
Ascension - Chronicles of Fuchsia

Ariana a 19 yr old, shy , quiet princess and only heir of the kingdom of Fuchsia loses her everything one fateful evening and now is left wandering and hiding from her enemies who took everything away from her. Join her adventure of self discovery, making new friends and revenge which leads to her Ascension as the new queen of Fuchsia.

sanghmitra1111 · ファンタジー
6 Chs

The beginning of the end

I could still hear the sound of metal clashing each other as it creating a sharp shrill in my sensitive ears. Even though the raindrops soaked me to the bone, I couldn't forget the warmth of my mother's embrace. The smell of wet mud turning into the iron of blood.

Just few hours ago everything was so perfect. How can life change so easily?

It's true that no one cares about what they have until they lose it, in a whisper of smoke. Hurt, guilt, regret, anger, betrayal... I could feel everything and nothing, all at once.

How could this happen?


" Princess Ariana, your father has requested your presence. " I heard Stella, my personal maid, from the entrance of the royal garden.

" Why~" I whined. What did he need now? I've got the daily dose of 'you are not acting like the successor of the Fuchsia throne'. I have tried to be everything my parents asked me to be.... but.... somehow I don't please them.

"I don't know princess" Her tone so formal.

"Ok Stella, I'll be there. Please give my answer to the king. And.... What did I tell you about addressing me? "

"I'll keep that in mind pri- miss Ariana. "

I internally winced at the 'miss'. It's been always like that in the castle. Everyone is so formal. I mean, when you are a princess you accept that, but sometimes it's just too hard.

I want to be NOT a princess. I want to live like a normal girl. To be able to sing and dance freely. To eat and live the way I want. And the freedom!!! I want to see the world. Not just my kingdom.

And maybe marry a guy of my choice. Not some pompous, selfish prince that my mother suggest me to approach. But I have to be the poised, well-mannered and groomed lady that would be the future queen of Fuchsia.

My thoughts came to a full stop when I reached the door of father's study. He has got what it takes to be a king. Intimidating aura, the alpha vibe, stone cold gaze and a calm and collected demeanor.

As for me, I am short around 5'2 . With a squeaky quiet voice. I think it's because I hate confrontation. I get emotional so easy! My whole personality is like a ball ready to shriveled up and stay at the dark corner of the room, as my father states.

I sighed and smiled up at the guards who bowed to me and went into the study. My father, the infamous king Lucas of Fuchsia, sat on his desk, surrounded with paperwork and files.

He heard me coming and tilted his head upwards to look at me. His icey gaze remained the same. His greying black hair styled perfectly remained unwavering.

I bowed and looked at the file covered desk, "You asked for me father? " My voice came barely above a whisper. But he heard me clearly.

"I did yes. I called you hear to remind you that today, is the day. I expect you to speak confidently and act like a princess, not some shy village girl. "

" Y-yes father. "

"And no stuttering! " He raised his deep voice as I flinched.

"Yes father, I understand. "

" Always look at me while we are talking. How many do I have to remind you that? "

Annoyed a bit I snapped my head at him with a tinge of fierceness which dissipated as soon as I met his eyes, but I tried to keep my head up.


"Hmm... Now go do the preparation. "

I turned to go when he added, " And don't disappoint me. "

I just nodded and made my way to my mothers chambers. She was sitting on a chair working on a tapestry with the flowers of fuchsia shrub beautifully designed on it.


Hearing my voice she turned. She really was a very beautiful woman. With auburn hair and mulberry coloured eyes ( red violet). She gave me a heartwarming smile and stood up to hug me.

"Yes dear? " Her voice so soothing and gentle with a firm base. The perfect queen. She took a strand of my raven hair and pushed it beside my ear staring at my identical eyes.

" Father asked me to prepare for today. I think I'm not ready. I'll never be ready! " And it was true. I was the shadow of my parents. The perfect rulers. I can't be like them! I am different...

"Oh honey, everyone thinks that way, but you are ready. You'll do great. Which reminds me, I have to g recheck the preparations. I have your dress ready. Should I send Lady Nia to you? "

Somehow between my jittery nerves I managed to whisper a yes. Today was the day I'll be officially announced as the successor of the throne. My people will see me for the first time. There will be so many who will judge me!

" Are you anxious? " I heard Lady Nia speak from behind me. She was my godmother and my only best friend aside from Lily. I smiled sheepishly as she went to the cupboard to bring my dress.

" Don't worry Aria, everything will be fine. I'll be there okay? " Her frame, a bit taller than mine towered me with absolute warmth. I smiled and took the dress from her. It was blood red with purple fuchsia flowers embroidery. The dress was full sleeved and heavy with a lot of layers.

I wore it and sat in front of the mirror so Nia ma could do my hair as she insisted. We didn't call any maids because Nia ma knew that I need all the encouragement I can get.

She dressed me beautifully, decorating my hair with real flowers (fuchsia of course) and I couldn't recognize myself. I steeled my nerves as it was already evening, to present myself to my parents.

Mother used her chambers as a hobby room or to spend time with me. It's empty that way. When we reached the door of the main hall, I sensed something was unusual. The guards weren't stationed there.

I moved forward and slowly opened up the gates which carried muffled laughs. When looked inside I found a scene which I could never forget. My father was kneeling down carrying someone in his arms. There was a pool of blood. Ma!

I tried to reach out to them but was held back by Nia ma.

"I know you want to go but look. " She hushed me and pointed. I looked and saw 4 guards acting as protection. A big statue of my father standing at a far corner of the room with some sort of open trap door.

