
Apocalyptic Kings System

(Warning: contains taboo, sex, mc stealing women from others, cruel, gory, not retarded MC or FML's) (extra: all women will be exclusive to mc, mc is also extremely possessive and doesnt want his women to be useless unless stated otherwise. Only the mc will know what he wants, when he wants it. Only time will tell this story.) this is my first write, so please any critisims and corrections will help me in the future, and thank you in advance In a world left in ruin, Mike with his Kings system and his entourage of wives, lovers, friends, subordinates, and slaves aim to remake this world in his image. This mission will come with challenges, tragedy, dungeon diving, boss fight, rational and realistic situations, and loses. There is never only one King, but multiple, but Mike won't have any of that, in this mission to retake and remake this world, his goal to become the only king and make this world prosper again. But lurking in the shadows through this whole ordeal, a quite big surprise awaits the one who dares *error*--- information leak found, preparing countermeasures *error*--- suitable candidates found, initiating Kings system *error* --- activating protocol "worlds finale" activating system. *error* *error* *error* *error* "I'm being torn apart. I want to be free of this pain. I know what i have to do but i dont know if I have the strength to do it." - Kylo Ren "The hardest choices require the strongest wills" - Thanos "There can be no progress, no achievement, without sacrifice, and a man's worldly success will be in the measure that he sacrifices". -James Allen *The cover isnt mine, I got it off the internet.* (I will be posting either a really long chapter on Sunday night est or on both Tuesdays and Sundays. if the chapter is released on Sunday it will more than likely be a fighting chapter while if I release 2 chapters they will be story and/or plot and character development chapter)

SiI3nt · SF
24 Chs

By The Fire

(Around the Fire)

SASHA COME HERE QUICK," Sarah yelled out to her in a panic. What sarah was hoping for was for sasha to have some sort of healing capability, that was the reason for her urgency.

"I'M COMING, HOLD ON" Sasha yelled back with a panicked face after laying eyes upon Mike's mangled body.

"Do you have any healing spells or anything healing related in your ability sheet?" Sarah asked sasha in a rush while trying to tie up mikes major wounds. "I need to check, I never looked to be frank but give me a second and pull of my page." After pulling up her page something new appeared that she new was never there before.

{Name: Sarah Lightnthall}

{Race: Angelic-Fairy-Demoness}

(Ranks -Low)

[Level 1 - XP 10/50]

{Skills- Serenity of the moon [Fairy] (level 1), Divine Healing [Angel] (level 1), Long Night [Demon] (level 1)}

Only seeing three skills, she quickly selected (Divine Healing) to see its detailed description...

{Skill- Divine Healing: Divine Healing is a ability only given to those who possess a high affinity with the divine, be it physically, magical, or inheritally. This ability or skill can heal the all light injuries, all medium injuries and all severe injuries.

Restriction: To be able to heal a fatal wound, the healer must be able to sacrifice either a core memory or a tiny permament portion of the users HP.}

*Note: Can still aquire more HP with leveling, but the higher level and the more resistant the wounded is, the more it will cost*

After reading through the detailed explanation on what sasha's divine healing ability could do, the skill itself was starting to make itself know with a small buzz and humming sound that only sasha could hear. Realising that she would need to heal him, she activated her skill.

"Divine Heal," Sasha sounded outloud, and upon fishining the word a small prompt popped up.

{Fatal wound detected}

- [To heal wound, either sacrifice a tiny portion of overall HP or a core memory]

(Select core memory 'Confession' or 2% of permament HP)

Seeing both options sasha really did not want to give up that memory, and thankfully only 2% of her HP would take her down to 78 HP total, from 80 HP. With her choice made and her resolve firm she selected the latter option.


I watched her activate her skill, a soft light started to emit from her hands that slowly started to become more solid with its brightness increasing aswell. About 5 minutes have passed, and during those 5 minutes I watched her facial expressions, her bodily movements, and even breathing, at first she seemed fine after the first minute, but at around about 2 and a half minutes she started to strain.

Small beads of sweat started to form on her forehead that fell down crossing over her closed eyes, the bridge of her nose, and down passed her mouth to fall off her cute little chin. "I hope whatever she is doing is gonna save him, but I also hope she isn't hurting herself to do so," I thought anxiously. At the 4 minute mark, I noticed she started to scrunch her nose and furrow her eyebrows in what looked like to be anger and pain, I could only pray to whatever higher power there was that both sasha and mike can make it out of this.


Upon activating my (Divine Heal) skill, I closed my eyes to be able to consentrate better on the heal. While healing Mike, I noticed something and, it was not a good something. I noticed something while in the process of healing mike, it kinda looked like that little operating game you got when you were little for either your birthday or christmas and purposely always hit the sides, yeah that one. It also looked like I could add and remove layers simplifing the healing process with healing only the affected parts.

