
Ascendant System

*Dropped* Read my New Novel “ The Astral System”

Risaliyah · ゲーム
71 Chs

Into An A-Rank Gate

Ryker and Liora moved swiftly through the forest, their senses alert for any signs of danger. They reached the entrance of the A-rank gate in the Whispering Woods, its ominous glow casting eerie shadows on the surrounding trees.

"We're here," Ryker said, taking a deep breath. "Stay close and follow my lead. We need to be cautious."

Liora nodded, her expression determined. "I'm ready."

Together, they stepped through the gate, and the world around them shifted. They found themselves in a desolate landscape, with twisted trees and a blood-red sky. The air was thick with malevolent energy, a stark reminder of the dangers that awaited them.

As they moved deeper into the gate, they encountered their first challenge: a pack of wolves, shadowy beasts with razor-sharp claws and teeth. Ryker and Liora sprang into action.

"Liora, focus on defence and support spells," Ryker instructed. "I'll handle the brutes."

Liora nodded and began chanting, her hands glowing with magical energy. She cast a protective barrier around them, shielding them from the initial onslaught of the wolves.

Ryker, with his mid-Grandmaster strength, moved like a blur, his blade slicing through the air with deadly precision. He dispatched them with ease, his movements a blend of power and grace.

[Experience Gained: Abyssal wolf Defeated – 250 EXP, 100 AP]

[Experience Gained: Abyssal wolf Defeated – 250 EXP, 100 AP]

[Experience Gained: Abyssal wolf Defeated – 250 EXP, 100 AP]

[Experience Gained]

As they pressed on, the challenges grew fiercer. They encountered more formidable foes, including Horror Demons, towering creatures with multiple arms and eyes that glowed with malice.

Liora struggled against a particularly vicious Horror Demon, her magic barely holding it at bay. Ryker rushed to her side, his blade flashing as he struck the demon with a powerful blow.

"Judgment!" he shouted, unleashing a torrent of energy that obliterated the Horror Demon.

[Experience Gained: Horror Demon Defeated – 500 EXP, 200 AP]

Ryker turned to Liora, his expression serious. "You need to focus. Use your magic more effectively. Channel your power into precise attacks."

Liora nodded, her determination renewed. "I understand. I'll do better."

They continued to battle through the gate, each encounter pushing Liora to her limits. Ryker stayed close, providing guidance and support. Whenever she faltered, he was there to protect her.

Another group of Horror Demons appeared, their grotesque forms looming over them. Liora took a deep breath, focusing her energy. She unleashed a powerful spell, ice shards erupting from the ground and impaling the demons.

[Experience Gained: Horror Demon Defeated – 500 EXP, 200 AP]

[Experience Gained: Horror Demon Defeated – 500 EXP, 200 AP]

[Level Up! You have reached Level 18]

"Well done, Liora," Ryker praised, feeling a surge of pride. "Keep it up."

As they neared the end of the gate, they faced the final challenge: a massive Horror Guardian it was stronger than any other Horror demon, its dark energy radiating an aura of fear and despair. Ryker stepped forward, ready to face the creature head-on.

"Liora, support me with your strongest spells," he instructed. "I'll take the lead."

Liora nodded and began casting, her magic intertwining with Ryker's attacks. They moved in perfect harmony, their combined strength overwhelming the Horror Guardian.

With a final, powerful strike, Ryker brought the creature down, its body disintegrating into dust.

[Experience Gained: Horror Guardian Defeated – 250 EXP, 100 AP]

The gate began to shimmer, signalling that it had been cleared. Ryker and Liora stood victorious, their breaths heavy but triumphant.

A book appeared before Liora, indicating her reward.

[ Skill Book : Ice Dominion - Transforms the area of 50 meters around the caster into ice. Enemies caught in the area are turned into ice.]

Liora's eyes widened with excitement. "This is incredible, Ryker. Thank you for believing in me."

"I finally have strong attack spells, not just buffs or heals" said Liora, as her eyes glimmered with excitement and she quickly learnt the skill.

Ryker smiled, placing a hand on her shoulder. "You earned it, Liora. You've grown stronger, and we did this together."

They exited the gate, the harsh landscape fading away as they returned to the Whispering Woods. Ryker felt a sense of accomplishment, knowing they had taken a significant step towards their goal.

"Next, we'll find another A-rank gate," Ryker said, determination burning in his eyes. "We're just getting started."

Liora nodded, her resolve matching his. "Let's do it."