

Update: (12/17/22) Chapter 131 is now released! WARNING! — All chapters labeled with R18+ will have either intense sexual themes, topics of suicide or self-harm, or intense graphic detail. READ AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION. Volume 2 chapters will now be released! Aries: Volume 1 is now complete as of March 28, 2022! *Disclaimer: Mature Audiences Recommended. 18+, Gore, Blood, Strong Language, Sexual Themes, Violence, Drug Reference, Use of Alcohol, and Dark and Suggestive Themes* Ryo Nakai is a 21-year-old ex-Yakuza shut-in who lives in Asahikawa, Hokkaido. He faces an identity crisis after nearly fatally injuring a student as a child, resulting in him running away from home and joining a gang to suppress his pain. Years later, he abandons the Yakuza and spends nine years living alone with a conflicted heart. After being forced to rejoin the Yakuza with his closest friend Sez Fuma, the gang pulls off a heist to steal a special artifact in a laboratory. When the plan goes haywire, Ryo finds himself trapped in a massive terraforming landscape known as Aries. Ryo later encounters April Springwell, a wealthy young prodigy. Joined by his compassionate sister Sumire, Ryo joins a police task force and is thrust into a new world; a world of mystery, compassion, and romance. Together, joined with a cast of diverse characters of Japanese and alien descent, Ryo and his friends must come together and solve a mysterious case that threatens their world. Ryo leaves behind a trail of guilt and misguidance based on the actions of his childhood and seeks redemption to correct the mistakes he once made.

Violet9 · SF
132 Chs


Akai engulfed his entire creamy mango smoothie with lychee bits down his thirsty throat, chugging down hot green tea immediately after to soothe the effects of his brain freeze. Ryo, who sat next to him, watched his peculiar behavior with his fruit tea on the table. Natia folded her arms together and closed her eyes, irritated by Akai's behavior. Customers inside the juice bar were stunned by Akai's ability to chug smoothies, especially after his fifth total one in a row.

Earlier, Ryo received several text messages from Sumire and Sophie, both bewildered at April's disappearance. They had separated and searched for her, but Sumire had a specific clue. Ryo hadn't responded or checked his messages since.

"Man, that's good!" Akai exclaimed, nearly breathing frost from his mouth as he slouched back. "Smoothies and tea go so well together. Have you ever tried it before, Ryo?"

"N-no..." Ryo stammered, looking at his fruit tea. "I haven't."

"Well, the tea really helps keep that coldness down," Akai explained. "Your brain could process the smoothie's iciness, but the tea is the one trick that makes it-"

Natia clenched her teeth and lashed out. "Can we please get back to the real reason why we're here?" She complained. "I didn't come here just to hear you rant about your drinking habits. I'm here to talk about what Sunlight's doing with that blonde girl."

"Yes," Ryo respectfully attempted to appease Akai, even bowing to further himself. April's mystery made him go to extraordinary heights for the right answer, even if it meant humiliating himself in front of the person that irritated him the most in Sunlight. "Please, tell me what you know. I need to know what's happening."

"Well, all you had to do was ask," Akai said, wrapping his arm around Ryo. "After all, we're brothers aren't we? So glad you decided to come along, not that you really had a choice!"

Ryo exhaled and awkwardly played along. Akai released him and placed both of his hands on his lap.

"Well, here I go," Akai began. "The truth is that Rosie knew the girl was in danger, so she sent the world's top detectives and operators to protect her. Those three people that you saw were members of Sunlight in other regions of the world. Although they didn't look as friendly as you hoped they would, they mean no harm... at first glance."

"Protecting her?" Ryo asked. "What kind of protection is that? And who would try to-"

He stopped. He realized that there was a hit-and-run suspect still at bay responsible for ramming their vehicle into her in the first place. His gasp was resonating with hatred. "No..." He whispered. "Are you trying to say that the person responsible for her accident is still out there looking for her?"

"I can't say for sure, but there are clues that we've been getting for the past few months," Akai continued. "Crime rates have increased in Asia. Some of the people around the world have covered the news in Japan especially, thinking it's all just a part of your gangs and whatnot. But some of them were looking for the girl, which leads me to believe that Rosie gathered those detectives and operators here in retaliation to the crime underneath us."

"What the hell do they want with her?" Ryo asked. "Haven't they done enough damage to her already?"

"It's not personal," Natia indicated. "We don't know the reason why yet. But all we know are those top operators are getting paid extra for this shit. I've never seen those people before in my life until this morning. I saw them heading to the hospital before all this started," She pointed at Akai. "This asshole dragged me out thinking something was suspicious, and then you came along."

