
Ascendant System

*Dropped* Read my New Novel “ The Astral System”

Risaliyah · Games
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71 Chs

A Moment of Peace

After the intense battles and narrow escapes, Ryker and Liora found themselves in dire need of a break. The adrenaline of constant danger had left them both physically and emotionally drained. As they exited the A-rank gate, victorious yet weary, Ryker suggested they take a day to relax and recuperate.

"How about we explore the nearby town?" Ryker proposed, his eyes softening with the prospect of a day free from fighting.

Liora nodded eagerly, her usual steely resolve giving way to a rare smile. "That sounds perfect."

The town they ventured into was a quaint, picturesque place nestled in a lush valley. Cobblestone streets wound through rows of charming cottages, each adorned with colourful flowers in their window boxes. The air was crisp and carried the sweet scent of blooming lilacs, creating a serene atmosphere that stood in stark contrast to the brutal realities of the gates.

As they strolled through the town, Ryker and Liora marvelled at the sights around them. They passed bustling market stalls filled with an array of goods: fresh produce, handmade crafts, and exotic spices. The vendors called out cheerfully, offering samples and engaging in friendly banter with customers.

"Look at this, Ryker!" Liora exclaimed, pointing to a stall selling intricately carved pendants. Each piece depicted a different gem , from gold to shiny emeralds.

Ryker picked up an emerald pendant, admiring the craftsmanship. "These are amazing. The detail is incredible. "

The vendor, an elderly man with a kind smile, noticed their interest. "Ah, you have a good eye, young man. That pendant was crafted from emeralds and shiny jewels, said to be as beautiful as forest spirits."

Liora's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "Can we buy it?"

Ryker chuckled and handed the vendor a few coins. "Why not? It's a nice souvenir."

With the pendant safely tucked away, they continued their exploration. The town square was alive with activity, a lively hub where townsfolk gathered. Children laughed as they chased each other around a central fountain, their joyous cries echoing off the stone walls.

They found a cosy café with outdoor seating and decided to stop for a meal. The aroma of freshly baked bread and roasting meat was irresistible. They settled at a table under a large oak tree, its leaves providing pleasant shade.

A waitress approached, smiling warmly. "Welcome! What can I get for you?"

Ryker glanced at the menu and ordered a hearty stew, while Liora opted for a salad with grilled vegetables. As they waited for their food, they relaxed and took in the sights and sounds around them.

"This place is so peaceful," Liora said, her voice filled with contentment. "It's hard to believe we're not that far from the academy and all the chaos."

Ryker nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it's a nice change of pace. We should do this more often."

Their food arrived, and they ate slowly, savouring every bite. The stew was rich and flavourful, filled with tender chunks of meat and vegetables. Liora's salad was fresh and crisp, the grilled vegetables adding a smoky depth to the dish.

After their meal, they wandered through the town some more, eventually finding themselves at the edge of a beautiful lake. The water was clear and still, reflecting the surrounding trees and the azure sky above. They sat by the shore, dipping their feet into the cool water.

"Do you ever wonder what life would be like if we weren't caught up in all this?" Liora asked softly, her gaze fixed on the horizon.

Ryker considered her question, his mind drifting to a simpler existence. "Sometimes. But then I remember why we're doing this."

Liora nodded, her expression thoughtful. "You're right. But it's nice to imagine, even if just for a moment."

They sat in companionable silence, enjoying the tranquillity of the lake. For a brief period, they allowed themselves to be just two young people, free from the burdens of their responsibilities and the dangers that constantly pursued them.

As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the landscape, they made their way back to the town. The streets were quieter now, the market stalls closing and the townsfolk heading home. The soft murmur of evening conversations and the distant chirping of crickets created a soothing ambiance.

"Thank you for today, Ryker," Liora said as they walked back to their temporary lodging. "I really needed this."

Ryker smiled warmly at her. "Me too, Liora. Me too."

The day had been a welcome respite, a reminder that amidst all the chaos and conflict, moments of peace and joy were still possible. As they prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead, Ryker and Liora carried with them the memory of this perfect day, a source of strength and hope for the battles yet to come.