
Arthur Smith's Hollywood Odyssey

In the 1990s, the United States officially launched its strategy to globalize entertainment, leading to a flourishing film and television industry with Hollywood's influence spreading worldwide. Arthur Smith, who has mysteriously traveled through time, begins a glamorous journey through the world of European and American cinema. Unofficial translation of 美娛從1989年開始 by 顏可顏.

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477 Chs

Chapter 56: Elizabeth Hurley

After securing a $9 million investment from Castle Rock, Arthur's mood immediately lifted. Since Castle Rock had a partnership with Columbia TriStar, negotiating international distribution became much easier.

After leaving Castle Rock, Arthur bought a bouquet of roses and went to find Winona Ryder. In high spirits, Arthur skipped along, humming Michael Jackson songs.

"Hey, Arthur, why are you so happy today?" Winona Ryder accepted the flowers from Arthur and couldn't help but ask when she saw him beaming.

Arthur lifted Winona Ryder into a hug. "Castle Rock invested $9 million for me to film The Silence of the Lambs. The first project of Galaxy Films is set to start shooting in the second half of this year!"

"Is that so?" Winona Ryder hugged Arthur and kissed him. "Congratulations! We should celebrate."

"No rush. There's still a bit of funding short, but we can officially start forming the crew and building the sets," Arthur said as he put Winona down.

"In the evening, we're having dinner with Hugh Grant and his girlfriend."

"He's the lead actor in Sleeping with the Enemy, right?" Winona Ryder wasn't concerned and was happy to meet Arthur's friends. Compared to Arthur's wide social circle, Winona was quite the homebody.

"Yes, his girlfriend is also an actress. She's here to visit him on set," Arthur said while sitting on the sofa with his arm around Winona's shoulders.

"Going forward, I might collaborate more with Hugh Grant. Among the new generation of British actors, he's pretty good!"

Winona Ryder nodded. "When will Sleeping with the Enemy wrap up?"

"By the end of May. Right now, most scenes are shot at the Malibu Beach set and indoor studios," Arthur said. After finishing Sleeping with the Enemy, he would immediately start working on The Silence of the Lambs.

In the evening, Arthur and Winona Ryder met Hugh Grant and his girlfriend, Elizabeth Hurley, at the Beverly Hills Hilton.

At 25, Elizabeth Hurley had perfect curves, striking features, and a captivating presence, which explained why Hugh Grant was so taken with her.

Standing at 175 cm tall, Arthur met Elizabeth Hurley for the first time and found her a blend of wildness and elegance.

The four quickly got to know each other after sitting down. Hugh Grant started, "Hurley just finished filming in the UK and came to Los Angeles for a break."

Arthur smiled. "Planning to try Hollywood?"

"Hollywood, is that possible?" Elizabeth Hurley certainly wanted to try Hollywood. "I've heard it's tough."

"It is challenging. European cinema isn't what it used to be, and Hollywood is highly commercialized with fierce competition," Hugh Grant replied with authority. "But with Arthur as a producer, there might be opportunities for us in the future," Hugh Grant appreciated Arthur Smith for casting him as the lead in a Hollywood film alongside the current superstar Meg Ryan.

"Arthur, you're amazing," Elizabeth Hurley sipped her wine. "I'd love to be a producer, but I don't have the skills."

Arthur shook his head. "I've acted in a few roles myself and had some good luck, so I consider everything quite comprehensively in film production. However, British actors have a natural advantage in Hollywood - language isn't a barrier, and the British accent itself is a bonus."

Winona Ryder reminded, "Don't forget Australia, Arthur."

"Haha, true, but Hollywood isn't fond of the Australian rural accent. Take Mel Gibson, for instance. He's actually American but grew up in Australia," Arthur said while raising his glass.

"When he started, his strong Australian accent classified him as an Australian actor. Cheers, everyone!"

The other three laughed and clinked glasses. Hugh Grant took a sip and looked at Arthur. "You've been smiling ever since we met. It must be more than just my treat. Tell us, what's the good news?"

Arthur raised his eyebrows. "Well, nothing much, it's just that my next project, The Silence of the Lambs, is about to start shooting!"

"Really? Congratulations! You found funding, right?" Hugh Grant, having spent enough time with Arthur on set, knew about these things.

Arthur nodded. "Castle Rock and Orion Pictures are the investors and distributors, respectively. With the distribution contract, I can get a bank loan to cover the production costs."

"Additionally, the lead for this film is also a Brit - Anthony Hopkins, playing Hannibal..."

Elizabeth Hurley listened intently. Securing investment was the most crucial part of developing a film.

She had heard from Grant that Arthur was a screenwriter. His blockbuster film Sleepless in Seattle, and the currently filming Sleeping with the Enemy were all scripts he wrote himself.

Moreover, Arthur Smith also had his name on the production credits for Sleepless in Seattle, whereas Sleeping with the Enemy was entirely his project. Now he was starting his own film company to develop his own movies.

Elizabeth Hurley didn't believe she had Arthur Smith's talent but was keen on forming her own film company to develop movies.

"Arthur, can you share some tips on film development?" Elizabeth Hurley asked proactively.

Arthur paused, "Hurley, you seem really interested in film production?"

Elizabeth Hurley nodded, "I've always been interested, but I just don't have the skills yet."

"Well, don't worry. Take it slowly," Arthur said, taking a sip of his drink. "First, you need to prepare a script. Biographies, novels, true events, and comics can all be adapted. Or if you come across an intriguing story or concept, you can have someone or yourself adapt it into a script and then seek investors.

Basically, the initial script preparation takes a lot of time and effort. Once you have a script, you can contact directors or actors. With their support, finding investment becomes easier.

Hollywood is driven by commerce, while Europe might focus more on artistry. You need to find a balance between cinematic art and allure!"

Hugh Grant patted Elizabeth Hurley's shoulder, laughing. "It's pretty complex. Arthur is a film genius. Just look at his screenwriting ability; it's not something ordinary people can match. Take it one step at a time."

Elizabeth Hurley laughed, too. "I have a lot to learn and can't rush it. I'm really happy to meet Arthur and Winona tonight."

"Let's drink to that!"

"Thank you," Winona Ryder loved seeing Arthur speak confidently. Had Grant just called him a film genius?