Akai took another sip of his warm tea. "Ryo, do you have any idea why anyone would try to kidnap or endanger the girl?" He asked. "The only reason I can think of is her captivating beauty, but I doubt that's the case."

"I..." Ryo thought. There was an instance that he remembered; she was special. She had unusual psychic abilities and could potentially read minds. The final memory was the chain reaction that his stolen memory fragment created during her slumber. "She's got psychic powers that I've seen from experience. That's all I know," He sighed. "Damn it. I don't know how she lost her memory. Either she was messing with me or it's the truth because when I talked to her back there, I couldn't get a sense of who she was anymore. It's like she's a completely different person now."

"Maybe the accident knocked her head upside down," Natia said.

"That's likely," Akai said. "But you know, that girl isn't the only one with psychic powers. Rosie has them too."

"That's right," Natia said, crossing her arms again. "When I was battling that freak back at the laboratory, she came and rescued me. One moment, I was on the ground. She stood in front of me and flung him across the entire forest. She didn't even touch him. Before I knew it, he was gone."

Ryo remembered that moment. He battled a member of the Yakuza and Sophie's rival, Nobu Shibusawa. His existence meant that the Yakuza were still at bay, and they were largely influenced by Rion and Genesis altogether. Their destruction meant more than he could bargain.

"Rosie's been doing this for quite a while some time," Akai mentioned. "But some of it has to do with that little secret I told you about, Ryo."

"Oh," Ryo said, remembering how Rose Accel had an illness that potentially meant her inevitable and close death.

"What secret?" Natia asked, injecting her into the conversation.

"Now, now, darling," Akai laughed. "It wouldn't be a secret if I just went up and told everyone I knew, would it? Especially not a sexy and sultry woman as yourself."

"Shut up," Natia said, pulling back. "I don't remember asking. Forget it."

Ryo still had his mind set on the three standing beside Rose Accel. "You two said that you saw those three people before, right?" He asked. "They have to be here for the Yakuza. The person that Natia fought was someone named Nobu Shibusawa. He was a high-ranking member of the Yakuza before I left, and he relied on Genesis to grow in strength. So these people influence the world?"

"That's what I think," Akai said. "But I know their titles aren't just for show. Not only are they incredibly smart, but they know how to pull their punches. These guys are strong."

"How do you know that?" Ryo asked.

Akai placed both of his hands on the table and pushed himself up with a smile on his face. The creak of his sofa chair made some customers turn their eyes, especially with how attractive he was at first sight. "I'd be happy to tell you..." He began. He placed both of his hands on his hips and stared straight at Ryo and Natia. "But first..."

"What is it?" Ryo asked.

With a heroic and triumphant booming voice of confidence, Akai yelled, "I need to take a shit!"

The customers in the juice bar had their expectations twisted, for they believed such a handsome man needed dignity and sophistication. They were wrong. Natia placed her hand over her forehead and hid her face from the rest of the people staring. Ryo stared at him, holding back his voice from flaring or rupturing in anger.

"Yep, I'll be right back, guys!" Akai chuckled, throwing a peace sign at them. He walked away, kneeing high into the air with each step.

Ryo and Natia waited several seconds after Akai had disappeared into the restroom, stuck in their positions. Natia moved her hand away and looked at Ryo with intense spite. "Can we just ditch him?" She asked, holding in her rage.

"What? We can't, not right now. He was about to tell us about those three people at the hospital." Ryo mentioned.

"I would rather eat my ass out than listen to what he has to say," Natia said. "Not to mention that we're wasting time just sitting here."

"Oh... I think so too." A deep and gritty voice surprised both of them.

A gust of wind blasted through the air outside their open window. The same man that fired the tranquilizer dart at April squatted on the edge of the open window with his clothes brushing against the air. Ryo and Natia froze as if time stopped entirely. Their eyes rolled to the side, examining the man's calmed presence, but alarmed at his sudden appearance.

"Passion fruit tea with a hint of lemon," The tattooed man murmured, eyeing the drink beside Ryo. "I can taste it just by looking at it."

Ryo was enraged by his first words after what he had done to April. He lashed out and tried swiping at his throat, but the man vanished completely. Ryo gasped. He's fast, he thought.

Natia traced her eyes back next to Ryo's seat. He saw the tattooed man propping his legs up against the table as he casually sipped through Ryo's fruit tea. Ryo turned his head back and saw that he was already finished with his drink. "Too sweet. Just the way I like it." He said.

Ryo ground his teeth and wanted to lash out again. The tattooed man continued eyeing Ryo's fruit tea, eating the lemon wedge on the side. Natia shook her head at Ryo, not wanting to cause more of a scene in public.

