
Chapter 6

Inside the banquet hall

"Welcome to the banquet my friends. From now on my only son Noan Sun will takeover Sun Gold Group. I hope you all support us as you always have." Mr. Sun said.

"I also want to make another announcement, Ladies and gentlemen July 9 will be the engagement ceremony of my son and Manning Du - granddaughter of our old family friend Chenghui Du" Mr Sun continued.

"Hope to see you all " He said as he ended his speech.

Whispers were heard after Mr. Sun ended his speech

[The grand daughter of Mr. Du is so pretty]

[The young master of Sun is also handsome]

[huh! pretty is just useless. She is just a person nobody wants, if it weren't for her grandfather who once saved the life of master of Sun family, nobody would want to marry her. Just look at her background.]

[ I was also thinking how was she able to get close to someone from Sun family, so that's the real story]

[ you know when her mother gave birth to her she was still in high school, imagine getting pregnant when you're only 16]

[ both woman are shameless, always trying to trap men with their beauty. I guess the saying like mother, like daughter goes for them]

Noan who was walking with Manning couldn't take it anymore and pulled Manning with him towards the stage

"Yesterday was my birthday. I was late because I went to pick this gift.This is an engagement ring that designed myself for.. " Noan looked at Manning and continued

" my dearest manman " . In an instant Noan dropped to one knee in front of Manning and said "Manning will you marry me and with me through thick and thin? "

Manning didn't want to say yes but she couldn't embarrass Noan in front of so many people, thus under the pressure of crowd Manning said yes.

Noan got up and kissed Manning while the crowd cheered for them


Inside their room in the hotel

"Noan why is this dress so tight " Manning complained as the stylist was helping her with her dress

"How do I know? I had it custom made for you" Noan replied

"Could it be that I've gained some weight over the 2 months? " Manning asked

" maybe" Noan replied and they both started laughing

" Manman I'm playing golf with my friend from America. Let's go together " Noan said

"what kind of friend Noan?" Manning asked

"He was my senior at school, a legendary man" Noan replied

"Then why are we here in the afternoon? " Manning asked

" I didn't tell him an exact time, just said tonight " Noan said "But manman isn't it good to come early? " Noan looked towards Manning and continued " We can enjoy this time to ourselves "

They went to a cafe near by. Noan sat beside Manning and ordered her favourite yam pastry

"Here manman have your favourite yam pastry" Noan fed Manning with his own hand

As soon as Manning had the pastry she felt a sudden urge to throw up

Manning couldn't hold it anymore and threw up

" Manman what's wrong?" a worried Noan asked

"We've a medical service at the cafe , how about I bring you there" the staff lady asked

"No need, I'm just feeling a little nausea after eating sweet food. I'll be fine after some rest. Thanks" Manning said

"It's perfectly normal to feel this. I would also get sick when I was pregnant" the staff lady said while smiling at Manning.

I'm so sorry my dear readers for not updating the book. The past few months were really hard for me since my mother severely ill but now she's fine. I promise to update the book. Please keep voting.It encourages me. I love you guys ❤

bookwork_for_lyfcreators' thoughts