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I was just wandering around as usual on the school courtyard with my friends, Sun and Saya, when a fire broke out in the school, and surrounded us, trapping us into the small courtyard, filled with an abundance of plants. Little did I know this one incident would lead to a world of wonders and magic.

Story_Harnesser · ファンタジー
10 Chs

The Press Conference

I woke up a few times at night. Yuuki was crying like crazy, and every time she cried I would wake up feed her my mana use clean on her sing a lullaby then go to sleep aswell. This must be the torture that is involved in raising a child. I still have no regrets.

Wait, but just how much mana does she have right now? I know I keep an output of 1,000 mana an hour for her to snack on when she doesn't want a full meal, then 10,000 an hour for when she does want a full meal. THat should put her at around 100,000 a day right? At least with the amount of mana shes been consuming, lets chack her stats just to find out.

Name: Yuuki

Species: Vampir

Level: 1

Class: (Determined at level 10)

Gender: Female

Age: 97 days

Titles: [Child of the Sage] [Princess] [Mana Sucker] [Avoided the 9th] [Glutton]

Bonds: {Sora 25} {Rose 4} {Saya 16} {Sun 14}

Sage Skill: {Immunity}

Species Skill: [Mana Suck]

Skill: (Hexagram Magic) (Metabolism Max)

Health: 200

Mana: 93,753

Strength: 4

Defense: 3

Evasion: 100,000

Intelligence: 2

Wisdom: 1

Elements (Abbreviated): {Origin} {Support} {Clear}

Status: Sleeping, Care Free

As I expected, but what did the skill (Metabolism Max) do?

(Metabolism Max): The ability to each whatever you like in any quantity but keep a beautiful and healthy appearance and lifestyle.

Ah so she can just eat as much as she wants but never get fat or have health complications, but I guess thats my fault for giving her so much mana to eat.

Anyway it was about time to wake up and get ready, so I went to go get dressed. I wanted to wear something a little nicer than what I had before, so I put the Artistic Sage Set into my Item Box. I walked over to a closet that Vala had left in the guest room, and found some of the worse high quality clothes inside it that I could tailor to my liking.

I took a pair of dress pants and cut them down to shorts for a ten year old, and made sure the pockets were pretty big. I took a white dress shirt and made it into a short sleeved white dress shirt for kids. Then I took the most elastic thin I could find, and made some suspenders out of them. My shoes from before were pretty good so I just stuck with them.

I dyed the shorts beige and the suspenders a slightly darker shade of brown, and put everything on. Then to match with me, I dyed Yuuki's swaddle beige. I looked over the descriptions of my clothes and found them to be pretty normal.

Artistic Sage's Dress Shirt: A dress shirt made by the Artistic Sage Sora, this shirt increases charisma by 10 points while wearing it, and can never get dirty.

Artistic Sage's Dress Shorts: A pair of dress shorts made by the Artistic Sage Sora, these shorts increase diplomacy by 5 points while wearing it, and can never get dirty.

Artisitic Sage's Suspenders: A set of suspenders made by the Artistic Sage Sora, this pair of suspenders increases charisma by 5 points while wearing it, and can never get dirty.

Artistic Sage's Set of Dress Clothes: Charisma gets a +50 bonus.

Yup pretty normal for what is meant to be a dressy sort of clothes. and according to this and my skill I should get a total of 70 charisma added permanently to my stats, and 70 additional with the clothes when I wear them.

Then my hair. It is pretty long, and goes down to my waist so I should do something about it besides just wearing a hat to keep it out of my face. I decided a bun would by good. I too some extra fabric and made a ribbon out of it, and dyed it white.

I used the ribbon in place of an elastic band, and it ended up looking pretty good I think. And thats when Yuuki woke up. I fed her some mana, and we went out side to wait for everyone else to get ready for the press conference.

Around 8:45 everyone was out and ready to head over to Floral Palace. I summoned the portal, and opened the door wide enough to see the amount of people by the Minister and ones below the booth to record the conference and broadcast it to the world. I was nervous, but calmed down due to my (Public Speaking Max) skill.

