivalries. Determined to rise to the top, he delves into arcane mysteries, forms powerful alliances, and confronts dark forces threatening the kingdom. However, Taxon's journey takes an unexpected turn when he discovers a looming threat to the entire galaxy. With his newfound allies, he embarks on a quest to defend Eldoria and beyond from the encroaching darkness. As battles rage and sacrifices are made, Taxon emerges as a beacon of hope, rallying mages from all corners of the realm to stand united against the impending doom. Through courage and resilience, Taxon transforms from a humble apprentice into a legendary mage, shaping the fate of Eldoria and the galaxy itself. Welcome to the Aetherium Academy, where legends are forged in the fires of magic, and heroes rise to defend the stars.

Naiga7 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 7 - Awakening 1

After reading the first page, Taron closed the book and lay on his bed. This was the first time today that he had space and time to reflect on himself. The events of the day replayed in his mind like scenes from an epic tale. After twenty minutes of recapping, he finally closed his eyes and drifted into a deep, dream-filled sleep.

* * *

The next morning, Taron woke up groggily. He stood up and went through his morning routine, splashing cold water on his face to shake off the remnants of sleep. His class was starting in twenty minutes, so he quickly maneuvered his way through the labyrinthine corridors of the academy to the Great Hall. Today, they were to choose between Elemental and Enchantment magic. Divination was not an option for most; it was extremely rare, with only about one in a million people capable of awakening divine power.

Upon arriving at the Great Hall, Taron saw Nyx among the crowd and approached him. "Hey Nyx, why is everyone just standing here instead of going to class?"

"Seriously? Didn't you read the guideline for freshers? It details everything we would do in our first week," Nyx said, surprised.

"There's something like that?"

"Eh! Forget it, I'll just explain. After choosing between Elemental and Enchantment magic, we will awaken our magic here," Nyx briefly explained what he had read from the library.

Nodding in acknowledgment, Taron looked towards the crowd and realized they were divided into two groups. "Which side are we?"

"The Elemental side."

"Good, good. It's where I want to be." After speaking with Nyx, he found somewhere to sit and pulled out another book from his bag. Elara had given him two books: one was "The Arcane Path: A Guide for New Mages," and the other was "Awakening the Arcane: The Path to Power."

The process of awakening one's magical potential involves placing one's hand on the Crystal of Ascendancy, an ancient artifact that resonates with the latent magic within. The mage undergoes a period of meditation and preparation before approaching the crystal in a sacred space. Upon touching the crystal, a deep connection forms, leading to a resonance that awakens the mage's inner magic. This often includes vivid, symbolic visions that offer insights into their magical path. As synchronization completes, the mage experiences a surge of power, fully awakening their abilities, followed by a period of reflection and integration to master their newfound skills.

Taron was abruptly disturbed by a sudden commotion around him.

"Wow, who is she?"

"You better not be having crazy thoughts about her; she is an elder. And from what I heard, she has a bit of a temper."

"Hey, look at that lady. I have never seen an elder so young."

"So hot."

Taron wasn't concerned about the students' gossip. Instead, he looked towards Elara to see how she was handling herself outside. To his surprise, she was doing remarkably well, exuding an aura of calm and control. He knew it took a great deal of concentration to maintain such composure.

"Gather here, kids," Elara commanded, clapping her hands. Nobody dared delay as they quickly formed three queues on both sides. Nodding her head, she spread her palm, and a crystal floated out. The Crystal hummed as it finally settled in the air. "I know many of you are confused about what we are doing here today. You should have read the student guidelines; I don't have time to waste on you."

She continued, "Now I want you all to place your hand on this crystal. Close your eyes, and it will do the rest.... You come forward." She pointed to the first student in the enchantment queue.

Before the boy could put his hand on the crystal, Elara stopped him and addressed the crowd. "I know many of you have joined either side just because your friends are in it. Awakening doesn't work that way. The crystal will search into your heart and know what you really desire. Once it knows that, it will decide which element suits you best."

Elara gave the boy the go-ahead, and he placed his hands on the crystal, closing his eyes. The crystal hummed loudly as it glowed green.

"Elemental type - Nature... Next!"

The next girl who approached was different. The crystal only hummed without glowing.

"Enchantment... Next!"

The next series of awakenings were uneventful for Taron, until Axel got on the stage. He placed his hands on the crystal, and it glowed red.

"Elemental type - Fire... Next!"

People thought it was over until the crystal let out a louder hum and a gray color shone beside the red. The crowd was awestruck. Axel was a dual elemental mage, and many looked at him with envious eyes. Even Elara was shocked. 'The boy has some talent,' she thought.

"Elemental type - Metal... Is there anything you would like to do or say?" she asked.

Axel stepped forward and bowed slightly. "I have a request, elder. I ask that I be personally mentored under your grace."

"Granted," Elara said, feeling that training a dual mage would be an honor.

As Axel stepped down from the stage, his eyes scanned the crowd for Taron, but he could not find him. Meanwhile, Taron stared at Axel without contempt; in fact, he appreciated his talent. He wasn't one to bear a grudge over a bad encounter.

Seven people went after Axel until a girl passed by Taron's side, arriving just in time and immediately heading to the stage. Taron noticed the pin-drop silence and was shocked by her perfume. He remembered it vividly; it was the girl he almost collided with the previous night.

"Who is she?" he asked Nyx, who was standing in front of him.

"Zara, daughter of Nova."

"Nova... the strongest man in Eldoria?"

