
Arcadia: The Rise of the Underdog

Arcadia, a word often associated with peace, harmony, simplicity, and innocence. Yet for a world that is rife with conflict, scheming, killing, magic, cultivation, war, survival of the fittest, and more; to be named as such sounds like a bad joke to tell to anybody. Sadly, that appears to be the case, as David finds himself thrown into a world where might makes right from such a young age. He learns to fight, to strategize, to exploit every advantage. The innocence of his childhood becomes a distant memory, replaced by cold pragmatism and cynicism. He might not be born with a golden spoon in his mouth, but he shall master the rules of his world to carve a place of his own.

The_Crazy_cat · ファンタジー
23 Chs


Within the walls of the Royal Academy of Magic, Arcanium.

In a hall decorated for ceremonial purposes, there is a large gathering of people from all walks of life, but more specifically the upper echelon of society in the kingdom of Eldoria.

All gathered to attend an event that has the potential to change the whole kingdom, from politics to economy and the military.

An event that highlights a turning point in the history of Eldoria, the royal academy Arcanium, magic, technology, and more.

An event to announce the inauguration of the new headmaster of Arcanium, a new Duke of the kingdom, and the ascension of a Fox in human skin.

A Fox that had to learn the hard way how to take advantage of every opportunity, to scheme, to fight, and more from a young age.

A Fox that now is fixing his ceremonial attire in the dressing room, looking at the magical mirror in front of him, a smirk plastered on his face.

He adjusts the ornately embroidered collar, the symbol of his newfound power. This inauguration is not just a ceremony; it's a calculated move, a masterfully orchestrated play in a long game he's been playing since. The smirk widens – tonight, the game reaches a new level.

'After today, I can finally take the plan to the next phase. who would have taught that it would take me so long just to get the position of headmaster. Those old fools, took them so long just to give me what I wanted. I swear that if they made me wait more I would have staged the death of one of them.'

'Now, all I need to do is finish this inauguration ceremony, so that I can start launching all of my plans'

'No more fear of those nobles, cause now I shall become one of them. Just prepare yourselves, I'm coming.'

A knock on the door breaks his inner reveries.

"Sir, they are calling for you. the ceremony is about to start."

"I'm coming", replies Fox.


Within the heart of Arcanium, the Royal Academy of Magic, a grand hall pulsed with anticipation.

Sunlight streamed through stained glass windows, casting a kaleidoscope of colors across the polished marble floor.

Crimson banners emblazoned with the royal crest, adorned the walls, whispering tales of past glories.

Towering magic lamps, fueled by enchanted crystals, bathed the room in a soft, otherworldly luminescence.

Around the perimeter, a sea of people hummed with hushed excitement.

Nobles, draped in extravagant finery that shimmered with woven spells, exchanged guarded glances. Their faces, a mix of pride, apprehension, and veiled curiosity, betrayed their conflicting emotions about this momentous day.

War heroes, clad in gleaming armor etched with arcane runes, stood rigid and watchful.

Distinguished mages, their eyes twinkling with an inner power, murmured amongst themselves, their robes crackling with barely contained magical energy.

Humans, orcs, gnomes, elves, dwarves, merfolks, and more are eager to witness the dawn of a new era.

A hush fell as a pair of towering silver doors creaked open. All eyes turned towards the entrance, where a lone figure stood silhouetted against the radiant light.

David Fox, the newly appointed Headmaster, and Duke, stepped into the hall. Power and determination etched lines on his face, and his amber eyes gleamed with a sharp intellect.

His posture, once hunched from survival, now exuded an air of quiet authority. He wore the ceremonial robes with an effortless grace, the ornately embroidered collar a stark reminder of his hard-won position. A faint smirk played on his lips, a hint of his past struggles lingering in his gaze as he surveyed the crowd.

Present amongst the envoys were emissaries from other races.

A contingent of stern-faced dwarven ambassadors, their axes glinting in the magical light.

Elegant elven delegates, their pointed ears catching the whispers of the crowd.

Even a lone, cloaked figure shrouded in shadow, rumored to be a representative of the reclusive dragonfolk, stood at the very back of the room.

The assembled elite had witnessed David's rise from a nobody to a figure of power, and his presence in their midst was unsettling for some, yet respect, grudging or otherwise, shimmered in their eyes.

King Eric, a man with a regal bearing and a mane of silver hair, stepped forward from a raised platform positioned at the opposite end of the hall. His face, etched with years of wisdom and the weight of his crown, held a mixture of curiosity and cautious optimism. With a gesture, he silenced the murmuring crowd.

