
As Long As You Are With Me

The familiar arms hugged Somya from behind, claiming her waist. "Hey, naughty! What are you doing?" she gently rebuked him while concentrating on her cooking. "Why didn't you wake me up yourself, instead a servant had to do it?" he complained with a hoarse voice. "You know that it's Sam's birthday today. I still have things to prepare for," she explained. Mr. Varun Kashyap, who had always been an early bird, suddenly started sleeping till late. Because he loved to hear the sweet singing of his dear wife and her stirring him up with a sweet kiss every morning. But today, he woke up angrily because if he was not careful enough, he might have ended up kissing the servant. All thanks to his wife's important work, which was just taking care of that Little Fella. "You only care for him. You don't care for me anymore," he complained and hid his face in her hair, wailing like a cute abandoned puppy. The innocent act melted Somya's heart, and she turned to console him. "No hubby...Mmmm..." but before she could utter anything, he lifted her chin to force a deep and passionate kiss as punishment. "Cough!" They were interrupted by someone's coughing, and Somya caught her mother-in-law standing on the doorstep. Seeing her mother-in-law standing in front of her, Somya felt like she could die of embarrassment. 'How come my mother-in-law finds me doing such an act. Somya, you are done for! All thanks to this nice innuendo! huh!' She started glared at her husband after her mother took her leave. Somya lunged towards him to smack his shoulder. But in the attempt, the flour on her hands ruined his shirt and they both tumbled on the floor, on top of each other. Varun, being a smart Devil, grabbed the chance to lick Somya at all his favorite places. Hardly suppressing her moan, Somya reprimanded him by hitting his shoulder. "Seriously! Who the hell licks raw dough? It isn't something sweet or tasty." "Oh, honey! It's so sweet because you touched it. Let's continue what we were doing earlier." He attacked her lips with his, silencing her again. ******************************** In a dark room, under the reflection of moonlight, a man was standing in his black cloak. He had golden eyes and was staring at the full moon in the sky. Hearing footsteps from behind, he turned to see Rahul standing there. "I...locked her!" Rahul showed a key to him. Looking at the key, Varun's eyes shone deep golden color before he closed them. After few moments, when his eyes returned to normal, he responded, "Good. Later no matter what happens, don't let her out." "But will you be fine, by yourself? Let me join you. Somya isn't going to wake up anytime soon anyways." "No need. Just take care of her for me," Varun replied in his chilly voice. "Aren't we cheating on her by doing this? If anything happened to you, I won't be able to stand her curses," Rahul tried to stop him. "I don't want my yesterday to affect our tomorrow. I had her room spelled. She won't be able to hear the charmer's voice unless you open the gates for her," Varun then started moving towards the door. Rahul sighed but didn't stop him. "Rahul, you won't be getting the chance to hear her curses. They're only for me to hear," he heard him say. Note: This story revolves around a Forbidden Indian Folklore. A Mysterious Fantasy Romance coming ahead! It's a slow-burn book, so please be patient readers!

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72 Chs

She Eats In Every Two Hours!

Somya and Varun enter the Patiala Cafe and she waved happily at everyone she knew.

"Is there still anyone whom you don't know," he blurted.

"Yea. Those who are new here."  She replied earnestly. Since she had been coming here since her college days she knew most of the staff of the cafe.

They both took a seat. A waiter named Sharad, who was also an old friend of hers, approached them for their order.

When Varun was done, Somya took the menu and said, "Mysore Masala Dosa for me, Shyam."

Varun raised his eyebrow slightly, "I thought you already had breakfast?"

"Yea. But I only ate two parathas." She blinks.

"Only?!" He asks in amusement.

Before she could reply, Sharad laughed and said, "Brother, you may not know but she eats in every two hours."

Listening to Sharad, Varun makes a weird face. 'Why is he talking as if he has known her for ages!'

Sharad turned towards Somya and asked playfully, "Anything else, Sweet?"

After he left, Varun questioned her nonchalantly, "He seems to like you a lot?" 

"Yea, he is a good friend of mine and works part-time here. I have known him since my college days. He may work as a waiter here but he has a heart of gold," she replied, clearly missing the slight irritation in his voice.

She had known Sharad since her 3rd year in her college. He was a freshman at that time who looking for a part-time job and she was the one who suggested a place. Sharad was a simple young boy with all the traits of a good friend so their understanding of each other was quite well. She had even helped him with his studies many times since she was his senior. Thus, she was quite confident in him as if he is her own younger brother.

But Varun doesn't know all this. Taking notice to her praising him, Varun narrowed his eyes but said nothing. 

Soon the food arrived and they started eating. Looking at her eating one after another bite, Varun can't help but ask, "Are you just gonna eat? Don't you want to tell me something?"

"Gorgeous, what should I say?" She replied,  after gulping the food in her mouth.

"What! You called me here just to accompany you to eat breakfast?!"

"I asked you out because I wanted to ask you out. No other motives behind," she affirmed while stuffing the rest of the Dosa in her mouth as well.

Varun sighed. 'Forget it! She doesn't mean what she said.'

He saw there were still some Dosa crumbs left near her lips so he pushed a napkin towards her, gesturing to her to clean it.

Somya smiled mischievously and wiped all her mouth except for the spot where that crump was. 

Too lazy to speak, Varun motioned her again, pointing to his lips. But she acted like she couldn't find it and pushed the tissue towards him, asking him to help her while continuing the mute act.

Sighing, Varun took the napkin and lightly brushed it near her lips. 

'Flash Click'

A click attracted their attention and they turned to find Sharad standing there with his phone in his hand. 

"Sharad?" She called him.

"Oh! Adi wanted to see you guys so he asked me to click your photo when you come next time. So I was sneaking your pics for him," he said, scratching his head in awkwardness. Adi was the nickname of the landlord's son. Thanks to Varun, he is undergoing his treatment in the hospital. 

She bobs her head in understanding and offers her palm to him.

"Show me!"

"Here," he passed her his phone with a face all smiles.

Suddenly Varun's phone rang and he excused himself in a corner to pick it. Just as he went, one of the three girls sitting next to them said, "Oh God! If I had such a dashing boyfriend, I would have paid the bills for him."

Another one of them said, "I would have given him my life if he had ever asked for it!" She boasted and stared at Varun with her daydreaming eyes.

On hearing this, Somya stood up from her seat and went towards them, "Can I sit here?" She asked, pointing at the only empty chair in their group. 

The girls replied, "No."

Ignoring their reply, Somya settled herself on the seat and turned her head towards them, "Just now, whom were you talking about?"

~Avoiding dramas doesn't mean I'm avoiding you.

It's just that

I have anger issues 

and I'm tryna avoid jail~