Upon realising this I went straight to removing the 'layers' to reveal only the affected area, when I got to the injured area I noticed a black-brown spot that seemed to slowly eat away the body. I then slowly opened my eyes while still in intense concentration only to notice in shock and suprise that I was now looking at myself from the other side of mike. I then looked down and realised why.

"Ahh, I guess I have become incoporeal to be able to do certain things like act with magical veins, and anyones spiritial body when I try to heal," I thought to myself. Noting that I tried to grab that ooze like spot with my spiritual hands, but unfortunately as I touched the spludge I had an enormous amount of pain shoot through my arm all the way up to my shoulder that cause me to retract my arm. While holding my right arm with my left hand I noticed my spiritial 'body' or should I call it form, I decided to come back to that at a later date.

When I looked back towards my actual phyical body I noticed that my brows were furrowed and my nose scrunched a bit kinda like I was mad but you could also notice that I was in pain due to the beads of sweat on my face but the scrunched nose clarifies it being pain. Then all of a sudden I felt a wave of nausea hit me, I tried to figure out why that has happened then a screen popped up in front of me again saying something I didn't want to read right now.

{System warning: Time remaining for (Divine Heal): twenty minutes and forty-two seconds left until forced deactivation to protect host}

That was the worst, not the deactivation of the skill but the limited amount of time I had to fix Mike enough for him to be able to heal himself passively. I then got serious and started to figure out how to remove this thing that I came around to noting as some sort of fact acting muscle weakining poision. Upon coming to this realisation I isolated the poison by cutting off the flow of magic and passive spiritual flow throughout his entire body.

"How did I know what that stuff was, and how did I know what to do to be able to start removing it from his body," I thought outloud, no one could hear me since I was spiritually seperated from my body that was also seperate from the physical relam. Then I got another message related to my (Divine Heal) skill.

*(Divine Heal) - When someone is able to receive and use the (Divine Heal) skill, knowledge about magical veins and the spiritual body with be assimilated into the hosts brain, fully understanding how to heal any injury and knowing the costs to fix those injuries.*

After fully reading the text, I then understood how I was able to start reducing the spreading of the poison and cutting off the flow of spirit and locking down the magical veins.

I gathered myself together again just to let my skill guide me through all the processes needed to save his life. I once again went back to the layer with the locked-in-place poison and started to gather my healing light that seemed to turn a light shade of green, then dark pink, and finally dark purple. After gazing upon this I noticed that the Black-Brown spot has become more transparent and lighter in color seeming to look more charcoal-ash-gray than Brown-Black, coming to a revelation I slowly allowed some of my magic to flow into his body, and the next thing that happened made me jump for joy with misty eyes.

"I DID IT, YES!!!! I Yelled out my accomplishment, seeing that not only I was able to see my magic flow through his body without stopping and causing blocks, but it also started to heal all the rotted away bits of his magic veins. I released opened the blocked magic veins slowly while also incorperating my own magic to simulate the flow again while also simulateously healing any poisoned vein that was outside of the zone I had locked down. I looked back towards the timer, I smiled happily upon seeing the time.

{System warning: Time remaining for (Divine Heal): two minutes and twenty-three seconds left until forced deactivation to protect host}

I turned back to him, and even though I knew he was doing better than before I continued to heal all the aspects I could heal within that alotted time was up. While in the process of pumping Mike with spirts of healing magic I started to feel a pull on my spirtual body, this pull became more of a vacuum drawing me towards my real body. I finished what I was doing by withdrawing my magic as slowly as possible to not cause any side effects or problems with cutting it off abruptly, I then allowed myself to be drawn back to the real world once again.


I continued to watch how Sasha kept getting worse and worse. Those small beads of sweat turned into small streams running down her face, a couple of streams formed on the sides of her head ending down at the rounded tip of her chin, while another formed one ending at the tip of her nose.

About half a day had passed since sasha has started healing Mike, I hadn't fallen asleep since she started her healing process has started. I watched how she went from a serene to one of torment on the brink of collapse. I had my back turned to both of them watching out for any beasts using my (Mana Sense) to detect any enemies that my have smelled blood, as I continued to watch about I heard the most pained scream anyone could possibly muster.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH," Sasha bellowed loud enough to cause me to feel it in my chest. I whipped around so fast I could hear the wind whine pass my ears, and as I turned my head back towards sasha I widened my eyes in horror.

She was writhing on the ground spasming and convulsing in pain. That wasn't the only thing that made me panic, it was she was also bleeding from nearly every single opening her body had, be it eyes, nose, mouth, ears, anus, and even crotch area, there was no exception to this, since where ever I looked all I saw blood bleeding from seemingly everywhere on her body.

