
Ark Survival Evolved Multiverse

The Struggle of one man, suddenly woken with strange gem inside of his arm. A gem so familiar yet so bizarre that shouldn't exist. As he fights for survival as he caught in a struggle between an over ambitious man and destiny’s prophecy. I'm new to writing, so give me a break, The Main character will go to different Universe. Also how about sum of those soul stone eh? PS: I don’t own Ark or the Witcher or any of the worlds mention in the book expect for my character pretty sad lol, I don’t own the cover, it’s actually belong to game’s front cover x3 Also Please note due to my chaotic life, I won't be able to constantly update it

Emmanuel_Reyes · ゲーム
35 Chs

I set the world on fire

Everything just went red, the world stopped breathing as if it was holding its breath. Perched Birds shuttered on branches, holding their songs. The Wind stopped blowing as if it was afraid. Everything went silent, for the man's fury went beyond that of a mortal.

His hatred for the mortal plain reached a new height as he saw blood drip for the lips of the girl, he had taken a liking to. He began to shudder as if he was on drugs, his body started to morph to take on a newly form as he forced himself to an evolution beyond his means.

His body grew bigger, as it stood around the heights of hills. Two oversized wings covered nearly the small forest. His red scales glistened in the light; his eyes bore wrath greater than the god of war.

He stares at the girl as he gently picks her up, laying her on his back. he stares at the ones who had caused all of this, as he roared in fury, as all the trees bended at the force of his roar. A group of Scoia'tael could be they huddle in fear, for they had no fear, but this thing scares them. For they could feel him radiating his fury and boundless rage. For the dragon did not just want them ripped apart but to desecrate their bodies. Soon a scorching fireball landed upon them as they realized of the danger they had been gawking at while most were burnt and scorched by the fireball. Soon those who were still alive in the group made a run for it, but alas the dragon lands on them, as he crushes them and begins to turn them all into ash.

The dragon roars in great fury, for his bloodlust had not yet been satisfied. Thus, he began to rampage near the capital, as he began to breath fire onto the forest.

A raging roar could be heard from a nearby forest and a giant dragon could be seen ascending from behind the private palace forest. His body begin to shudder for his body could not endure the strains due to forcing his evolution beyond his mean.

His morph ended, while in the air thus ending his rampage. Nearly being crushed by gravity, a spell was cast catching both Sebastian and Pavetta. An Old man wearing druid clothes could be seen carrying both, thus holding Pavetta while letting Sebastian drop to the floor. Soon a batch of guards with Pavetta mother alongside Geralt and a dashing Sorceress. Geralt picked up Sebastian, while the royal guards escorted the group to the palace while worried and frustrated while them being kept in the dark.

While Sebastian was in a semi-conscious, he would hear voices around him. He finally thought he had died thus believing he had just gone insane.

Geralt: "how's the boy Yennefer?"

Yennefer: "his whole body is a mess, a foreign energy is destroying and reconstructing his body. Like if it is going through a Witcher trial"

Geralt " That not possible, He hasn't taken the potion needed for becoming a Witcher"

Both went silent as they watch Sebastian body mutating before their eyes. As Sebastian groans in pain due to his body mutating. All sudden the whole world freezes as if it's been put on a pause. A middle age man could be seen sitting on a chair, as anyone could recognize, he is Gaunter O'Dimm the master mirror or man of glass.

Gaunter "let make a deal eh? I help you and you help me, simple right?"

Sebastian painfully nods for he could not withstand this pain, but alas those who make deal with Gaunter O'Dimm always end up a worse faith.

Gaunter gives a small smile as he claps, has he disappeared, everything returns to normal.

Sebastian begin to feel even a worse pain, has his body being to feel like it's being torn apart and put back together. Soon he heard a soft voice next to his hear which is probably Gaunter "just endure, it all will be over soon" as he chuckles as if this was only but a game for him.

Sebastian blacks out but unknown to him, his body rapidly begin to shift, his eyes pupil turns into a cat eyes, while his color was no longer black but a bright silver. His hair start falling off, as new rapidly type of hair took it place, a bright snow-white hair as it blinded even Geralt and Yennefer.

Soon they both gasp in disbelief at the rapid change of this body, for his tone of muscle were no longer bulk but slim. His face became slightly more handsome, for his skin tone give a soft healthy impression even better than some nobles.

Geralt grunt has he realize that his hair was quite like his, expect that Sebastian was brighter and paler.

Yennefer snort as she begins to walk off while Geralt chases after her, trying to explain that not his kid. but both knew that Witcher can't have kids, as Yennefer was just being jealous.

As Sebastian rose from his body, as he just became a sleeping beauty. As he smirks to himself, he soon realizes Pavetta was sleeping near his bed. He smiles softly at this as he gently brushes her hair.

Pavetta abruptly wakes, as she slaps Sebastian hands, "you been asleep for nearly a month" as she gives a pouting of a fierce kitten. She gives Sebastian a quick hug as she whispers in a soft voice. "thank you" as she rush out from the room, Soon an old druid enters and speaks in a deep mystify voice "the Queen would like to see you" as he curiously look at the young boy, that could transform into a dragon.

Sebastian replies "now?" As the druid replies, "not now, first you're not suited to stand front of the queen like that" As the druid claps his hands as a bunch of maids run into the room as they begin to dress Sebastian and make sure he washes properly (( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)). Soon an Instructor comes in as he clears his voice " the queen requires you learn how to bow properly" as he begins to teach Sebastian who wore in noble clothes.

Until the Instructor was satisfied, he spoke "you're ready to meet the queen, come along" as Both made their way down through the palace hallways. Once they both reached in front of two giant heavy doors. Sebastian couldn't help but feel nervous as he was about to decide on his fate for his future depends on the Queen.

Sorry about the chapter being late, also how about reading my second novel? The wild hunt, make sure to check it out.

Emmanuel_Reyescreators' thoughts