
Arceus’ Pirate Journey

In the Great Pirate Era, countless people rushed to the sea. The person who obtained Arceus’ power arrived in this world as the new Arceus and got in touch with the Lunarian race. Based on the reality that everything can be Mythical Zoan, the current him can also be called Mythical Zoan user. Whether it is One Piece or Pirate King, it has nothing to do with him, all he wants to do is to retrieve the lost plates first. During this process, he formed an alliance with Beasts Pirates, a famous pirate crew in the New World, and Mr. Kaido got his coveted Mythical Zoan Army. When Pteranodon becomes Aerodactyl, when Brachiosaurus becomes Tropius, the combination of Pokémon and devil fruit powers will bring a whole new change to the world…. Lunarian’s glory will surely reappear. *This is a fan translated novel by me ****Please support on pat*eon for extra chapters https://www.pat*eon.com/dmtranslations

dm95 · アニメ·コミックス
660 Chs

Assassination and ID Cards

The name contains the word dragon, its color is blue, and it can breathe fire and swim. Roughly speaking, one could boast about oneself like this.

"Yes, so work hard."

It is possible for Mandrell's Magikarp to evolve. He can give Mandrell the light of evolution, but whether or not he can evolve would depend on his training.

He casually depicted a bright future to Mandrell, suggesting that if he works hard enough, even Mega Gyarados is possible. As for what Mega Gyarados is, he simplified it for Mandrell to understand it: Awakened Devil Fruit.

The bright future is real, but whether he can obtain it will depend on his own efforts.

However, Mandrell already began to imagine his bright future and began to sweep through the work in the Beasts Pirates by himself.

"Do you guys think Boss Mandrell has gone crazy?"

A few pirates stood on the deck, watching Mandrell. At this moment, he was holding four mops and cleaning the deck. Originally, it was their job, but since that day, Mandrell started snatching all the chores on the ship.

He does what he can do, and learns to do what he can't. He seems determined to outshine everyone.

"I don't know. He became like this after talking to Lord Sacred Beast that day."

"Do you think there might be some reward that we don't know about?"

As soon as this question was asked, the expressions of several people changed. The competition within the Beasts Pirates has always been fierce, and there have even been sometimes cases where subordinates challenged the officers. Mandrell, as a mid-level leader, suddenly behaving so strangely, seemed suspicious to them.

The news spread more and more wildly, and the entire Genesis ship was bustling.

Year 1497, February, Genesis ship returned to Wano Country.

After the Genesis ship was lifted from Mogura Port, a group of people carrying cleaning tools boarded the ship.

Normally, when the ship approaches Wano Country, the people on board would take a break and put their work aside.

And the people at Mogura Port would clean the ship and bring it back to the dock for maintenance. However, as soon as they came up today, they were taken aback.

"What's wrong with you people? Why would you make the deck so slippery!"

Looking at the shining deck, the people left in Wano Country couldn't understand what had happened to these guys during their trip.

"Welcome back, Lord Sacred Beast. Did your journey go smoothly?"

"It went smoothly. Take note, we have acquired a new territory in Paradise. It's a Sky Island located above Jaya Island. For more details, you can ask Mandrell or Zeraora later. Did anything noteworthy happen recently?"

Arceus asked Shayna about the recent situation. It had been almost four months since they left Onigashima, and Arceus wanted to know what had happened in Wano Country during this time.

"In terms of development, the factories, ranches, and farms are all operating well. The cotton farm in the Kibi region is also growing vigorously. But I have a suggestion, Lord Sacred Beast. We should not grow ordinary crops in Wano."

"Our overseas territories are enough to meet Wano Country's needs, and this way, we can control the grain supply of Wano Country. The profits from the cash crops, such as cotton, will be higher."

"I'll consider it depending on the situation. Anything else?"

This suggestion is not bad. Considering the situation of Wano Country, if they were to cultivate a large quantity of cash crops, they would have to rely on imports for their food supply. However, Wano Country is a closed nation, and if they did it, it would be equivalent to being held at the mercy of the Beasts Pirates. Any tightening of restrictions would inevitably result in widespread public discontent and unrest.

Wano Country only has so much land, but the Beasts Pirates have more than just this territory. Other islands can still serve as their food-producing areas.

However, this requires a certain amount of time, and it needs to be experimented slowly.

"Kojiro's trading guild has also started expanding to other parts of the country. With the wild boar you tamed, the people of Wano Country have become more accepting."

"Someone also won the second prize from his bottle cap lottery. Everything has been going well lately, and there haven't been any issues with the Beasts Fruits either."

"What about the bad news?"

For many years, Shayna's habit was to first mention the good things, and the troublesome matters were always mentioned last. He had become accustomed to it.

As for there being no troublesome matters, that was impossible. Shayna herself didn't notice, but whenever she scratched her head while reporting the news, it meant that something not so good had happened.

"There was an assassination attempt during the New Year Festival. The target was the grandson of the former Shogun Kozuki Sukiyaki, Kozuki Momonosuke. Although the assassination attempt failed, Lady Toki who was with him was shot in the leg."

"Who did it?"

"We haven't found out yet. There are eyewitness reports saying it was our people, but after investigation, that person had a solid alibi. It should have something to do with Kurozumi Orochi."

"He really keeps playing small tricks."

"We also spread the news that Kurozumi Orochi was responsible. Many people are willing to believe us. At least now, the reputation of the Beasts Pirates is much better than that of Kurozumi Orochi. However, the reaction of the people after that assassination attempt was significant. The influence of the Kozuki family in Wano Country runs deep."

Kurozumi Orochi is insignificant. Beasts Pirates are keeping him around with the intention of having him directly confront the Kozuki family.

Just as Shayna mentioned, the Kozuki family holds significant influence in Wano Country. This situation is the most troublesome matter at hand.

However, it is not difficult to handle, and by then, Wano Country might have an additional position of "Shogun's Attaché."

"But, Lord Sacred Beast, this incident has also led to some good things. After the assassination attempt during the festival, Hyogoro in the Flower Capital came to understand the extent of the danger posed by the current situation in Wano Country. So Kojiro and him reached an understanding, and those gangsters have become more obedient."

The assassin was hidden among the crowd of gangsters, which made Hyogoro understand that if they couldn't handle the problem of Wano Country's gangsters properly, similar incidents might happen again. By dealing with them effectively, the chances of these people attempting assassinations again will be significantly reduced.

Following the rotation system, Kaido, who had been idle for nearly four months since Arceus returned, couldn't resist leaving Wano Country. His reason for leaving was to gather information about the whereabouts of the plates, but no one knows exactly what he's up to.

Wano Country entered another phase of development.

During this time, Arceus introduced something to the members of the Beasts Pirates in Wano Country: ID cards.

The production of these cards is not difficult, whether it's the inspection equipment or the built-in chips, both Queen and Acier have the means to make them.

This is mainly to prevent the infiltration of strange individuals. For example, during the Onigashima battle, apart from the original thirty thousand people, five thousand enemies infiltrated, with one undercover agent among every seven people on average.

The crucial point is that they simply changed their clothes and infiltrated.

Therefore, ID cards were provided to the members of the Beasts Pirates. Even if enemies still managed to infiltrate, it would be much harder for them to infiltrate in such large numbers.

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