
Arthur Smith's Hollywood Odyssey

In the 1990s, the United States officially launched its strategy to globalize entertainment, leading to a flourishing film and television industry with Hollywood's influence spreading worldwide. Arthur Smith, who has mysteriously traveled through time, begins a glamorous journey through the world of European and American cinema. Unofficial translation of 美娛從1989年開始 by 顏可顏.

Sayonara816 · セレブリティ
477 Chs

Chapter 92: Mike Medavoy

In the United Kingdom, Iver Heath in Buckinghamshire, located to the southwest of London, is the UK's film and television base, where the renowned Pinewood Studios are located.

To Die For has been filming here since mid-November, for three weeks now.

In the evening, in the hotel suite, Nicole Kidman and Arthur returned from a party and were snuggling on the sofa.

"Recently, you have met with PolyGram's investors three times, right? Have you decided on any projects?" Nicole Kidman asked, snuggling in Arthur's arms with some anticipation.

"Not yet, we are primarily getting to know each other first. Once we have a suitable script, we can develop it together," Arthur said, his hand resting on Nicole's thigh. Then, he lowered his head and kissed the lady before smiling, "Why, are you considering another project even before this one is wrapped up?

No need to rush. Didn't you shoot a film, Flirting, before? You have two movies coming out next year. Once people see your performance, they'll naturally come to collaborate with you!"

"Hmm," Nicole Kidman placed Arthur's hand on her chest. "I want to work on your project."

"The North American box office for Sleeping with the Enemy has exceeded $90 million, while Days of Thunder had only $80 million when it left theaters," Arthur felt the softness and said, "Nicole, you're seducing me - seducing me on set during the day and in bed at night!"

Nicole Kidman shook her head, "I feel like your interest in me has decreased. These days, I'm the one initiating everything at night."

Arthur sighed, "I've had scene after scene to film recently, from morning till night. Plus, I'm keeping an eye on news from the U.S. How could I have so much energy?"

Nicole Kidman rolled her eyes, "Isn't it because you need to go back soon? That's why you're focusing on filming your scenes now. I'll be shooting for another month. Can't you stay a little longer? You're not satisfied even when I'm with you recently?"

"Of course I'm satisfied," Arthur leaned his head on Nicole's neck, "but do you know? Orion's chairman Mike Medavoy has joined Columbia TriStar and is now the president of Columbia Pictures.

My work, The Silence of the Lambs, is scheduled to be released by Orion in April next year. I wonder what's going on with Orion now?"

Dances with Wolves premiered mid-last month and although it's received good reviews, the funds are coming back slowly. Currently, the box office is over $30 million.

When he transferred the distribution of Terminator 2: Judgment Day from Orion to Columbia TriStar, he suspected a conspiracy between Mike Medavoy and Sony. It turns out, this guy indeed joined Sony!

"It's just a change of management, isn't it? Orion isn't going bankrupt, right?"

Arthur frowned, "Orion's situation isn't good. Mike Medavoy's departure is a distress signal, which will lead to creditors demanding repayment. If bank loans can't be repaid, Orion's assets might be auctioned off or the company might go bankrupt!"

Arthur was now worried that The Silence of the Lambs might not be released on schedule and felt he needed to talk to Orion's new person in charge.

Arthur wasn't worried about The Silence of the Lambs not being released. The projects Arthur produced were of high quality. The Silence of the Lambs would certainly not lack distributors!

"Is this kind of thing hard for you?" Nicole Kidman blew into Arthur's ear, "I've heard from Ms. Pascal that many film companies want to sign production contracts with you and establish cooperation with Galaxy Pictures. Plus, these big companies are all willing to pay a high price to acquire Galaxy Pictures, as long as you agree to become their hired producer."

Arthur blinked, "Working for someone else is never as comfortable as being your own boss. Even if I cooperate with these big companies, Galaxy Pictures will still be the production company, where I get to be in charge."

"Alright, let's take a bath. I'm going back to America tomorrow," Arthur said, standing up and pulling Nicole Kidman into the bathroom.

London's winter is harsh, and a warm bath feels wonderful, especially with the delightful and sexy Nicole Kidman by your side!

After returning to the U.S., Arthur immediately went to Orion Pictures. Now taking over Orion's responsibilities was Mike Medavoy's deputy, Jack Brady.

"Arthur, during the middle of the year, Mr. Medavoy and Mr. Peter Guber from Sony Pictures Entertainment had already discussed joining terms," Jack Brady said, looking helpless, "Orion now has a high debt.

Although Sleeping with the Enemy and Dances With Wolves have decent box office returns, there are also many losses among other films. The bank loan interest and investor profit shares - all these are being sustained by box office revenues!"

"As long as we wait a few more months, Sleeping with the Enemy and Dances with Wolves can earn Orion several tens of millions in profit. Isn't that enough?" Arthur frowned.

Jack Brady shook his head, "By June next year, Orion has an $80 million loan to repay. Arthur, do you think we can repay that?"

Arthur massaged his temples, "What do you plan to do with The Silence of the Lambs, which is scheduled for April next year?"

"Don't worry, The Silence of the Lambs release schedule won't change. Even if Orion is taken over by creditors or banks, some projects will still continue!" Jack Brady reassured Arthur, "Moreover, the bank is willing to back your project individually. It's considered a high-quality asset. Or, if new funds get injected, Orion can continue operating!"

Arthur sighed internally. Orion was now close to $200 million in debt, with annual interest over $10 million alone.

And what is Orion's asset value now? Far less than $100 million, mostly thanks to the cash flow from Dances with Wolves and Sleeping with the Enemy.

Given the current scenario, bankruptcy seemed like the only viable path for Orion.

After leaving Orion, Arthur took one last look at Orion's office, feeling a sense of regret.

Orion currently has about a hundred scripts, with nearly ten projects in the filming or post-production stage.

"Arthur, Edward Scissorhands is about to be released. They need you to participate in the promotional events," Arthur received a call from Tracy Jacobs.

"Alright, understood..."