"I'm looking for one responsible for destroying Genesis," The man said, cocking his head to face Ryo and Natia with a blank and suspicious stare. His gangster vibe made Ryo identify with him, but he couldn't stand too much of it because it reminded him of his past. Underneath his suit was nothing but brawn and muscle slimmed down by his unusually kempt suit. "Wouldn't that be you two? Don't leave me hanging here."

"What if we are?" Natia responded rudely.

"Huh?" The tattooed man cut a menacing glare at Natia that even she could sense. Usually, she kept her cool, but the man somehow bypassed it with his own sharp and keen stare. "Then we're not wasting any more time. You're coming with me."

"She's not going anywhere with you," Ryo replied, grabbing the man's shoulder. "You're the one who shot April, right? What gives you the right to do that to her!? She did nothing wrong!"

"God, shut up," The man whined, brushing his hand aside to Ryo's cheek like he was white noise. "You're being so dramatic again. Yeah, so what? I shot her. Wasn't going to make a difference even if you weren't there."

"You son of a..." Ryo mouthed.

"Excuse me, sir," One of the juice bar's waitresses politely bowed to the man. Her petite and formal stature caught the attention of the three sitting down. "If you want to sit down here, you need to buy something. There's a line outside."

"Oh, is that right?" The tattooed man's intimidating aura immediately spiked up. He slammed his hand on the table and pulled himself up, revealing his dramatically colossal height towering the female by three extra feet. The waitress continued giving him a pleasant and calming expression, closing her eyes and doing the best she could to keep her job. In an instant, the man's aura dissipated as he reached for his pocket to give her a hefty wad of cash. "Here. Take this." He politely said.

Ryo and Natia did not expect his pleasant manners.

"Oh, this is..." The waitress blew up in astonishment, covering her rosy cheeks. "I couldn't possibly take this. This is..."

"Don't you worry about it," The man's gritty voice transformed into a soothing vortex of ear-pleasant sounds. "Consider this payment for conducting our special meeting. We've already made a fuss as it is. So sorry about the noise level."

The juice bar's manager sped through to the table and bowed in respect. "Not to worry, sir!" He said, respecting the tattooed man's sudden humbleness. "You are free to stay!" He eyed the tip that the waitress made, mentally counting it to a total of approximately a thousand dollars. They moved away to assist other customers, pretending that the tattooed man was a ghost. Other customers and bystanders acknowledged his presence, believing him to be even more attractive than Akai.

"You..." Natia voiced out after watching everything unfold. "Who the hell are you? And why the hell did you-"

The tattooed man turned around, facing Natia. "Jinrai," He introduced in a loud and forceful tone. "And I respect the finest of women, as long as they're well-mannered and kind from the soul. Unlike you, it seems."

Natia scoffed, completely irritated by Jinrai's twisting personality.

"As I said, I'm looking for the one bringing down Genesis," Jinrai repeated while eyeing Natia's irritated aura. "They described her as a woman with a long black ponytail. Now, you couldn't possibly be that one with that tomboy-ish haircut, unless you decided to turn into a boy, that is."

"Fucker." Natia badmouthed underneath her whisper.

"If she isn't here, then I'd be happy to hear the information that you have regarding her location," Jinrai continued, playing with Ryo's straw stemming from the fruit tea. "I have no time to waste, considering how urgent this is."

"What, you don't think we can handle it?" Natia retorted. "I'll have you know that I'm ten times stronger than her!"

"Ugh, I hate women who boast and brag," Jinrai complained again. "Instant turn-off. I'm looking for her because I want to relay her an important message," He sat down and stared into Natia's eyes with another menacing gaze. "That message is... I know who's responsible for shooting you that night, nearly taking your life. And I know where they are."

Ryo pushed himself off of his seat after hearing his words. "No way," He expressed. "The Jester? You know where they are?"

"Ah, a fan of them, are you?" Jinrai chuckled. "That's right. I know where the Jester is. And she's currently terrorizing an entire town of innocents from behind the scenes."

"Then I'll go," Ryo offered. "I can help you."

"Don't you dare, Nakai," Natia said, pushing herself out of her seat. "I'm never going to let this prick get what he wants, not after insulting me!" She dashed out and charged at Jinrai, seizing him by the throat. The both of them launched out of the open window with Jinrai casually looking away in complete boredom. She swung her fist toward Jinrai as they fell back together, but he vanished in thin air before she could land her blow. Natia fell to the ground, unable to prop herself up with her hands.

"Natia!" Ryo called.

"I'm assuming you're a man of culture, boy," Jinrai's voice rang loud and clear next to Ryo's ear. He propped his feet up again on the table and rested his arms around his back. "Let me ask you something. Do you think that girl outside is being unreasonable and rude to me out of spite? Or is she jealous that she's not as strong as the one I'm looking for?"

