
Arcana Compendium master

funnygrunt11 · Video Games
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7 Chs


She left the apartment after getting Clint's number. She then walked to Greenwich and knocked on the door to Kamar-taj's branch. She saw Mordo and said, "May I speak with the Ancient One?"

He said, "Master was expecting you earlier." He led her in and brought her to see Gu Yi.

Liara went in and said, "I'm sorry for disturbing you. I have an urgent trade to do with you."

Gu yi said, "You want me to unseal that being in your mind." She smiled and gave a please gesture.

Liara said, "In exchange for information on the Phoenix's host, yes. An idiot decided to seal her when she was dormant and thought you would like to know."

Gu yi froze a bit and said, "You know about that and who it is. Which, idiot would do something that stupid?"

Liara shrugged, "If you hadn't noticed, most of the issues in the Omniverse is because of an idiot was playing with things that he can't understand or didn't think things through because they're too greedy or power hungry." She saw Gu yi nearly facepalm because, she couldn't argue on that logic.

She added, "As to who said idiot was, the same guy who got frightened by Kurama-no-Inari when he rudely entered my mind without permission. I can tell you the rest after you unseal her. My partner and I don't want to rule this world or destroy it...if that helps. Destruction and conquering might be a fun idea but, after it's just endless paperwork and hard work to keep and maintain it. Plus, there's the people who want revenge or try to play hero...that just makes things more annoying and complicated...so, not fun."

Gu yi said, "You thought about that before didn't you?" Liara just gave an embarrassed smile but, didn't say anything before Gu yi asked, "And Omniverse?"

Liara said, "There's more out there than over 400,000 parallel worlds this universe has. According to Kurama's whispers there's countless so, I call it the Omniverse. Though, I am not sure if you have the qualifications to know about that stuff...I don't even know, if I have the qualifications to know, what I know or can gleam." She shrugged before taking a sip of tea and then asked, "Can we please get the unsealing done? There's a girl who needs my help."

Gu yi nodded before she moved to get ready to unseal Kurama. Liara moved to sit cross legged and closed her eyes. Gu yi put a hand on her head and used her magic to undo the seal which, caused a blue flame to flow from Liara's body. when the seal broke the flame wooshed out to form a vision of a nine tailed kitsune with a fan in front of its snout.

Gu yi jumped back to dodge the flame, "A fox spirit was sealed in her?" She moved to exercise it before it moved down to gently put Liara's hair behind her ear.

Kurama said, "I am surprised that you can see me, Magi. Though, seeing that we know your story with the dark dimension and how much willpower you have, it isn't surprising." She messed a bit with Liara's hair before adding, "And I wouldn't do that if I were you. Me and my otherself, are connected - mind, body and soul. In other words, I die, she dies and vice versa."

Gu yi said, "Otherself and what do you mean by being surprised that I see you?"

Kurama said, "I am a Cognitive being, Liara's Persona; only those who have great willpower, fully accept themselves, or have our power can see or hear me. You fit into only one of those categories. As my otherself said, 'we have no interest in ruling this world.' We just want a good life and to save a little girls life."

She looked over and saw Gu yi still preparing the spell and Kurama shook her head, "So, you can only see my silhouette..." She moved to have her head close to Liara's ear and asked gently, "My otherself, please allow me to use your body while, you study the book. I promise, I won't go against your rules and wishes. When your ready, you can just use the 'unfuse' command for me to become your 'mask' again."

Liara still had her eyes closed slightly nodded, "Fuse," she moved her hand to have her first to fingers up showing a light blue flame appear on them and brought it to her own chest. The flames started to be absorbed and her body changed to Kurama's form.

Kurama stood up and looked around before looking at Gu yi, "You should be able to see and hear me now, Magi. No, I shouldn't call you that...you aren't that rank. By the smell of danger on your body, you're only strong on this world. I know of many who could beat you if you traveled between the universal borders."

Gu yi said, "And you think you can beat me fox?" She kept the spell in place as a precaution as she and other mages started to surround Kurama.

Kurama chuckled, "Seeing as how, you could only see my silhouette when I appeared behind my other self; I think that itself should make a statement. Kudos for that by the way, one must have a lot of will power to be able to see a cognitive being like myself. As for whether to being able to beat you...it depends if you can handle the nine elemental spell types I can use. If I can't kill you...I should be able to do plenty of damage to your comrades.

Before we do go through that song and dance, I should reiterate that we have no interest in conquering this planet or destroying it. We only want to live a good life and do our duty to keep this deminsion and the Metaverse separate."

Gu yi said, "You are a cognitive being? In other words, you aren't real?" She lowered the spell and motioned for the others to retreat a bit.

Kurama said, "I once dreamed that I was a butterfly. Then I wondered, was I a butterfly that dreamed I was a man or a man who dreamed that he was a butterfly? Who knows if what you see is real or the illusion I make you see."