
Akane Gojo

[December 7th, year: 2000]

Satoru Gojo was born.

Upon giving birth to a child, many thoughts would run through a mother's head, and many feelings would pass. But to anyone, even those who would sooner abandoned their child. There was a sense of relief, a sense of love, and a sense of familial connection to this new life they created. This was a mother's natural instinct, a love only a mother could feel upon giving birth to this innocent life.

But as Hanako Gojo stared at the small infant wrapped in a blanket and in her arm's, a sense of dread filled the woman. Despite having just given birth, her beauty was not diminished; her long, flowing locks of snow white hair cascaded down her shoulders. Her pale complexion seemed radiating as did her dim blue eyes seemed radiating despite their dull color as they reflected all light. 

"No..why...why?" She questioned herself as she stared at the peaceful infant in her arms. He had 'those eye's', but why? It was something that was not in the clan for generations, but why now? Why did her son have these God-forsaken eyes?

"Is everything okay, Hanako?" A female voice to her side snapped her out of her thoughts. Slowly turning her head, she saw her childhood friend as well as the doctor who delivered her baby. Hanami was a beautiful woman with long raven hair and gray orbs that sat on her heart-shaped face. She was also holding another small child in her arms, a small girl about two years old. Her head, as white as her mother's, and her pale blue eyes scanned around the large hospital room with wonder until she came to a stop at the other infant that sat in the arm's of her mother.

"Heh, it looks like little Akane can't take her eye's off of, uhm..have you figured out a name yet?" Hanami asked, and Hanako smiled as she stared down at the sleeping baby within her arms. He may have those eyes, but still, she would make sure this child of hers had the life he deserved.

"Satoru. I will name him Satoru. Make sure to play nice with your little brother, Akane." Hanako told the clueless baby girl who merely tilted her head upon hearing the word's of her mother.


[Present Date, Earlier: Tokyo]

"To think, I was just an infant. And I still remember all that, like it was yesterday." Akane mused as she sipped on a cup of coffee as she leaned back in her seat within the confines of a cafe. Seated in the cafe, her appearance seemed to demand the attention of those all around her, as everyone's eye seemed to be drawn to her.

Her hair lacked any color, cascading down her back in a wave of stark white locks. She had it styled in loose curls that framed her face, making her look ethereal and otherworldly. Her lips were full and pouty, painted with a rich shade of red that made them appear even more inviting.

Her skin was smooth and flawless, like porcelain, and it practically glowed beneath the dim lighting. Her face was perfectly symmetrical, with no blemishes or imperfections to mar its beauty. But it was her eyes that truly captivated us all. They were a deep, rich blue, like the depths of an ocean under the moonlight. They shimmered with hidden intelligence, reflecting the brilliance of her thoughts. Lush and long flowing white eyelashes coverd her radiating eye's.

Her blue dress hugged her curves, accentuating every contour of her slender figure. The dress was simple and elegant, falling just above the knees and revealing just enough skin to tantalize the senses. The color complemented her striking eyes, making them look even more alluring.

("But I must say, this stalker is quite dedicated.") She hummed as she finished her cup of coffee. Of course, she had long since taken note of the individual that was tailing her, and it was no mere stalker. He was quite skilled, it seems, staying just a decent distance away from her, but not too far away as not to be able to monitor her.

"Oh pooh~" She whined with a pout. This was truly what she needed; first, her dear Satoru did not answer any of her calls, and now she had a stalker. "What to do, what to do..."

She could maybe get off some steam; university work was a pain to do. And maybe her dear stalker would not mind being a target for a beating; after that, maybe she could visit Gotham. She had a break after all, so maybe she could see her dear little brother. She nodded her head at her own genius as he pulled out her phone.

[I'm visiting Gotham today, so make sure to be ready for your sister, Satoru!!! >~<] -Akane< p>

[Little Satoru is typing.....]

[Who dis?] -Little Satoru

Akane could just sigh at her brother's antics. Well, it made him cute, so there was that. Oh, she could not wait to see her little bother later. Standing up from her seat and to her full height, which was an absurd height of over 190 centimeters, those around her gaped at her while she just sent them radiating smirks. Placing some yen on the table, she threw a wink at the waiter who served her.

"A little tip for you, honey~" He looked about ready to pass out from how red his face went.

("Ahh~ The joys of being hot.") She mused as she exited the cafe with a smile. ("Now, now~ Mister stalker, I wonder, will you be a pig waiting to be slaughtered or will you be a nimble fox who'll make this an enjoyable hunt for your hunter? ~") Her small smile morphed into a grin that split across her entire face, the sadistic smile morphing and clashing horribly on her pretty face.

It had been a while since she used her Cursed Technique, but oh well, it is not as though she had been getting rusty. Maybe this stalker would provide her with some adequate sport; it was boring going through university. This would be a nice change of pace for the Gojo, and she was feeling pretty giddy too; after all, she was going to see her dear Satoru after all this time. Of course she would give him an earful for ignoring her calls, but oh well.

It was time.


Through the scope of his rifle Deathstroke observed the target as she left the cafe and moved through the crowded streets of Tokyo. He had the rifle filled with tranquilizer darts potent enough to completely knock someone out in an instance. He had done some digging on the woman known as Akane Gojo, and he had discovered nothing out of the ordinary, barring her appearance. But there are a few things that he has learned as a mercenary over the years. And that is that things are never as they truly seem; there are layers that need to be uncovered.