We walked through the portal, and people were clearly shocked and scared at our sudden appearance, after a mysterious door had just popped up near the Minister. After the 8 of us filed out, we sat at the seats lablled by our names that we had told the Minister, and I was honestly suprosed he remembered us all by name. We sat down, and waited for the conference to start before speaking to anyone outside of our group.

At exactly 9:00am the conference began and the Minister began to speak of he great loss of Floral Palace and yatta yatta, you could clearly see every reporter was interested in the 8 mysterious people that just came out of a door that suddenly appeared then disappeared.

After the long ramble he began speaking about the eight of us, and how three of us had died in the fire, and how we reincarnated then found a way to come back home, but brought some friends that wanted to come for vacation alongside a little baby girl I adopted.

Then the questions ensued.

"If you were reincarnated, who were you before you died, and do you have any evidence of reincarnation." (Reporter One)

"Yes, please watch the following."

I played a clip using time magic to display what happened in the past as we saw the fire then got burned and died. Quite a few people threq up in the audience even though they couldn't even experience the pain, then I showed us entering the white room then cut the video since I didn't want to show Freed to the world just yet.

"Before death I was Sora, the honours student that was #1 in National Mock Exams, and these are my closest friends and neighbors Saya and Sun, I assume that footage was evidence enough of our reincarnation."

"Yes thank you."

"Who are the visitors you have brought?"

"I am the Demon Emperor Vala Undor the Third, and this is my family Violet, Calof, and Rose, we came because Sora helped us to stop a war started by the humans in our world, and wanted to finally take a vacation after hundreds of years of looking for a suitable place."

"If you wouldn't mind how old are all of you?"

"I am 537 years old this year, Calof is 34, Violet is 510, and Rose is 3." (Vala)

"I am currently 10, and Yuuki is 97 days old." (Me)

"I am 27." (Saya)

"And I am 18." (Sun)

"If you claim tobe reincarnations, how are you ages different but you were all summoned at once."

"When we died we met the God of freedom, Freed, and he gave us all three wishes. WIth those three wishes we all created a new body for ourselves that consisted of skills, species, level, stats, titles, and age, it just so happened that the numbers we put in where these, for me I chose 10 for the sake of obtaining the [Prodigy] title. Then we were all summoned at once to the corrupt human kingdom of Merl."

"Does magic exist?"

"Yes, would you like a demonstration?"

"Of course."

I turned around and used life magic and time magic to reverse the time of the plants and the building of Floral Palace to its former glory, and in a few seconds it was like the way it was 24 hours earlier, only this time with the bunson burner off.

"Does this suffice?"

"Yes of course."

Now they were all too stunned to say anything, but in the very back I could see our parents running towards us. I bet they started running when they saw the clip of us dying and wanted to see us again since they though we were dead forever. I pointed it out to Saya and Sun, and they went running immedeatly. I on the other hand flew over the crowd using wind magic to make myself float.

We greeted our parents and talked for a moment as we all comforted each other and celebrated us being alive and doing better than before. Our parents found peace, and we could visit them whenever so it was pretty good, they let us go back after 10 minutes and we resumed the conference.

"Can anyone use magic?"

"No, it seems like in this world there is a curse where no magic can be produced again after it is lost, and former magicians and cultivators used it all before this era came to be, and so species that needed mana to live as part of their mollecular composition died off, and only the humans, the only species so weak it didn't have any mana in its genes lived on and took over this world."

With this statement some people began to cry as their dreams of magic were shattered, but the conference pressed forward.

"Were you planning on taking someone with you to the other world?"

"Ummm, that would be fine, right Sora?" (Saya)

"I guess it wouldn't hurt, but going to the other world doesn't mean your skills or abilities will change unless you farm levels and get stronger by absrobing experience or mana from the other world and pour your stat points into mana."

"Who would you chose to enter this new world?"

"I guess a reporter that can document the world well so regardless of how useful you are at killing something, Earth at the very least gains acurate knowledge of foreign lands. I guess anyone here would do. Sun you can chose who comes with us since you haven't talked yet."

"Then lets just go with the person that asked that question, just remember that you could die over there when you step forward, but if you accept just come here tonight at 7:00 and stand by the enterence of Floral Palace, we'll leave this world after we talk to our parents for some time, and let Vala and his family enjoy it here for the day before we call it a day and come back again after a little."