I stopped what I was doing and rushed over to her, knowing that I was not any sort of healer I had to somehow stop the bleeding and whatever else that may have caused this. I reached for the mana, nature mana specifically since I was more attuned with it and relying on knowledge for webnovels for information and praying I could use this type of magic to heal her somewhat.

As I pushed and pulled at the mana in an attempt to use it for the sake of healing my sister I got a pop up...

{Skill Aquired}

[New Skill: Small heal] - <Nature>

*Small Heal: Small Heal is capable of stopping any and all light wounds, 60% of all small wounds and 5% of all medium wounds*

{System Note: Skill was granted to user (Sarah Frostwillow), user (Sarah Frostwillow was granted this skill for the attempt at helping stop any light or small wounds with the hopes at even helping with medium wounds.}

I ignored the prompt for now and focused, I grabbed the mana with my will and forced it with my intent to obey my command and flow as healing magic into her to easy her pain.

For the next 5 minutes, I continued to use small heal on her to help reduce the pain she was feeling as much as I could. Once the sixth minute came around, I noticed her starting to stir awake.

I slowly put her head on my lap while still casting (Small Heal) until I was sure she was either no longer in pain or until she told me to stop. In the following moment she without opening her eyes she said, "did I do it?" I did not give her a striaght foward answer, "Maybe I don't know really, right now only time will tell."

*Sniff* *Sob* "I thought I could fully heal him, I tried, I really tried Sarah, I just hope it was enough," Sasha said while crying towards me. I slowly and gently started caressing her hair to calm her down, "Man, it sure has been awhile since I was able to do this, isnt that right Sash?" I said out of the blue to sasha who in the middle of crying heavily slowly started to stop due to embarrassment.

Even though she somewhat stopped crying she still continued to weep quietly into now with her face in my lap.


"waht?" I said as soon as I recognized the space I was in again. "Why am I back her again? Is it because I am something that has not reached a certain level to maintain my existence or something like that, if not I am really confused," I rambled to myself in frustration.

I only remembered making it back to the girls seeing Sarah after she had flipped me over and seeing her yell for Sasha for some reason. I pondered on why she called over sarah for, maybe to try and heal me, but I do not know for certain. I do remember a quick mention about one of her skills being one of the healing type. "uuhgghhh, what was the name of it agian, shrine heal I think? No, I don't think that is right, hmmmm... it more than likely is a high level heal spell for sure, so if its not shrine maybe its divine heal?" I continued to try and piece together what the name was, and after what felt like an hour I remembered, "AH HA, I am a bit dumb but I remember now it was 'Divine Heal," I shouted in triumph.

I did not know it at the time, but Sasha had used it on me to save me from something that wouldn't have killed me, but only delay my regeneration.

*2 subconious hours later = about 30 mins outside*

"I guess its time to head back, I never thought I would have the knowledge of ages past and present forcibly implanted in my head this go around. I guess I can use it to figure out what my parents meant and who my sisters or future lovers/wives and I are or will be in the future." These were my final thoughts to myself before I taken back away from this place and back in my body.


"Shhhh, its ok now, just sleep, you have been awake for to long so please just close your eyes for awhile I will make sure to keep an eye on you and mike so please sleep now." Sarah said in a motherly voice to the still distressed Sasha, after saying those words, sarah began to Hum a light and soft song to lull her sleep.

After waiting patiently for around 15 minutes, Sarah carefully removed Sasha from her lap to lay her head on the floor after feeling her soft and gental breathing and hearing her controlled breaths come and go in a calm pattern.

Turning around and this time not getting suprised, she saw mike sitting up and smiling at her warmly. When she saw this her eyes became a little misty and smiled the same smile back towards him. She then got up and slowly walked towards him still with misty eyes more obviously now that she was closer he could tell she wanted to cry but didn't for some reason, maybe she did not want to wake sasha.

Walking the distance from her original spot to where Mike was now, was short, but when you are on the brink of tears made that very short walk feel like she had walked miles. Slowly and gently she lowered herself to hug around Mike's waist and put her face into his chest, she then started to cry softly to release all that pent up worry and anxiety she had forcibly shoved down to be the 'strong' one.

While crying into his chest, Sarah then hears something she'd though she would ever hear again, "I promise to always protect you, to be your shield from emotional pain or phyiscial pain, I will take it all from you so you will never have to feel this way again." Sarah almost started to ball but its not because she did not want to ugly cry, it was because she did not need to now, she knew he was safe and healthy now and that was all that mattered to her at the moment. So she continued to cry while resting atop his chest after having her lay down with him, and after a little more time they both drifted off to sleep.

Any comments on grammer, story telling, corrections or whatever will help with future chapters. If you do view this as something worthy of your time to read, please do consider leaving a comment or even a power stone, this will let me know if I am doing something right. Thank you all.

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