
Chapter 4

"Young master, you've been away for so long. Manning must have grown to be even more beautiful" Uncle Kung said

"She has always been a pretty girl since childhood. I've left for 3 years . I really miss her now" Noan replied.

"Uncle Kung drive a little faster, I can't wait to see my Manman" Noan said.

*At the Du house*

"Ma.. " Manning said

Ms. Du, Manning's mother looked at Manning and said "Manning didn't you go to pick Noan?"

"Why didn't you come. last night? " Ms. Du asked "Manning mama has told you before that despite your engagement you're still a girl and you need to respect and love yourself" Ms. Du said.

"Ma.. nothing happened between me and Noan" Manning said

"Ok . The Sun family is powerful, we can't be compared to them. But we shouldn't do anything to make them look down on us. " Ms. Du said firmly.

"Ma... " Manning hesitated before she finally decided to ask her mother

"Ma do I really have to marry Noan? "