

It seems like forever since I ran away. The rain started sometime just after my runaway. It wasn't stopping so I tried to find a place to stay. My horse was also getting tired. After some time we found a small cave. I ushered my horse inside, and sat on the floor.

I was a mess. My hair was out of it's style with dried messed up flower sticking here and there. My face and eyes red from crying so much. And my dress looked like a disaster. It was torn and dirty from the mud.

But I didn't care. I needed a break from everything. I shifted so I could support my back over the wall of the cave. But a sharp pain on my upper left arm reminded me of the dagger embedded in there.

I grabbed the handle and bit my lip ready for the pain. Tears pricked the corners of my eyes as I took the dagger out. I unknowingly bit my lip so hard that it drew blood.

I ripped a piece from my already torn dress and messily wrapped it around my wound which was gushing out crimson blood, further darkening my once beautiful dress.

I took the dagger, just in case, as a means protection. I couldn't summon my weapon yet. It was chosen yes, but somehow I couldn't summon it. That's why I have to practice with it's substitute.

My head felt heavy and suddenly I was extremely drowsy. I watched the downpour outside as I lost consciousness , falling into a heap of dirty bloody mess.


I woke up on a soft surface. My eyes couldn't focus much as everything was hazy but I could make out a roof. The roof of house not a cave! Where was I?

I sat up with a start which I immediately regretted. It was like my whole body was locked up. I blinked a few times to adjust my vision. I looked around and saw that I was in a room. There was a small sturdy bedside table, a door at the front with a desk and a chair beside it.

The room was relatively small with a window at the right wall, fresh air coming from outside. I heard footsteps coming from outside the door as I prepared myself for an attack. I grabbed on the only protective weapon that was a lamp, and limply stood off the bed.

There was no sign of my dress, dagger or horse. I was dressed in a light pink gown which was very light on my body.

The door opened to reveal a woman around my mother's age. She had greying blonde hair and striking jade green eyes. She looked startled seeing me like that and immediately put on a guarded expression.

" No need to get defensive dear, I will not harm you. " Her voice tried to console me which did it's trick as my grip faltered a bit.

"Wh-Who are you?! And where is Phillip?! "

"Your horse? It's outside. You can see him outside the window. " she told me gently. " You don't have to be so guarded. I brought you soup. "

"Where am I? " my voice just above a whisper.

" You are in Kore village in the outskirts of Fuchsia kingdom. My son found you inside a cave when he was out to collect wood. You looked miserable dear! what happened?! "

I couldn't tell her the truth?! What should I tell her?!... I should makeup a good story.. think Ariana think!

" I.. uh... I ran away. " I said awkwardly. She looked dissatisfied and waited for me to elaborate myself.

" I ran away from a man who wanted to forcibly marry me. He is dangerous so I had no option but to run. I'm sorry for being an intrusion. " It was partially a truth... right?

She gestured me to sit down which I obliged. She then placed the tray at the bedside table and sat beside me. I didn't look at her. She scooted closer to me and held me into her arms. To say I was shocked is an understatement. I was rigid in her arms, but soon relaxed when she gently patted my head.

"Oh dear, you have been through a lot. It's okay. You are safe here. No need to worry. " The way she held me reminded me of my mother. The last memory of her made my eyes water as I clung on to the unknown lady.

She released me and wiped my tears, offering me chicken soup. I took a sip and felt revitalized. It was my first meal after all that chaos.

The woman smiled up to me and introduced herself as Dylancee Ray. I stopped when she asked me mine.

" It's Aria. " I didn't want to tell them my real name as they might get suspicious. She smiled and complimented my name, then checked my wound. I then noticed a bandage neatly wrapped around it.

She patched me up...

I thanked her for her kindness and asked her to give my things back. I wanted to leave as far as I can go. There was no doubt that Damon guy will not sit quietly after that. But Dylancee insisted that I stayed until my wound healed. I wasn't feeling too energetic as well so I obliged.

So instead I went down to look at Phillip. He was tied up and was enjoying his meal of hay. I went to him and patted him, in appreciation for his good work.

Out of the corner of my eyes , I saw a man coming straight at me. But when I turned around he disappeared. I looked around in confusion when I felt someone standing directly behind me with their hot breath tingling my ears.

"So you are awake now. " The voice for deep, low and husky which made my hairs stand up at the edges. I squeaked loudly and turned around with my cheeks red from embarrassment.

Out of impulse, I ran and hid behind Phillip just peering at the person who was laughing his head off. Huh?! This guy was teasing me! My lips formed into a pout as I glared at the male in front of me.

" Jason Ray!!! " I heard Dylancee shout, as all the gentleness and kindness was wiped from her face. With long strides she came and grabbed a ear of the man, who, flinched at her voice. He was a head taller than her.

He winced and cried out loud at his ears being pulled. "Yow! Couldn't you be a little more gentle, you violent woman!!!! "

" What did you just say?!?! " And received a punch on his head. I never saw people react with each other like that.

Feeling my gaze, Dylancee calmed down and immediately wore an apologetic expression. " I am really sorry for his behaviour. This is my son, Jason. He is the one who brought you here. "

I looked up to him. He was standing very tall and had a thin muscular lean body. And he was very handsome. With tanned bronze skin and tightened jaw. He wore a lose white shirt and brown pants with brown leather boots. He rubbed his head which had his unkempt brown hair and grinned sheepishly to me.

" Yeah, I'm sorry for that, but I couldn't control myself. You were just standing there, lost in thought, that, I had to break you out of it.hehe....By the way, I am Jason, but you can call me Jay. "

He opened his eyes , to be same emerald green as his mother's and grinned brightly offering his large calloused hand for a handshake.

I cautiously came out from behind Phillip, and my trembling hand accepted his handshake.

"A-Aria" I internally winced at my stutter and squeaky voice. His hand was very large compared to mine.

His grin widened as he looked even more radiant. If it wasn't for his attire or maybe, his mannerisms, he could easily pass out to be a prince.

We retracted our hands as he moved closer to me, his smile inviting.

" So Aria.. you're new here right? If you are..then I can show you around. " He didn't give either me or his mother, the time to object as he grabbed my hand and pulled me further into the village.

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