
I am Satoru Freaking Gojo

Since coming to this world, I have never thought about it, to be honest. I got put into the DC universe as Satoru Gojo; do you know how absurd that is? It was absurd for me the first time as well; like anyone else, I had tried to apply logic to my situation at first. But eventually I knew that there was just nothing normal about my situation, no matter how I looked at it. So I merely accepted that my life before was perfectly ordinary and I had no one?

That was always my conclusion, but ever since coming here, I felt like there was a hole in my memory. Something important that I have been forgetting; it's something that's at the tip of my mind, but it constantly slips my head. I remember having a pet, yet I shouldn't have one at all. The familiarity I felt was still there. It was odd; I never remember even owning an animal. But currently, I am more focused on my current situation.

Akane Gojo is my overprotective older sister, who may or may not have a brother complex. At a glance, I could tell she was family, but my mind told me I knew her for a long time as my elder sister, who was a big part of my life. But my soul does not recognize her in the least, but my mind and heart do. I don't know why, but this girl... I care for her. I have memories of her I never had before.

Satoru Gojo existed in this universe, but I never took that literally. Tim was an acquaintance of mine, but I did not sense that familiarity with the guy. But, Akane, it's like something awakened inside me and unlocked my memories.

Memories of a pissed Akane maiming some brats who tried bullying me.

Memories of Akane being at my birthday and always buying me something absurd.

Memories of us sharing laughs or her always cheering me up.

I did not know—were these the memories of the original Satoru Gojo? No, I lived through every and each of those events; I could perfectly recall them. But that shouldn't be the case; I was a transmigrator, not someone who reincarnated. But I guess one question is still there that won't ever be answered.

Why is it that I found myself as Satoru Gojo in the DC universe?

A question that always sat on my mind for the duration of my new life. The answer was there, but I could not reach it; it was like I was trying to grab ahold of water. The answer slips through my fingers every single time. It is infuriating and very, very annoying.


"And so I ripped his arm off and beat his ass." Now seated at the dining room table, Akane enthusiastically explained just how Deathstroke came to be found near death on his floor. "And so I came here and dropped him off." From how casually she dropped her story, you would not think she just ripped off a man's arm.

"Uh-huh." Was the only response that came from Gojo as he sipped on his cup of coffee. "And why would you do all that pray tell?" He questioned.

"Why wouldn't I?" She shot back with a questioning look on her pretty face. "He was stalking me and obviously had pretty nasty intentions." She stated it matter-of-factly. "And besides, it's easy to spot this kind of thing." Cursed energy is negative and all that; that is most likely what she meant by it. It was rather easy to sense malice when you yourself were coated in it.

"So you say..." Honestly, this felt a little bit surreal—not the Deathstroke being a half-dead thing. No, it was how familiar he felt with this girl, his sister, Akane Gojo. For all intents and purposes, he should not have. It was not something like passing feeling like a sense of deja vu; no, it went much, much deeper than that. Akane liked sour things; she often drank her coffee blank; she picked up cooking so she could make him desserts; she is overprotective as hell. Akane Gojo is an overprotective sister.

Things that he knew about this sister of his—it was odd how that information suddenly just awakened within his mind so suddenly. That, along with his apparent childhood, that was quite different from what he remembered from his old life. But still, despite all these apparent new memories, something remained out of reach, and that was how he got to this world. It sat at the tip of his mind, yet he could not for the life of him remember; maybe he had met some ROB?

That could just explain this situation. That would also explain a number of things. Hold on, what was this? A revelation!

"I want to be Satoru Gojo on crack!" Much to his sister's bewilderment and shock, he suddenly exclaimed those few random words.

"W-wha? You want to do crack!?" She was utterly befuddled much to his amusement

"Nah, I just wanted to scare you~" Goj-Satoru explained with a cheshire-like grin at his sister.

"That's not funny, Satoru!" Despite being a grown woman, she still pouted, though he merely shrugged. He remembered now that he fucking died to that bastard in the truck that drove through his wall!

("Damn, how the hell did I forget that even?") He could not help but question: after that, then what? Yes, he saw 'that thing'; he got chills just thinking about that entity he saw. It spoke in a tongue that was incomprehensible, yet he still understood it, so it bid him to make a wish. 'I wanna be Satoru Gojo on crack.' Now sure, there were a lot of issues with how that was worded, but the entity seemed to understand him well enough, hence this.

("So I reincarnated and only got some memories back now?") That was surreal in a weird way, but before he could further pursue this avenue of thought, Akane spoke up again.

"Say, why are you wearing those ugly bandages over your eyes?" She just now questioned


"Remember, I brought you those nice shades for your Six Eyes." She stated it with a head tilt, and that was the other thing.

Satoru made way for his right eye as he observed the girl. She was brimming with an absurd amount of cursed energy; it engulfed nearly everything and seemed endless. Though it held not a single candle to his own, he was Satoru freaking Gojo after all. He felt a sense of relief at that; he did not just invade someone's body; he was actually Satoru freaking Gojo.