Merely thinking this woman was ordinary because of the lack of evidence was foolish; there was clearly more to this woman. His instincts told him that if her brother possessed these powers, then it was more than likely that she herself had abilities.

All of this might have seemed over the top. To go to such lengths to kill one single boy, Slade would admit that there was really no glaring reason for this other than him being overly cautious. Satoru Gojo could be a danger if left alone for too long; from the footage he has seen and from his instincts, he could tell as much. Did he believe that he would be a hero in the near future that could be a bane to his existence and other's?

Nay, Satoru did not seem the hero type. It was easy to undress his character, and Satoru Gojo was no hero; he was someone who merely did as he pleased. Someone like that was much more dangerous than any hero, in his opinion. The heroes had a code that they abided by and followed; they were easy to predict and whatnot. Sure, you may find the occasional enigma that would not care about killing, but still, Satoru was a danger that should not be allowed to grow.

Though that was only partly the reason why he needed to get rid of him. His employer was also rather secretive, and the only two he allowed to know the purpose of the job were Rose and himself. So any third party would ultimately need to have been eliminated; naturally, that third party would have been Catwoman, but of course things did not go as planned.

"Hm?" He suddenly felt his phone vibrate. Pulling it out, he frowned beneath his mask as he took note of the unfamiliar number. But without hesitation, he answerd the call. If someone was looking to trace his location, then they could come. It was better to deal with this now rather than later.

["Yo Deathstroke! It's me, ya boi."] He heard the familiar voice of the boy known as Satoru Gojo. His calling must have meant that both Ravager and himself had survived.

"So you live." He noted.


"I am guessing that you must have returned with something of value then, no?" The mercenary deduced that, seeing as he was contacted, the boy had something in his possession he wanted to get rid of. Hence he was calling him with a number he must have gained from Ravager; the girl had not called him herself. Something to keep in mind


"Then what is it?" The man immediately asked.

["Yeah, I got this coffin thing here. No idea what's in it, though."] Deathstroke narrowed his single eye; it seems they had actually managed to recover what they came there for.

"Listen closely, boy; do not let it out of your sight." He started.

["Hmm....uh-uh."] The response came from a bored-sounding Gojo.

"We will meet in Gotham; I will send you the location anon." He orderd.

["I see. Well, I'll meet you in Gotham then, after I explore Metropolis some more. See ya!"] And like that, Gojo ended the call. Deathstroke sighed at the boy's incompetence as he put his cellphone away, not before leaking the boy's current location to his client.

"Say that sounded an awful lot like Satoru." Deathstroke reacted immediately. With his rifle clutched into his left hand, he leaped away from his former position, swiftly he used his right hand to unholster his Beretta 92FS pistol, and lined up a shot at his target's torso.


The shots were fired with scary accuracy, yet not one reached his target as suddenly...

"!?" Deep wounds suddenly ripped from his protected torso as blood started pouring out of his injured chest, but the wounds, in an absurd display, started healing themselves. Deathstroke glared ahead. What was the cause of these sudden injuries? The woman's ability?

There she stood, uninjured and grinning. Akane looked at him, seemingly amused.

"My, my..." She started with a raised brow. "So you're the type to shoot first and ask questions later?"

("She managed to sneak up on me? But how was it that she got here so fast?") He himself was hoisted atop a building while he was observing her, yet she managed to get here so fast, not to mention she was also able to sneak up on him somehow.

"Now I'll only ask once and only once." Tension seemed to reach its maximum as her expression went blank. "Why is it that you were talking to Satoru?" She questioned.

Deathstroke merely remained silent for much too long as she heaved out a sigh.

"Well, I gave you a choice; let it not be said that I'm not merciful." A grin found its way back onto her face as Deathstroke put away his pistol and rifle in place of unseathing his blade. "Fine, fine. We'll make things interesting. I won't use my technique, so that's fair, no?" He flexed his muscles, his fingers clutching tightly around the hilt of his sword. With a swift motion, he lunged forward, ready to strike.

As he came at her, she stepped to the side and dodged his strike with a fluid movement of her body. The sword sliced through the air where the woman had been a split second before. He swung his sword again and again, with furious speed and violence, but she remained just out of reach. She moved with incredible grace, almost gliding across the ground, her dress trailing behind her like a ribbon in the wind.

She seemed almost playful as she avoided his dangerous strikes, as if she were dancing with him. Her movements were light and precise, and her reflexes were lightning fast. He merely gritted his teeth in very slight frustration, unable to land a blow on her. Despite Deathstroke's slight frustration, the man continued to attack. He lunged forward again, swinging his sword with all his might. But again, Akane danced away from the blow, sidestepping his attack with a grace that could take anyone's breath away.

Deathstroke continued to analyze this girl as she dodged an overhead strike. It was not that she was more skilled than him; she was just massively faster. He was a man who could put up with Batman and a number of other super-powered beings. But still, at the end of the day, he had his limits, much like anyone else.

For a moment, they stood face to face, locked in a silent battle of wills. Deathstroke glared at the grinning and playful woman; it was easy to see when a fight was not in his favor.

"Slow~" Her voice suddenly resounded behind him, and he swung his head back only to find her not there. "And sloppy~" Once again, he heard her voice behind him as he felt a tight grip on his right arm. "But don't worry, you did good as short as this was."

And then pain.

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