
Are you My Guardian Angel?

A soldier met a doctor and later realises her problems with the gang called the " Black Dragon" and protects her, becoming her guardian angel. But both of them eventually had feelings for each other. How will it end?

DannyChin2557 · 現実
14 Chs

Chapter 2

James and his team prepares for the mission and roll out to the location. They arrived shortly after and prepares to infiltrate.

James loads up his gun and briefs the team " Alright, listen up. You might think this mission is an easy in and easy out but this is no ordinary drug lord, he is not. He has one of the best people guarding him at all times, some might call him untouchable. Only the one's he trust can see him. Now Dave, you're the sniper. I'm gonna need you to go to a building with good view of the warehouse. Next Christopher, you prepare the dynamite to bust down the front main warehouse door. Next up Rick, you follow me. The rest of the people, split up into two equal groups and one of them follow me and the other will stand by for backup. Do you have any questions?" The rest of the people didn't say anything. "Good, move out" James says.

All of them prepare and stand by at their respective places and waits for James's signal. James was nervous, he said he wouldn't let his emotions get in the way of this mission but it's getting to him now. " I can't, don't do this to me" he thinks to himself. "Sir you okay?" One of the member asked. " I'm fine" James replies.

"Alright, Christopher. Did you plant the dynamite already?" James asks. "Yes sir, everything ready" Christopher Says. James tries to clear his mind and breathes slowly. " Alright on my count to 3 we go in, 1,2,3.... Go,go,go!"

With that , Christopher detonates the dynamite and everybody swarms in. Gun shots are being fire and recochet off the wall.

Everybody tries to get cover. "Team 2, swarm in and go for the leader!" James Shouts into the intercom. Team 2 swarms in but instead got ganked by another group of the drug lord's bodyguards.

James thinks nervously, he couldn't get his thoughts straight as his emotions about the dream obstruct his thinking. " Crap, I can't." He thinks. He quickly says into the intercom " I'm going to get the leader myself" he gets up and shoots through a bunch of the gang members, chasing after the leader. He catches the leader by his shirt and punches him, trying to knock him out unconscious. He managed to do so, but. " Captain look out!" Rick shouts out. It was too late, one of the gang members shot James in the chest.


James fell onto the ground and places his hands on the wound. His vision started to blur , all he heard before he passed out was gunshots and shouting.