But is there Cursed Energy in the DC universe? That was all kinds of wrong. Then how come he had not seen any Curses? That was odd. Cursed energy, but no Curses? Things just did not add up at all. But from what he remembered from his memories, Akane knew reverse-cursed technique, something he has made no progress with. But she has a pretty busted technique as well. It is pretty powerful, but oh well, he was still much stronger, and her ability relied on her being alive. He could one shot her even with just Blue.

"Aww~ A shame you have to hide such pretty eyes." Akane murmured as she leaned in a tad too closely.

"Stop that, it's creepy." He bluntly stated as he pulled back from his pouting sister. Satoru ignored her as he threw a glance at Deathstroke's body, he was very much conscious and the bleeding from his missing arm had stopped. He was waiting for an opportunity to escape as this situation was not in his favour no matter how you looked at it.

"Say, Satoru, why haven't you been attending school?" She questioned him as he raised a brow.

"How do you even know I wasn't attending school?" He questioned.

"Well, I asked Tim." Satoru held back a wince; he had forgotten about the boy. He would have to contact him again some time later; suddenly disappearing and never showing up for school is cause for concern.

"Well, it got boring~" Satoru smoothly answered, and there was, of course, truth to his words. School was, in fact, boring, more so when he was Satoru freaking Gojo. And he already finished school once; doing that all over again was a very big, fat no-no.

"Come on, Satoru, you have to finish your edu-." Their conversation was cut short by an intense crashing sound, followed by a blinding light that filled the room. The window beside them shattered as a fiery rocket launcher soared through the broken glass. The missile struck the wall behind them with a deafening explosion. Dust and debris shot wildly about as the whole building croaked and groaned.

The room they had been sitting in moments before was now unrecognizable. Shattered glass littered the floor, and splintered wood scattered everywhere. The wall where the rocket had landed was now completely destroyed, revealing the city skyline beyond. But Satoru and Akane were long gone; now the two were hoisted atop a building overlooking the destroyed apartment thanks to Satoru.

"Ah, I forgot about that."

"Forgot about what?" His sister questioned

"I have a bounty on my head." He stated almost boredly.

"For real?"

"For real, for real." Akane heaved a deep sigh.

"Satoru, just what have you been up to in Gotham?" She asked, and he just grinned.

"Oh, you know, just showing everyone who's the strongest." He merely stated

"You're weird, Satoru!" Akane immediately teased.

"Says the she-giant."

"Come on, guys love a tall lady." Akane said striking a pose.

"Maybe if they were the submissive type." Satoru murmured with a head shake.

"Nu-uh, I'm cute. All the guys want a piece." She defended.

"I doubt that."


"I'm just honest."


Aquaman has been compromised.

Flash has been compromised.

Wonder Woman has been compromised.

Green Lantern, John Stewart, has been compromised.

Superman has been compromised.

Hawkman and Hawkwoman have been compromised.

Captain Marvel has been compromised.

Of the remaining Justice League members, Hal Jordan, Dr. Fate, Zatara, and the Atom only remain. The compromised Justice League members seem to have been placed under some form of mind control. There was not enough time to properly analyze this strange mind control; a theory was that some form of magic was used to place the League member's under this trance. The likes of Superman and Flash were placed under said control without any issue, though from my magical sources, Dr.Fate and Zatanna, this does not seem to be the case.

But with the majority of the League compromised, the contingency plan's must be brought to action. However, this is only one option.



Miss Martian.

Kid Flash.

Blue Beetle.






Only a few names of heroes that have a future in the Justice League. Each has honed their own talent and ambition, and maybe when the time comes they can be of help. Another enigma has made its way into Gotham City.

Satoru Gojo. A friend of Tim's, I believe, he has not shown much sign of being a metahuman until much recently.

Subject: Satoru Gojo

Password: Delta Charlie -27-5-1939

Threat level: undetermined

Enabling a new protocol, title: Sikhī

The boy known as Satoru Gojo has shown himself to not care about authority or even killing; if it comes to it, countermeasures need to be placed.

 Contigency, file code name: {RETRACTED}

Abilities: enhanced strength, enhanced speed, enhanced durability, enhanced senses, minor telekinesis The subject has also been shown to possess teleportation and flight. The subject's unique ability allows him to create a point of attraction.

The subject has shown signs of sadism in retrieved footage of his scuffle with Killer Croc. Cassandra also informed us that the subject seems to like testing himself, as he held back in a bout of her own. More investigation must be done on the one known as Satoru Gojo.

He may be a threat, but there is a small chance that this boy can become a needed alley in the future.

This is Batman signing off.


A/N: Yes, I know short chapters and whatnot, but I have exams and all. But I have been pondering; this is rated 18 but no a lemon. To be completely honest, lemons make me squeamish, especially if I write them. But I know some horndogs out there are looking forward to seeing Gojo bang babes. But the thing is, I don't want to write smut. >~< I mean, I'm experimenting with a Catwoman and Gojo one (which is not canon) and I'll post it on my Patreon.com/Gojo877. Of course, you give me money for Segs scenes; I don't want others' reading. Please don't. If I do include lemons here, it'll probably be 100 chapters down or something.

Also, what is the purpose of stones?
