
Asta Aizen

Asta reincarnation of Sosuke Aizen

KZ1818 · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

Chapter 3: Black Bull Initiation Ceremony

After arriving at the Black Bull headquarters, Finral addresses several members of the Black Bull squad whom are present at the headquarters. However, none of them listen to him as all of them are immersed in their own activities. Yami destroys a wall in the headquarters. This catches the attention of the members.

"Captain Yami you are back "they yell.

"How was it did find us a arrogant newbie. I can take him down a nodge or two." Magna

"Please sir can I go up against you today. Come on don't hold back." Luck said after kicking Magna out of the way

"You stupid brat" Magna yells at Luck

Luck just laughs at him

"Now now forget all about these brats wouldn't you rather come out for a drink with me" Vanessa

"Hey hey try this it's really good. Take a good bite." Charmy said offering Yami a cupcake

"I am sorry may I please go see my sister." Gauche

Grey sits in a corner.

"Haha haha. Glad to know how much you miss me. Now shut up will you." Yami said the last sentence with a scary face

"Sorry sir" they said

"I would like to introduce you to our new member. Go on introduce yourself" Yami

"My name is Asta Sosuke Aizen from Hage Village. You can address me as Asta or Aizen. I hope to get along with you all." Asta said with a smile

"He looks kinda cute" Vanessa thought

"You are from Hage. That's out in the middle of nowhere." Magna

Yami tells the members to introduce themselves to Asta.

"My name is Gordon. I hope we will be good friends." Gordan whispers

"My name is Luck. I like to fight. So what do you say let's fight." Luck

"Maybe some other time." Asta

"Aw man. OK." Luck

"To make your way from a back water village to a magic knight . You must have worked. Why don't I give you something as a reward" Vanessa said before throwing

"Well that is Vanessa." Finral

"My name is Charmy and I like food." Charmy said while chewing something

"Hey see her" Gauche said while holding a photo of his sister

"My sister Marie is a angel. If you lay a finger on her you die." Gauche with a nosebleed

"Yeah sure" Asta

"The sister obsessed freak is Gauche"

Asta looks at Grey.

"Oh that is Grey. I don't get him. But he is good people ." Finral

"That is not his true form. A transformation huh. Wait where did that bird go. Well nevermind." Asta

"This is Magna a street punk. He is good people" Finral said pointing to Magna

"I am Finral the lady killer."

"Lastly we have the Black Bulls fearless leader. The great captain Yami Sukehiro. " Finral

"A Japanese name. Interesting." Asta thought

''Is this all the members of the squad" Asta asks in Japanese

"You speak Japanese huh. Well Aizen does sound like a Japanese name. Well anyway there are other members of course but the rest are out on missions or on leave or I don't know." Yami

''Well gang hope you get along with him." Yami

''Wait Captain shouldn't he go through the baptism." Magna

"Yeah Captain. Let me do it." Luck

"Well sure knock yourselves out." Yami

"Yay." Luck

"Well I get first dibs. Let's take this outside. " Magna

"Would you hold back" Yami

"Sure don't wanna kill the newbie." Magna said before walking outside

Yami's words was meant for Asta. Asta nodded when he heard this.

Asta and Luck go outside as well.

"Captain is this alright. Letting those 2 fight against Asta." Finral

"I sure it will be fine" Yami

1 minute later

The members went outside to see Asta's baptism.

"Ok let's get started" Magna getting ready

"Why don't you and Luck both take me on." Asta

"Don't get cocky I don't need that brat to beat you." Magna

"Will even if you 2 joined forces you couldn't beat me. You are just to weak" Asta

"What did you just say." Magna

"I said you are weak." Asta smirks

"You bastard take this." Magna said as he stated throwing fireballs at Asta

Asta dodged all the fireballs effortlessly. Luck seeing this decides to join in. Before that he activates his thunder God boots and gloves.

He charges at Asta. Luck tries to hit to Asta with a punch. Asta grabs him by the wrist before kicking towards Magna. Magna catches Luck. Asta then opens his grimoire and takes out Kyoka Suigetsu. He uses his shikai. The black bull members see his sword shattered and reform. The members wondered what Asta did. Luck and Magna put that thought aside and started attacking Asta again. Asta dodged all of Magna's fireballs. Luck did not land single hit and got minor cuts from Asta who was holding back. During the fight Asta provoked them constantly. This made them more motivated to beat Asta.

After while they Luck and Magna get tired. They decide to make one last effort. They make a plan. Magna would provide a distraction and Luck would deliver the finishing blow.

Magna provided the distraction for Luck. Luck gets in close to deliver a powerful to strike to 'knockout' Asta.

"Yay Magna we did it." Luck said looking at 'Magna'

''Shatter Kyoka." Asta said as he released the illusion

After he did that. Asta stood in the place where Luck thought Magna was standing and on the ground layed Magna unconscious.

"What just happened." Gauche

"Didn't they beat him" Vanessa

"Was that a illusion" thought Yami

"Well you lose. Hado # 33 Soukatsui " Asta said firing blue flames from his palm."

Lucks gets blown away by this attack. After getting hit by it he went unconscious.

"Just what kind power is that.'' Yami

"The power I use is called Spiritual Energy." Asta

"Spiritual Energy. Did you cast a illusion on us using your sword" Yami

"How perceptive of you. Yes I did." Asta

"It looks like I got myself a monster." Yami thought

"Well anyway you are now officially a member of the Black Bulls. We should get those two treated." Yami

"Don't worry about." Asta said as he used Kido to heal Magna and Luck.

"He can even heal others." Yami thought shocked

The members of the Black Bulls were impressed with Asta. After seeing his abilities.

After Asta healed them they woke up.

"Did we get him" Magna

"No you guys got your ass handed to you." Yami

"Damn it was a two on one we and we still lost." Magna

"Don't be so hard on yourselves. When fighting against a God you will always come second." Asta

"He is quite full of himself." Everyone except Luck thought

"Asta let's fight again sometime." Luck

"Yeah sure" Asta

"Ok now that is done. Let's throw are new member a welcoming party" Yami

''Yeah" everyone except Asta yelled