"You said you ended a war between species, how did you do this?"

"I killed everyone in the room we were summoned in besides the king and Yuuki. I then wrote up a treaty for the country and stabbed the king and put his bloody finger print on it, then went to Vala to sign it and it was all over since contracts in that world once signed are bound by heavens to be enforced."

"Is Yuuki human or was she a captive of that human king?"

"She was undoubtably going to be raised as a sex slave for the king because of his rapist history and enslavement addiction. And for your second question, she is not human but instead a Vampir. And before yo ask what is a Vampir, a Vampir is a Legendary Beastman that sucks mana permanently from targets as sustinance, and if they don't get 10,000 by the age of 2 they die."

"Does she have enough mana to survive?"

"Of course, I have infinite mana, and I allow her to consume as much as she desires, and last time I checked she had 93,753 mana and that will only grow by the minute so she will be able to live the rest of her life, and in fact her mana is around 1.5% of all mana that humans possess with there being a population of 500,000 humans in the other world, and 100 mana on average."

"But you said you had infinite mana, are you by chance not human? I know Mr.Vala and his family aren't but are you three no longer human?"

"That is correct, you can say that we have evolved in a way. I am currently a species called Iven. In the other world including me there are only 9 Iven and we are all immortal. We are reffered to as the Gods Messengers or Sages, and can eventually evolve into Gods but none of us have accomplished yet, the only thing is that we need a God as a Patron to exist, if we dont have one we will simply never exist. We as the Iven are the Second best species with Gods being the only thing above us, but we can have power to rival the Gods while being allowed on the mortal planes but being forbidden from heaven until we reach Godhood."

"I am an Arch Elf at the moment, there isn't really anything special about us besides that we rank 5th on that scale of best species below Gods, Iven, Angels, and Legendary Beastmen, but have teh highest affinity with animals and living beings."

"And I am a Stone Monkey, and like Sun Wukong we are good at fightnig with staffs, and physical things and can ascend to Sagehood and become an Iven eventually though none of us have accomplished this and I am the only living member of our species. We are a type of Legendary Beastmen and rank in the 4th catagory."

"Why are Iven so powerful?"

"Because of potential, we start out week, but have no bottle necks or issues when trying to acheive anything and so with our Patrons backing us up we have been regarded as legends, and if you see an Iven it is said you are blessed with their luck, the luck of no issues with improvement. Of course for me I started out extremely strong due to my wishes, but the others started from 0 and worked their way up and by the age of 10 could top any mortal living in that world."

"Is it possible to become an Iven?"

"Only if you died a successful mortal Sage in an area with high mana concentration and find a link to a God that is willing to make you their vassal. The other 8 Iven alll went through this process, but lost their previous memories from their first life, while I have not since I died on a fragment of the World Tree."

"What is the World Tree."

"The world tree is a tree that hold universes together, and resides in the heavens. This universe was forsaken due to a foolish mortal that dared challange the Gods and was cut off. The last remaining fragment was the one we died on, and allowed us to be reincarnated, so this will never occur again in this world without interference from more powerful beings with several hundred hundred million mana."

"Lets end this here, I'm sure you want to talk to your families now."

And so the conference ended and our presence was now known to the world. We pretty much just became overnight celebrities, but across the entire globe. I bet some countries might want to experiment on us, and use us as subjects for experiments so they can have access to mana aswell.

We spent the rest of the day with our families and gave Vala and his family some moeny so they could go around and explore the area. Some people might try to kidnap Rose, but she is stronger than any ordinary human especially one with no mana so there was no need to worry about anything besides maybe Vala getting mad and killing the kidnapper but whatever they shouldn't insult the Demon Emperor.

Our day came to an uneventful end, and we returned to the enterence of Floral Palace where the reporter was waiting. She had a backpack full of supplies ranging from stuff to take notes to necessities and entertainment. I'm sure she was really happy whe was chosen. And though Yuuki and Rose had fallen asleep we were all ready to go back, and return to Demon Country.

Real adventuring soon.

Story_Harnessercreators' thoughts