
As Long As You Are With Me

The familiar arms hugged Somya from behind, claiming her waist. "Hey, naughty! What are you doing?" she gently rebuked him while concentrating on her cooking. "Why didn't you wake me up yourself, instead a servant had to do it?" he complained with a hoarse voice. "You know that it's Sam's birthday today. I still have things to prepare for," she explained. Mr. Varun Kashyap, who had always been an early bird, suddenly started sleeping till late. Because he loved to hear the sweet singing of his dear wife and her stirring him up with a sweet kiss every morning. But today, he woke up angrily because if he was not careful enough, he might have ended up kissing the servant. All thanks to his wife's important work, which was just taking care of that Little Fella. "You only care for him. You don't care for me anymore," he complained and hid his face in her hair, wailing like a cute abandoned puppy. The innocent act melted Somya's heart, and she turned to console him. "No hubby...Mmmm..." but before she could utter anything, he lifted her chin to force a deep and passionate kiss as punishment. "Cough!" They were interrupted by someone's coughing, and Somya caught her mother-in-law standing on the doorstep. Seeing her mother-in-law standing in front of her, Somya felt like she could die of embarrassment. 'How come my mother-in-law finds me doing such an act. Somya, you are done for! All thanks to this nice innuendo! huh!' She started glared at her husband after her mother took her leave. Somya lunged towards him to smack his shoulder. But in the attempt, the flour on her hands ruined his shirt and they both tumbled on the floor, on top of each other. Varun, being a smart Devil, grabbed the chance to lick Somya at all his favorite places. Hardly suppressing her moan, Somya reprimanded him by hitting his shoulder. "Seriously! Who the hell licks raw dough? It isn't something sweet or tasty." "Oh, honey! It's so sweet because you touched it. Let's continue what we were doing earlier." He attacked her lips with his, silencing her again. ******************************** In a dark room, under the reflection of moonlight, a man was standing in his black cloak. He had golden eyes and was staring at the full moon in the sky. Hearing footsteps from behind, he turned to see Rahul standing there. "I...locked her!" Rahul showed a key to him. Looking at the key, Varun's eyes shone deep golden color before he closed them. After few moments, when his eyes returned to normal, he responded, "Good. Later no matter what happens, don't let her out." "But will you be fine, by yourself? Let me join you. Somya isn't going to wake up anytime soon anyways." "No need. Just take care of her for me," Varun replied in his chilly voice. "Aren't we cheating on her by doing this? If anything happened to you, I won't be able to stand her curses," Rahul tried to stop him. "I don't want my yesterday to affect our tomorrow. I had her room spelled. She won't be able to hear the charmer's voice unless you open the gates for her," Varun then started moving towards the door. Rahul sighed but didn't stop him. "Rahul, you won't be getting the chance to hear her curses. They're only for me to hear," he heard him say. Note: This story revolves around a Forbidden Indian Folklore. A Mysterious Fantasy Romance coming ahead! It's a slow-burn book, so please be patient readers!

72 Chs

Some Good Stuff!

After returning to his room, Varun sat still on the bed. Even after staying up almost the whole night, he wasn't feeling sleepy. Instead, Rahul's words seem to be revolving in his head. 

The hue of dawn was spreading outside the window but he was still unable to catch a wink of sleep. Varun, who was silently weighing his friend's words, got lost in his thoughts. 

When he tried to remember the events of the day, the first thing which came to his mind was the time he spent with her. While he was with her!

Alas, no matter how much he denies he knew this himself that the time he spends with her, he really enjoys it. 

All the talks he had with her and all the actions she did start playing in his head. From the day he first saw her in front of the Principal's Office and the day he met her in the University function to all the evenings he had spent with her, everything.

In the past, he never thought he would ever be spending so much time with a stranger but now he can hardly stop himself from doing so. So, exactly what's wrong with him!? 

Even after finding her annoying many times, he was still holding on to her. Just like how Rahul described. He finds peace by gazing at her quiet face so he can't help but stare at her. To him, her mischievous movements are much more entertaining than his boring office work. During the day she can beat a tornado in creating chaos while when the night falls she becomes as gentle and quiet as a river. How contrasting. That's what pulls him towards her.

Maybe he had started to accept her actually as a friend more than a nosy girl. Although he first detested the idea, now it doesn't feel that bad to call her an ally.

He nods his head as an agreement to his hypothesis, completely flushing out what Rahul tried to make him realize so hard.

 If that poor guy got to know that his whole night's worth of hard work was forgotten this easily he would have been hurt badly. Poor Rahul requires to work harder than an ant now!

But one thing was for sure, Somya's existence definitely means something in Varun's life. Afterall two random strangers don't get this close just because of mere coincidences. And above all when their lives are poles apart from each other so much that they can't be more different.

 He appeared cold as ice. She was like sugar and spice. But that's the way she added flavor to his life. 

A day would come when he couldn't deny the fact that he truly, so, pretty much like her. One day!

The next day, in the morning, Varun got a call from his sexy neighbor whose grace didn't let him catch a wink last night. I mean by haunting his thoughts, no double meaning guys! 

"Hey, Hottie!" A sweet voice with a pinch of seductiveness in it. What a great way to start the day!

"Hmm," he replied, monotonously.

"Guess what?!" She lost her patience to act sexy thanks to her overexcitement and his dull reply. 

"Ansh did what we requested him to do." Yes, they did 'request' him to annul the marriage yesterday by...threatening him. 

"Exactly. It's still early in the morning. I thought he's gonna think a little before trying to negotiate with us. But he agreed? Just like that!" she felt confused.

"He must have felt bad for you."

"I am not buying it. Tell me how did this happen?" she asked with a doubt.

"Maybe he wanted to keep his good boy image in front of you."


"Sigh...I just had a little free time last night so I mailed him some good stuff." Yeah, when he was unable to sleep last night he decided to cease someone else's sleep too. 

"And what could that 'good stuff' be? Send it to me as well?"

"No," he firmly rejected. Sending those documents over to her means inviting himself to be inquired by her.  

"Why?" She pouted over the phone.

"They are boring. What do you wanna do with them?"

"I wanna see what could frighten that pig so much," she stated with resolve.

"What else! Just some proof about him being a corrupt engineer is enough to knock him off his pedestal," he responded lazily.

"Oh! And I remember you told me you had something against his affairs as well? Send me those," she inquired, not letting go of any info.

"Why? Still jealous? I thought you said you won't mind him sleeping with a pig," he teased her.

"Shut up. Who's 'still' jealous? I was never jealous, to begin with!" she burst out, as expected. "I just wanna keep it as a backup for the future."

"You don't have to worry about it. He is not coming back anymore." 'I'll make sure of that.'

His overconfidence made her speechless. But out of habit she decided to believe him again. She didn't even notice how blindly she had trust in him and what would happen if one day he did something which would break it. 

"So, had breakfast?" She asked.

"No. You?"

"I ate. Wanna eat out? My treat!"

" Hmm, Okay." 

Suspiciously, he agreed more quickly than she expected him to. They decided to meet at the usual spot near her office. 


Soulmates always

End up together~

Lazy Tiger Is Back!

I wanted to release it yesterday as Wednesday is an auspicious day for everything but got a lil late!

I wanna tell you am really back here JUST because of those few readers of mine who never gave up on me and their daily votes and comments made me come back. Otherwise I had plans to flee. Hehe...:-P

So very very much thankyou guys from me and my all others readers who are gonna get benefitted because of you. ;-)

Thank you so much everyone~

Love ya~

Yours Lazy Tiger~

LAZY_BENGAL_TIGERcreators' thoughts