Around 20-30 people clad in black surrounded my parents and their guards. There was a man, around my father's physique standing tall with blood staining his silver sword.

"You had it coming Lucas. I just came as a suitor and you rejected me.... so easily. It's so sad that you have such high regards for me. " his voice was dripping with sarcasm. He moved his fingers through his sandy blonde hairs.

His coal black eyes held mirth and his smile taunting. I want to rip that smirk off his face.....Anger.Who was this man?! Why did he kill my mother. I wanted to finish him. With a new resolve I moved forward but my father's voice stopped me in tracks.

"There is a limit Damon, and you, have CROSSED IT!!! " placing my mother's body gently he snatched a sword from a guards hand and charged at the enemy. But he was soon held back.

" Unhand me!! Fight like a man Damon!!! " This was the first time I saw him losing his cool.

"I warned you Lucas, I'll take everything away from you. Your kingdom, wife, daughter... Everything!! But no... I will keep your daughter. She will make an excellent concubine. If she behaves maybe I'll make her my wife. "

"You are just a scum. You will never have her. "

"Oh! Who is going to stop me. Once you are dead your soldiers and kingdom will be mine. Rebels can be taught or disposed off. But I already have so many by my side that things won't be hard. "

I gritted my teeth. I have to alert the ministers, soldiers.... anyone!!!

"Let's take a detour, shall we. That people should know about their king being executed. "

The people dragged my father as they came nearer to the gate. Nia ma dragged me to a hiding spot as father was taken to the balcony where we were supposed to stand and greet people.

We followed them, not before telling my mother a final goodbye. When I saw her lifeless face I instantly broke down, tears flowed like waterfall as I cried my eyes out. Her blue gown was drenched in blood and her bright eyes lifeless.

Nia ma reminded me that I have to go. After closing her eyes and kissing her forehead I moved forward to father. We reached at the scene where the Damon guy was ready to behead my father and the crowd gasping at the sight.

"STOP!!! " My mouth and body moved forward on is own as I stood before my father. My eyes fierce and unwavering.

The man showed a bit of surprise and then started laughing. I stood my place glaring at him with all might. The guards whom Nia alerted ,when I was with ma ,came into action and attacked the intruders.

The sound of battle was deaf to my ears. Damon looked at me with an amusing smile. "Aww .... the little kitten is trying to be a lioness. "

" What are you doing Ariana!!! Get back!!! You'll get hurt!! RUN! "

I ignored my father's plea as I stood before him. Out of nowhere I arrow shot by distracting the man as I turned around and took my father's hand and ran away from him. The people were now long gone.... afraid of getting into the fight.

Father was limping. I saw a large gash at the side of his leg as I gasped and stopped. "what happened?!? "

"There is no time for that~" Nia ma came out of nowhere, grabbed my hand and pulled both of us with her. She had her chosen weapon, a flyssa with purple handle. It looks like she had the time to summon her weapon.

We were being attacked, by our own soldiers..... traitors.. We were almost at the stables when a few arrows launched at the front of us. That arrows!!

I followed the line of aim as I saw a hooded female figure. I could never mistake that bow, golden, complex designs.

"LILY!! What are you doing? We are under attack! " I shouted

She didn't say anything. She just stood there and took her hood down.

"Oh don't sweat dear, she is with us. " I heard Damon's voice as I froze..... what?

"What is he talking about Lily?! " She didn't say anything and just turned around and bowed at Damon.


"No please. " I feel like crying again..

I could see her platinum blonde hair as she showed me her back. The betrayal stung deep. I thought of her as a sister and she...

My father's hand on my shoulder brought me back. " Go with lady Nia. I'll try to hold them off. " he said


"Go Ariana.... please. You are everything I have left. Please don't let him take you. Promise me you will go and never look back. " His voice was soft and gentle with a longing. He is going to die and he is ready for that.

"No papa, please" the floodgates opened.

His eyes were filled with so much warmth and pride making me cry more.

"I'm proud of you sweetheart. You stood up for me, to someone who would have slit your throat at any moment. Me and your mother are proud of you. But we want you safe. So run... "

" I won't "

He sighed and nodded to Nia ma who took my arms and pulled me with her.

"NO!! "

I broke through and hugged my father. But Nia ma pushed me away and dragged me to the stables.

"How cute... a family moment. I'll gladly finish you off my king. " Damon spoke and looked towards Lily. " Finish them and bring the princess to me. " she nodded and was hot on our heels.

I saw my father summon his weapon, a battle axe which could turn into a double bit edge axe as I tore my gaze away from the scene.

Nia ma took out horse, tore my dress so that I could climb atop it's saddle when Lily came. She pointed her arrows at me and Nia ma. For the last time I tried to talk some sense into her but she shot her arrow at me.

"I'll hold her off. You Go and get out of here. "

"Nia ma..... not you too. " my voice small.

" Aria don't worry. I'll be fine. You go. I watched you both fight. No match for me I should say. " She grinned and then her brown eyes hardened as she turned to Lily.

I looked at her one final time as I took the reigns in my hands." I'll be back, please be alive. " Sparing a final glance at Lily I rode off going as far as I can, fresh tears pouring down my face.

I could hear voices shouting ' stop her', ' the princess is escaping' , ' seize her' as a dagger embedded itself at my left arm. I felt a excruciating pain sear through my body but I bit my lip from crying out loud. I ran, ran away from the chaos with a new goal in my mind - revenge.....