
Arcane Forging Divinity

Jason is a man of 35 who grew up in a modern world working as a chef. The leaders of his world had just released am experimental AI to the public. He had just gone in to get the new AI uploaded to his brain. Do to an accident he reincarnated into a world of wizards mages gods and demons. This is a world of magic and adventure, trials and tribulations. Will a man of this modern world be able to survive in a world of dragons and demons An excerpt from the story: During the procedure a freak power surge happened. Roughly 1 billion joules of energy supercharged and fried Jason..... Waking up Jason was confused about were he was. it was in a somewhat dark room but couldn't move or feel anything. All he could remember was a searing light that seemed to burn his mind and soul. Suddenly he heard a frantic female voice, "Hosts original body no longer compatible for life." New body found that is optimal for hosts soul." " Integrating soul with new body. " "Integration 100%" Jason was freaking out and finally managed to scream "What is going on, where am I, where are you, who are you!?!"

firelord49R · ファンタジー
34 Chs

Chapter 2

Waking up Jason was confused about were he was. it was in a somewhat dark room but couldn't move or feel anything. All he could remember was a searing light that seemed to burn his mind and soul.

Suddenly he heard a frantic female voice, "Host's original body is no longer compatible for life."

" New body found that is optimal for hosts soul."

" Integrating soul with new body. "

"Integration 100%"

Jason was freaking out and finally managed to scream "What is going on, where am I, where are you, who are you!?!"

The female voice responded in a far more calm voice than she previously had, " Host, I am you personalized AI, NSI1097. Currently waiting for host to bestow me with a name. I am inside of your soul."

Jason slowly calmed down and started trying to remember. After a while he gave up, and decided to ask his new "AI". "Do you know what happened to me? Where are we? why can't I move currently?"

"Host, I can not answer any more questions before you assign me a new name."

Jason was a little annoyed but figured this was a preset condition of the AI so decided to think of something. "Seeing as you sound female. how about Jessica, Jess for short? And you can cal me Jason, enough with this host nonsense please."

"Ok, Jason. And I like the name Jessica, and Jess would be a nice nickname." AI, Now Jessica, responded excitedly.

" You seem to have emotions and enjoy certain stuff?" Jason asked confused, as he always figured the AI would be like a SIRI just inside his mind. " Also can you explain what you meant by you are inside my soul. Please also answer my earlier questions now."

"No problem Jason." Jess began, " when the nanites that formed me leave the host's physical body they move into the soul body which allows them to more easily heal and monitor all aspects of the host's body, soul and physical. Secondly yes I have my own thoughts and emotions. you could think of me as yours and the nanites child but already fully grown and dedicated to helping you. "

"WAIT, WHAT!?! You are my child?" Jason freaked out again. He had been injured during 3rd World War and could never have kids. He also stopped exploring new places and going on adventures with friends, do to losing a leg in the same accident that took his family jewels. Jason's wife, Rebecca, left shortly after he returned from duty. Not being able to have children was one of his greatest regrets.

"I am not a physical entity, but yes I was made partially of you so you could be consider my father. Also if you have a physical child they will recieve an AI from me that will be like my child." Jess quickly explained trying to calm Jason down. "If you don't want me to refer to you as father that is ok as well." Jess said sounding somewhat sad.

"Jessica, I am happy to call you my daughter. I just new that having kids was impossible. Also im sorry that that means you won't be able to have a kid of your own. I would love to be your dad, but please still call me Jason as I do not think I can get used to someone calling me dad haha." Jason tried to explain his reaction. "

"Thank you Jason. Also the answers to your original questions are that you have been brought to a new would after you died do to an extreme level of energy entering your body. Your new body can also have kids so that's good. Currently you are in a barn. I've been paralyzing you to keep you from moving during the integration process and to stop you from hurting yourself. "

Jason "So, I died. And I even reincarnated into another world. I am assuming it was you that brought my soul here, right? Why did you not just bring me to another body on Earth?"

"Yes, I brought you to this dimension as it has the Dual necessary energies unlike the dead planet you originated from." answered Jess.

"Dual necessary energies? what are those?"

