
Arranged Marriage With Mr Ceo

Rhia, a 20-year-old girl, is forced by her parents to get married to a stranger on her birthday. She is desperate to escape this fate and calls her best friend Lesley for help. Lesley arrive, Rhia reveals her situation, and Lesley offers her a place to stay. However, their escape is short-lived, as Lesley soon spots Rhia's parents and their bodyguards arriving at the apartment, likely to drag Rhia back home. The story explores themes of forced marriage, parental control, and the desire for autonomy and self-determination. Rhia's journey is just beginning,will she fights for her freedom and happiness.

ezztee · ファンタジー
20 Chs

A Sweet Suprise

Rhia had already texted Lesley to let her know she would be visiting, so when the car screeched to a halt, she was ready. James, her driver, informed her that he would be coming to pick her up before sunset, as ordered. Rhia nodded, and the car zoomed off, ringing the doorbell. It was then that it came to her mind that this building was where she had first met Zander, and she also needed to ask him if he rented an apartment here too. She remembered the encounter vividly, and a shiver ran down her spine as she thought about it.

Before her mind could wander further, Lesley opened the door, her smile growing wider as she saw Rhia, and she immediately gave her a hug. As they both entered the apartment, Lesley's face lit up with joy, and Rhia felt a sense of warmth and comfort. The cozy living room, the warm lighting, and the soft music playing in the background all contributed to a sense of relaxation and calm. Rhia took a deep breath, feeling her worries slowly fade away as she settled into the couch beside Lesley.

It was then that Lesley noticed the medium-sized bag Rhia was holding; her eyes lit up with excitement. "Is that my favorite cake?" she asked, her voice trembling with anticipation. She could smell the familiar aroma wafting from the bag, and her heart raced with joy. Rhia nodded as she handed Lesley the bag, a knowing smile spreading across her face. Lesley opened it to reveal a bunny-shaped box, and her heart fluttered because Rhia really loved bunnies. She knew that Rhia only got her favorite chocolate cake when she wanted to make her feel special.

Lesley's face beamed with joy as she lifted the lid, revealing the moist and decadent chocolate cake inside. "You're the best, Rhia!" she exclaimed, giving Rhia a tight hug. Rhia smiled, happy to see her friend so happy. She knew that small gestures like this could brighten up someone's day, and she was glad she could make Lesley feel loved and appreciated. As they sat down to enjoy the cake together, Rhia felt a sense of contentment wash over her. Moments like these were what made life truly special - the simple pleasures that brought people together and created lasting memories. Rhia was grateful for their friendship and the joy it brought to her.

"I saw the address you sent me, your mansion address," Lesley said, remembering the invitation. "Remember, I will be visiting tomorrow." She sliced the cake, giving Rhia a plate and taking the other. "I know you informed Zander already that I would be coming, and as an honored guest..." Lesley spoke with confidence, but suddenly trailed off as she realized her mistake. "How are things with him? Have you guys already...?" Her eyes widened as she regretted her words. Rhia was now married, and she needed to respect their privacy.

Lesley apologized, but Rhia's face was already crimson red. "It's okay," Rhia spoke up, trying to brush off the awkwardness. "We're not yet used to it." She changed the subject, asking, "What time will you be arriving tomorrow?" Lesley replied that she would be there by late morning hours. They both decided to watch anime because Rhia had come to enjoy some quality time with her friend. As they settled in, Rhia couldn't help but feel grateful for Lesley's thoughtfulness and consideration. Despite the minor slip-up, their friendship remained strong, and Rhia looked forward to their visit tomorrow. With plates of cake in hand, they immersed themselves in the animated adventures, laughing and chatting like they used to.

Rhia was relieved that Lesley didn't bring up the subject again, and they spent the rest of the evening enjoying each other presence. Rhia and Lesley heard the horn, and Lesley knew it was time for Rhia to leave. She hugged her friend tightly, feeling a mix of emotions. She was happy to have spent the evening with Rhia, but sad to see her go. "Thanks for coming over, Rhia. I'll see you tomorrow at the mansion," Lesley said, trying to sound cheerful. Rhia smiled and nodded, hugging Lesley back. "I'm looking forward to it. Drive safe, and I'll see you soon." With one last squeeze, they parted ways, and Rhia headed towards the car. James, the driver, greeted her with a nod and opened the door, and Rhia slipped into the luxurious interior. As the car pulled away, Lesley waved goodbye, feeling grateful for their friendship and the memories they continued to create together. She watched the car disappear into the distance, already counting down the hours until their next meeting.

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