
Ark Survival Evolved Multiverse

The Struggle of one man, suddenly woken with strange gem inside of his arm. A gem so familiar yet so bizarre that shouldn't exist. As he fights for survival as he caught in a struggle between an over ambitious man and destiny’s prophecy. I'm new to writing, so give me a break, The Main character will go to different Universe. Also how about sum of those soul stone eh? PS: I don’t own Ark or the Witcher or any of the worlds mention in the book expect for my character pretty sad lol, I don’t own the cover, it’s actually belong to game’s front cover x3 Also Please note due to my chaotic life, I won't be able to constantly update it

Emmanuel_Reyes · Video Games
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35 Chs

Cold Stone Heart

Soon an announcer had just called my name " Sebastian the Dragon Wielder", Sebastian took a deep breath for it was time to meet his faith. The door began to creak from the weight of the iron doors. Sebastian walked forth through the red carpet that was laid out onto the floor that lead up to the throne. There sat the Queen in a royal gown with her golden crown filled with gem. I glanced around the room, that was plated with gold and other various fancy stuff to show case the wealth of the kingdom. Once I got to stone stairs, I soon used the same bow that I learn from the instructor. The Queen give a small nod at my bow, as if she expected the Sebastian to not bow at all. Since Dragons are prideful Creatures.

The Queen begin to clear her throat

"I want to know what happened in that forest, from your version as my daughter told her.

Sebastian responded "yes your majesty" as Sebastian began to tell the tale of what happened in the forest.

After a soon period of silence, as Sebastian sweat begin to drip down his back due to anxiety he was dealing with.

but alas the queen replied "elves?"

Sebastian responded nervously " yes elves with bows"

The Queen replied with a tone of disgust "they're nothing but a pitiful raider, the Scoia'tael"

The Queen waved her hand and said, "you may leave, and someone will be with you with your reward." As the Queen began to discuss with her loyal subject. I paced away swiftly, due to not wanting to linger any longer than one should be. Once I reached the room where I rested, I give a sigh of relief.

A knock was heard, coming from my door, I soon saw Pavetta with a bag of coins and a sword. An awkward silence came over us, Pavetta shoved the bag of coins and a sword into my hand. As she whispers "come to my birth ball, next week" as she rushes off once delivering that message.

I stood there in daze as I realized that I should prepare for the next week, as I stored away the bag of coins. I drew the blade, realizing that it had glyph's written in the blade.

During the couple of days, Sebastian was training with either the marshal or Geralt with his new sword, he was able to learn tips during mission with Geralt.

He finally earned his own trophy, a head of a cockatrice that was killing life stock around a village near the capital. Sebastian was able to learn about his enchanted body, for his eyes were able to spot tracks of monster as well able to see better in the dark. for his body, after being scratched by the cockatrice his wounds healed on a rapid pace. He also tested his reaction, strength, and agility, soon realizing he was exactly like Geralt body, enchanted beyond humans' limits.

During the final day of weekend, Sebastian was able to get necessary things for the ball, for it was about to be the princess birthday the next day. Although finding a gift was hard, thus he bought her a necklace. He ordinarily was going to bring a head of a monster, but Yennefer shook her head, she responded with a mockery tone "man" as she walked away. Sebastian just shrugged not knowing what her deal with, thus deciding on buying a different gift.

Soon the day came, A special day that turn for the worst. A day of joy that became a day of hatred and revenge.

As I was preparing myself for the birthday of Pavetta, I was staring at the mirror, with a black noble suit, with me shorten snow white hair, staring at my pupil of silver cat like eyes.

I soon walked out onto my balcony for the night was young and the ball wasn't open until an hour. I soon saw Pavetta sneaking her spot, shake my head, as I jump from the balcony and began to follow her.

I saw her lying on the floor, reading a book. I sneaked closer to her as I grab her from the waist. She let a soft laugh as she knew it was me, as she elbows me into my guts.

"ouch" as Sebastian let Pavetta go

"That what you get" As Pavetta replied with upset tone

"I'm sorry" as Sebastian rubbed his side, as he sits down next to Pavetta.

Pavetta, still upset as she ignored Sebastian attempt of a conversation.

Soon a loud crack of stick being stepped on came from a pack of bushes, as Sebastian got up, trying to pull his blade when realizing he left it at his room.

Pavetta realizing the danger, as she hid behind Sebastian, soon emerged a young handsome man, wearing elegant nilfgaardian clothes.

Thus, to long lost friends, met under a different appearance, under a different flag. both not knowing, of the friendship that was once known to them. Only forming a hatred toward each other and a long rivalry of love.

The young men replied, " I seem to be lost" As he stared at Pavetta, with obsessives' eyes. Sebastian frown from the looks of the young man, as he stood in front of the young man.

Sebastian replied in a cold tone "you are?"

"ah forgive me, I'm Emhyr var Emreis" he smiled which give off a smile of a snake.

Sebastian respond " you realize this ground are forbidden for outsiders"

Emhyer bowed as he spoke with a fake apologetic tone " I got lost, and couldn't help to see this beauty and ask for direction to the ball"

Sebastian replied with even a harsher tone" The direction to the ball is over their" as Sebastian pointed.

Emhyer give his thanks, not after giving a flattering smile toward pavetta, as he walked away from our sight.

Not after, a bell ring indicating that the ball was about to start.

Pavetta got up as she turns to get ready, as Sebastian stood silence, as he couldn't help but ponder of the young men, he had encounter for he seemed familiar.

Enjoy the chapter, so yeah to long lost friend met again but not as friend but as enemy's. what you guys think?

Emmanuel_Reyescreators' thoughts