
Arthur Smith's Hollywood Odyssey

In the 1990s, the United States officially launched its strategy to globalize entertainment, leading to a flourishing film and television industry with Hollywood's influence spreading worldwide. Arthur Smith, who has mysteriously traveled through time, begins a glamorous journey through the world of European and American cinema. Unofficial translation of 美娛從1989年開始 by 顏可顏.

Sayonara816 · セレブリティ
477 Chs

Chapter 324

Jack Valenti and Lew Wasserman left Arthur's Carmel estate and returned to a private yacht on Monterey Bay.

"Kirk Kerkorian has acquired and sold MGM twice, and he's taken the MGM trademark to open a casino resort hotel. MGM, once a symbol of America as the titan of Hollywood's Golden Age, has fallen to such a state that Kerkorian is detestable. If Arthur acquires MGM, he might be able to restore MGM's glory."

No matter what, Jack Valenti absolutely supported Galaxy's acquisition of MGM.

"MGM's situation isn't good. Apart from its film library, it doesn't have any other valuable assets. Currently, MGM's cost-effectiveness isn't high," Lew Wasserman also didn't want to dampen the other's enthusiasm, but MGM-United Artists' most important film IP, the 007 series, was tangled in copyright lawsuits and hadn't had a new release for years.

Was Galaxy willing to spend such a large price to acquire this burden?

MGM's current production and distribution capabilities couldn't match Galaxy's, but it had deep roots and wide influence.

Plus, an MPAA seat - that was what Galaxy needed right now!

Jack Valenti frowned, turned his head to look at Lew Wasserman, and said, "It depends on what Arthur thinks, but no matter how you compete, you must play by the rules. Hollywood represents more than just pure profit. Arthur has certain connections in Washington, D.C., and he is friends with California's congressional representatives and the governor. He can absolutely influence Washington's attitude towards Hollywood!"

Lew Wasserman smiled, "Don't worry, it's just fair business competition."

At night, in the bedroom of the Carmel Ranch villa.

Lying on the bed, Arthur reached out to caress Monica Bellucci, who was sitting on top of him. The feel of her 36D was truly captivating.

Monica Bellucci's long hair flew around as she bit her lip, looking excited.

"Arthur, were you unhappy with the guests today?" Monica Bellucci couldn't help but ask.

"Ha, it's okay, just work stuff," Arthur knew it wasn't easy to become a full member of the MPAA. But, given the current situation, it seemed almost impossible for Galaxy to join normally.

Credit Lyonnais's management of MGM was indeed a possibility. Now, with Credit Lyonnais entangled in the Adidas lawsuit, they indeed had the intention to sell MGM!

"Mm," with a scream, Monica Bellucci collapsed onto Arthur, smiling contentedly. "No wonder you were upset - work stuff, huh?"

"It's okay, it will be solved," Arthur said, pressing on the woman atop him. Monica Bellucci obediently slipped under the covers.

"Ah," Arthur placed his hands under his head, enjoying the compliments...

After an unknown amount of time, Monica Bellucci emerged from the covers, lay on Arthur, panting heavily, and licked her lips, asking, "Feeling better now?"

"Yeah, that was great," Arthur smiled, tracing his fingers over her body, "When does Interview with the Vampire start filming?"

"Next month, in Europe. My role isn't big," Monica Bellucci didn't mind. After all, being part of such a big production was a good opportunity, and it was certainly better than just showing off her body in Bram Stoker's Dracula.

In Bram Stoker's Dracula, Monica Bellucci just needed to take off her clothes and display her sexy figure.

Arthur nodded, "No rush then. If you meet any directors, producers, or stars in Hollywood who have ideas about you, let me know, or you might get taken advantage of."

"I know, I'm just a newcomer, and Hollywood prefers slim women," Monica Bellucci responded.

"Says who? You're so sexy, you'd attract a lot of men's attention - be careful of those old men..."

The next day, Arthur took Monica Bellucci from Monterey County to Los Olivos near Santa Barbara.

The famous Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch was here!

Neverland Ranch covered over 2800 acres. Originally, it was an estate farm, bought by Michael Jackson and transformed into a children's amusement park ranch with a zoo.

Michael Jackson, loving children, often invited kids from around the world to come and play.

When Michael Jackson learned that Arthur had arrived at Neverland, he was very happy to entertain them.

However, Arthur could see the worry in Michael Jackson's face; the child molestation case was taking its toll on him.

In the study, Arthur accepted the coffee handed to him, "Michael, how's the case progressing now?"

Arthur genuinely wanted to help Michael Jackson through this difficult time.

Michael Jackson shook his head, "The case isn't progressing well. The Chandler family is trying to delay it, making it difficult for me to work."

Michael Jackson earned a lot, but his expenses were also huge. He supported many charitable organizations.

Arthur sipped his coffee, "Are you considering settling out of court to quickly put this matter behind you?"

Michael Jackson didn't reply. Arthur understood his predicament, "Michael, if you settle once, there will be a second time. If you compromise this time, others will follow suit. For them, this kind of effortless, sky-high settlement is like winning the lottery. So I suggest you do not settle out of court; you must punish the slanderers severely. This world isn't just about love, but also evil."

Michael Jackson looked up, surprised at Arthur, "But..."

"I understand, but remember, compromising will only encourage the bad guys," Arthur said, looking at him. "Persuade Sony to support you. If you need financial assistance, I can help."

"Thank you, Arthur," Michael Jackson smiled, "I sold half the shares of ATV Music Publishing to Sony for $100 million. We formed the Sony/ATV joint venture music publishing company."

"Well, as a friend, that's my advice. How you decide is up to you," Arthur said, taking another sip of coffee.

"Think it through; it's for the future. Some things need to be nipped in the bud."

"Don't worry, Arthur. I will seriously consider your advice. This concerns my innocence," Michael Jackson said, standing up.

"Come, I've had dinner prepared, especially for you and Ms. Bellucci."