"The Dual necessary energies are the energies to evolve. This is the dimension my creators originated from. 20 chaos cycles ago a high level mage broke through the barrier trying to go to the god realm. he failed and was shot into the dead dimension that earth is in dying shortly after. The Dual energies are: Mana, and Qi. Mana allows you to cast spells and improve your mind while qi allows you to perform martial skills and improve your body. A single person can only use one form of energy. Your new body has already begun to cultivate mana, so that is all you will be able to use. It is unfortunate because with this body's natural healing talent and me you would be a monster of the qi path." Jess explained.

" Are you saing there is magic here? Like real magic, not just tricks? That is awesome !!! Does that mean I am a mage? Also do they have super advanced technology here? "Jason rambled.

"You are currently a 2nd level mage apprentice. There are 10 levels in each tier. The next tier is mage acolyte, mage adept, mage, great mage, grand mage. There are more tiers but that should give you a rough idea. An Archmage is a grand mage who has learned spells of all four basic elements to a level were he can engrave the elemental essences into his mage core. There are clans with magetech. It is rare though in low level areas. I am one of the most advanced forms of magetech. No one here will have a nanite AI. All Nanite AI besides me are on Earth as the mage who brought us there also created us from a ore found only in the Veil of the gods. . "

"Ok. So I am the only one with a AI inside of me. You said you wanted to help me so how will you be doing that besides increased healing? Jason inquired.

" This body has 3 times the healing power of a normal body. I can further increase it to six times. So if you get an injury that would normally take a month to heal, for you it will only take five days. If it took an hour, for you ten minutes would be good enough to completely heal. I can also prevent most weaker poisons or acids from harming you. I will also be able to directly put the knowledge you gather into your memory so you will never forget it. I can also help you understand things faster. Unfortunately as I am ony half AI I can only understand things faster instead of immediately like full AI. My IQ is ony slightly higher than yours. Your IQ is 132, while mine is 152. As your tier rises so will your IQ. Mine will always be the same percentage higher than yours. When you reach mage acolyte you will have 264 while mine will be 304. Each tier. your IQ will double."

Hearing those numbers was shocking to Jason. An IQ of 160 was a genius. Marilyn vos Savant had one of the highest ever recorded IQ's and it was only 228. This was to much for Jason to think about right now so he quickly moved on. "Ok, is there anything else I should now? How old am I now? Does this body have a family? The body was dead before you you put me in it right?"

"Yes, the body was dead or I couldn't put you soul in it. It died from malnutrition and dehydration. The child was just turned 10 years old 5 days prior. I was able to gather the memories but i can not look at them. The same reason I am unable to read your thoughts, while I can hear them if you send them to me. If you are ready I can send the memories to your mind so you can find more information."

Jason gritted his teeth in remorse for the child who died. Finally nodding his head " I am ready for the memories."


I was running towards the orphanage to hide. I knew it was a bad idea to have thrown the rock.But when I saw the city nobles son grabbing the girl, who often brought food for the homeless, and her trying to get away, I just reacted. The noble brat screamed at the guards to chase that peasant down. quickly running after me himself as well.

Finally lost them after 5 or 6 turns and then I bolted the rest of the way to the orphanage. But when I got there the old warden was waiting.

Crying she said, " I know why you did what you did, but you have to leave. If the nobles find you here, the orphanage will be closed and most of the orphans will be slaughtered. I am so sorry. I wish we could protect you Jason, but we can not."


I could barely concentrate. it's been 7 days since I left the city. the first bit I was stowing away in a farmer's cart but he found me on the 3rd night when I tried to get some more food. Of course he chased me away. Luckily we had already traveled more than 30,000 miles away from the city.

For the last four days I have had nothing to eat and I am significantly slower than the farmer's terror bird. 2 days ago I ran out of water as well.

Up ahead I see a barn and I begin to hope there is water and maybe some chickens. If I stole only a couple of eggs I doubt the nobles of this property would notice them missing. I can also see a well out front but I decide to wait until its dark to get a drink.

I open the door a crack begore squezzing through. I only take 3 or 4 steps before I get dizzy. Then everything becomes dark.