"What does that have to do with-"

Jinrai cut off Ryo. "Or... is she perhaps insecure about herself? Or another reason? I doubt she's your type, boy."

Ryo remained silent as Jinrai returned to Natia at lightning-fast speed.

"Whatever it is, I'm sure you have a good reason for opening your mouth," Jinrai continued, preparing to assault Natia's head with his fist. "Neither of you is worthy to even tell me the truth now, are you? I expected Sunlight to be better than this!"

"I'm the brother of the one you're looking for!" Ryo shouted.

Jinrai ceased all movement after hearing Ryo's voice.

"I may not be the one you're looking for, but I guarantee you that I am worthy and capable to fight," He continued. "And I want to help avenge my sister for what happened to her. Please. If you really need someone, then let me come with you."

Natia lifted her head off of the ground, weakened by exerting too much stamina. She looked over at Ryo with glimmering eyes, aghast at him tossing away his pride to save her skin. Jinrai, who was inspired by Ryo's words, stood up and dusted off his hands to clean them. He was astonished by Ryo's attitude even after his utmost hatred for him after shooting April. He commended him for swallowing his hate and moving on. With a bright chuckle, Jinrai smiled and rushed over to Ryo.

"Haha, I like your style, boy!" He yelled, wrapping his left arm around his shoulder and rocking him back and forth. His behavior reminded Ryo of Akai, but there was a certain patriotism and hidden kind demeanor that made him different from him. "Look at you, swallowing your hate! You know, I appreciate a man who can do that. That takes guts!"

Ryo chuckled, pretending to understand Jinrai's point of view.

Jinrai placed both of his hands on his hips and towered over Ryo in front. "I have to ask first, what is your name, boy?"

"Ryo Nakai," He introduced. "The person you're looking for is Sumire Nakai, my sister."

"Ryo, huh?" Jinrai laughed. "You know, when I was your age, I hung around several people that dragged me down, kind of like this girl right here," He pointed at Natia. "But even so, I managed to find my strength without them. I'll go into more specifics later, but I want you to find the Jester with me! You don't need this obnoxious one!"

"No, I do need her," Ryo said, looking at Natia. "If you want me to go, she's coming with me, because I don't think you understand. You put your words in my mouth. I don't think she's insecure or unreasonable. I think she's a perfectly capable person who could help us find the Jester."

"What are you saying?" Jinrai asked, raising an eyebrow.

"What's hard to understand?" Ryo affirmed. "I need her."

Jinrai folded his arms together and closed his eyes. He lowered his chin, lost in thought. Ryo rushed toward Natia and kneeled to support her. "You okay?" Ryo asked.

"I'm fine," Natia said. "You?" She asked, concerned about his pride.

"Here," Ryo held out his hand. "Don't worry about me."

Natia reached out and Ryo helped her up. The two of them turned and saw Jinrai snap his fingers, deciding on an outcome. "I think your words have touched my heart, Ryo! You are a true man, choosing to depend on the weakest with your mindset!" He exclaimed. "Very well then. You and the girl shall both come with me! And you needn't worry about the friend I shot at. The others are taking good care of her!"

Ryo sighed, glancing over beside him to see Natia. She lightly smiled as well after being accepted by Jinrai, who was much stronger and faster than she ever could be. Despite their interaction being overly toxic, Natia knew Ryo would defend her despite his deadset mind.

"Ryo Nakai and braggy lady," Jinrai said, flipping his black hair back. "Come with me. We'll prepare, and I'll help you avenge your sister and get to the bottom of Genesis's revival."

"Genesis's... revival?" Ryo asked.

"Never mind that for now, I'll explain later!" Jinrai shouted, turning around toward the distant road. "Follow me with all your might!" Without another word, he vanished through the air instantaneously at high speed. Ryo and Natia watched his speed in action and were completely clueless as to how a human being could utilize such speed.

"He's so fast. How is that possible?" Ryo asked.

"That man... I like him a little bit more than Akai. But he does piss me off the same." Natia said, walking forward. "Come on. Let's follow him before Akai shows up."

"I did it for you, you know," Ryo mentioned before Natia moved away. "To save you."

Natia sighed and turned around. She lightly smiled in appreciation. "I know." The two of them departed and followed after Jinrai, one of the three elite operators of Sunlight to search for the Jester.

In the distance, a toilet flushed and Akai exited the restroom. He cleansed his hands with sanitizer and stopped as soon as he noticed Ryo and Natia were missing. He sighed.

"Guess I'll go find Rosie again..." He whined.