
Arcana Compendium master

funnygrunt11 · ゲーム
7 Chs

Leave the temple

Gu yi thought about what Kurama had said, "another person's illusion can be another's reality? How do you you know about my past, if you are her 'mask' as you say you are."

Kurama said, "If you have our job, you can know anything you wish for a price. So, it isn't surprising that we know many secrets...many you don't have the qualifications to know about. In fact, some even that your teacher or Odin doesn't have the qualifications to learn of."

Kurama said as her ear moved, "Speaking of that family, I swear it's worse than a soup opera. Really, a supposed God of Thunder acts like the God of Hammers. Take that thing away and anyone can beat him yet, he acts like he is the cat pajamas. A monkey could tell that he isn't qualified to be king...not with that arrogance and thinking that violence is the answer to everything. I can see Asgard burning down due to him going to war without thinking of the consequences."


In Asgard, Hiemdal was watching with Loki and Thor standing nearby. Heimdal had a thoughtful look and Loki had a bit of a wry smile on his face. Thor...he had a frown, "This creature dares to insult me, us and what's a soup opera?"

Loki said, "You should think on what she said. It does have merit brother, you do act before you think." He thought while, hiding a chuckle, 'God of hammers? That's funny, and she knows things that even father doesn't know? things that father doesn't know...interesting.'

Hiemdal said, "A soup opera is a show created by Midgardian's to be able to watch drama. A girl cheats on her boyfriends evil twin brother, whose the father, stuff like that. She's saying that your family has more drama than what's in the show. I sometimes get bored and for a minute or two I watch Midgardian entertainment or news. The stories can be quite entertaining."

Both looked at Heimdal with a weird look before Loki said, "I am now curious about her...A midgardian being able to turn into a nine tailed humanoid fox in a robe and claiming it can use nine different elements. Even claiming to know secrets and knowledge that even father doesn't know. This is interesting and she even said that she has no interest in conquering so, Asgard should be safe." He chuckled and moved to leave before chuckling, "I will see mother so, goodbye God of Hammers." He then disappeared with Thor wanting to yell at him.


Kurama said, "Now that you know our answer, we shall go do our job. A little girls life is at stake and we promised a good man we would help her." She gave a slight bow of her head before going to walk away and stopped, "Oh right, you should look for a teenager in Bayville High named Jean Grey. She's the one my otherself promised to tell you about and we like to try to keep our word."

She looked at Mordo, "Now, if you wouldn't mind sending me back to New York. I would like to go back to my main job before something bad happens."

Gu yi said, "What do you mean by that?" She raised the spell ready to fire.

Kurama sighed, "The same thing that will happen when the Dark Dimension tries to come here...maybe worse. Either way, any intelligent life will become either food or slaves depending on the type you encounter. Our main job is to prevent that from happening."

Mordo said, "And your second job?" He was interested in what her other job was just in case it would harm the barriers.

Kurama said, "You can consider it a combination of an information seller, thief and mercenary. Where we are originally from we and our group was quite famous among various circles. We won't be having those services up for awhile as we have to reform The Aces and our quaint little base. If any are interested, any could join as a member of one of the divisions we'll set up after I make my base." She looked at the mages around before settling on Kachilius for a few moments which, Gu yi noticied before Kurama looked deeply at Mordo. She actually valued him more so than Kachilius but, saw the same eyes as Liara had in her first life.

Kurama said, "Now, if you please?" Mordo nodded but, decided to watch her. She went through the portal and as she did her form changed slowly into her human form but had bright greenish yellow eyes instead of her brown which showed that one of her persona's were in charge.

She muttered, "I really need new clothes...what 'that' guy gave us is such a disgrace. It can't even compare to our normal uniform...should I steal some before I go grinding in 'that' place and get materials? If I can get Elizabeth to 'convince' Theo to make me equipment that'd be better." She saw Clint on a roof and she parquored up to him.

He said, "You need better clothes." He looked at them before freezing at her oddly colored eyes.

She said, "I know, they'll just have to make do until, I can make or get better equipment. By the way, did your boss allow you to make this deal?"

She noticed he was in like a trance, "I know my eyes are beautiful but, not enough to make your wife jealous."

He jumped back a bit and aimed his bow at her, "You're not Liara, who are you?"

Kurama exhaled, "I guess, I should've kept quiet until, Liara wants to come out. You aren't qualified to know much but, the simplified version is that I am what Xavier sealed. I am her partner, Kurama no inari and I give her my power and knowledge for a price. The current price for my using her body is helping the little girl."

Mordo watched from a far and watched this interaction. He was ready to attack if she made any moves. He saw her give a small sniff as the wind changed and she glanced in his direction. Mordo thought, 'She has the sense of smell of an animal. So, she now knows I am here but, doesn't look worried.'

She stretched before glancing around her and said, "I mean, that is the universal rule; in order to gain something, you must give something. Me, I am just borrowing her body for awhile." Her ears flicked as a quinjet flew over and she said, "I don't like those who go against their word."

She snapped her fingers and a light blue spark of flame appeared and said, "Phys Mirror." A flash of light appeared around her making a barrier before going invisible. She thought, 'This skill can only take three hits before it shatters and my otherself doesn't have much mental energy or stamina to work with in this body. I have to be cautious with this.'

Clint looked overhead surprised and Fury said, "You have to come with us Kurama." He kept an eye on her and said, "This is an order from the UN."

Kurama looked at Clint with a little bit of a disappointed smile, "Why should I care about the UN? It has no jurisdiction over me and if it did, I have no interest in dealing with hypocrites who have no power and think they do."