"Esteemed guests, esteemed faculty, and citizens of Eldoria," his voice boomed, echoing through the hall, "We stand at a crossroads. Magic and the academy have always been the cornerstones of our kingdom, but today, we embark on a new journey."

"...Today, we mark the inauguration of not just a new Headmaster for Arcanium, but a new era for Eldoria. David Fox, a man who rose from humble beginnings to stand before you, embodies the potential that lies within each of us. His journey, fraught with hardship and cunning, proves that magic and strength are not confined by bloodlines or nobility."

"For too long, a gulf has existed between the magic within these walls and the realities of our kingdom. Technology has advanced at a rapid pace, while our understanding of the arcane has stagnated. This has bred fear, misunderstanding, and a vulnerability that threatens our very way of life."

"David Fox, through his unconventional yet undeniable talents, offers a bridge. He understands the whispers of the streets, as well as the secrets, whispered in ancient tomes. He represents a future where magic and technology coexist, where the academy becomes a beacon of not just arcane knowledge, but of innovation and progress."

"This is not just a ceremony, but a declaration. A declaration that Eldoria will no longer be a kingdom divided. We will enter a new age, one where magic and innovation fuel our prosperity, where our warriors are bolstered by arcane might, and where every citizen has the potential to contribute to our collective strength."

"Let the whispers turn to congratulations, the apprehension to trust. Let us stand together, human, elf, dwarf, and all who call Eldoria home, and face the future with courage and unity. Under the guidance of David Fox, Headmaster and Duke, a new chapter for Eldoria begins today!"

A wave of applause washed over the hall as King Eric concluded his speech. The air crackled with a mix of anticipation and nervous energy. With a regal nod, the King silenced the crowd once more.

"The time has come for the official ceremony," he declared, his voice ringing with authority. He gestured towards a raised dais adorned with velvet cushions and a gilded lectern. Two attendants flanked the dais, one holding a gleaming silver goblet, the other a hefty tome bound in dragonhide.

King Eric motioned towards David Fox. "David Fox, step forward."

David, his face composed yet betraying a flicker of pride, strode towards the dais with measured steps. The hush in the room deepened, every eye fixed on him. Reaching the dais, he bowed deeply before the King.

"David Fox," the King intoned, his voice heavy with ceremony, "you have proven yourself a man of exceptional talent, unwavering determination, and a keen intellect. You have weathered hardship and emerged stronger, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit."

The King reached for the goblet, filled with a shimmering liquid that pulsed with an inner light. "Drink from this chalice," he instructed, "a potion brewed with the essence of the Arcanium itself, a symbol of the magic entrusted to you."

David took the goblet with a steady hand and downed the potion in one swift gulp. A flicker of arcane energy danced across his eyes for a fleeting moment before dissipating. He returned the goblet to the attendant, his gaze locked on the King.

King Eric then picked up the dragonhide tome. "Place your hand upon this ancient text, a repository of the academy's most profound knowledge. By this act, you pledge yourself to the advancement of magic, the protection of this knowledge, and the fostering of a generation of mages worthy of its legacy."

David rested his gloved hand on the worn leather cover, a sense of gravitas settling over him. As he did, a faint magical inscription on the tome glowed faintly, seemingly acknowledging his touch.

"With this act," King Eric proclaimed, his voice ringing through the hall, "I, Eric, King of Eldoria, do hereby appoint you, David Fox, as Headmaster of the Royal Academy of Magic, Arcanium, and Duke of the Southern Peaks. May your reign be one of wisdom, innovation, and prosperity."

The silver doors at the back of the hall boomed open, revealing a contingent of royal guards who snapped to attention in a crisp salute. A thunderous applause erupted from the crowd, a mix of cheers and respectful clapping. Nobles leaned forward in their seats, curiosity flickering in their eyes. Dwarven ambassadors thumped their axes rhythmically against the floor in a gesture of respect, while a single, guttural word of approval echoed from the cloaked figure at the back.

King Eric smiled, a note of amusement dancing in his eyes. He gestured towards the lectern. "Headmaster Fox, the floor is yours."

David straightened his robes, a steely glint entering his amber eyes. He took a deep breath, soaking in the scene before him. The weight of his newfound position settled on his shoulders, but it was not a burden. It was a challenge, an opportunity he had clawed his way towards for years.

With a confident stride, David approached the lectern, ready to address the assembled crowd and unveil his vision for the future of Eldoria.