
Apocalypse of Demons

The world in its current times wasn't really at peace in it's current times and that was because of the beings that lurked in the shadows. Creatures that suddenly appeared in the world and caused destruction wherever they went. An organization was created to hunt them down and help rid the world of demons they were known as demon hunters. Dave a young high school boy in Kyoto who went to the train station to see his uncle is caught up in a train accident. The train was suddenly destroyed killing almost everyone in it. No one on the train knew what happened not even the train driver had seen it but it wasn't long before the demon hunters arrived. The demon hunters had managed to defeat the demon but before its last moment, it quickly ran towards Dave who was in the rubble. Immediately after that day his whole life changed and he became a demon hunter but when things begin to unveil Dave is shocked when he finds out he is something known as a victim of possession. This greatly endangers his life because of the large amount of mana he now possesses, but that was only the beginning of his problems. Turns out the demons weren't after him merely because of the amount of mana he possesses.

Noob3 · ファンタジー
19 Chs

18: City In Chaos.

Inside a strange building with nothing inside it, a woman had just entered, and standing by the side of the room was Raph.

" What are you doing back so early?" He asked as soon as she entered the room.

" Oh you don't have to worry, I have everything under control and this won't be over anytime soon." She replied, walking past him.


Back at the city kouye's sister was now walking towards three demons that were roaming around the city, destroying whatever came to their sight.

Two of them were lions with flaming wings and the other one was a bird-like creature that was the same size as an average twelve-year-old child.

With her lance in her right hand, she charged straight towards the demons, and as they noticed her they charged towards her as well.

The two lion demons opened their mouths wide as they flew towards her and breaths of flames shot out from their mouths and blew straight towards her.

A wall of ice appeared in front of her and as soon as the flames came in contact with the ice, it began to extinguish and the ice began to melt as well.

The scream of a woman could be heard and looking to her right she could see a burning building and the shadow of a person amidst the flames could be seen.

" I'll have to deal with these three if I'm to save the lady." She thought, gritting her teeth.

Using her lance as a pole vault she jumped high up and while in the air she threw her lance slightly before it at the end as hard as she could.

The lance flew straight toward one of the lion demons pierced straight through its head and pinned it to the the ground.

As soon as the the demon hit the ground ice began to grow on the lance and onto the demon's head as well until it completely covered its whole body.

Now standing on the ground a spear made of ice appeared in her right hand and she threw it straight toward the the other flame lion.

The lion opened its mouth wide and a hot breath of flames shot straight towards the ice spear and it was completely melted before it could hit it.

" These ones are tougher than I anticipated." She mumbled.

The bird-like creature came straight towards her with its ten centimeters long beak and an ice wall instantly rose in front of it.

The demon went crashing straight through the wall but she had jumped out of the way as soon as she had created the wall.

She ran straight to the burning building as fast as she could, when she got there she used ice to extinguish the flames and the demons were hot on her trail.

She was a good distance into the building and just as the bird-like creature was about to come barging straight into it until it was suddenly split into many pieces.

The flame lion flew towards its fallen brethren and opened its mouth wide to let out a large breath of fire but as soon as it did that it was met with the same fate.

Now inside the building, she exhaled heavily and a bright glow of white could be seen slowly dimming on her body, and not long after it completely dimmed out she continued going upstairs.

When she came there she saw a huge snake demon on the other side with something in its mouth and looking at the parts that weren't in the demon's mouth yet she could easily tell what it was.

There was a woman standing at the opposite side where the demon was with her eyes filled with tears and her whole body visibly trembling.

Spikes of ice emerged from behind her and shot towards the demon, killing it in an instant.

She then ran towards the lady and grabbed her hand.

" Come on it won't be long before this building collapses."

" My child!" She sobbed, holding tightly onto Kouye's sister.

She gasped and turned her gaze to the demon which was lying dead on the ground, the child had long been in the beast's mouth so his chances of survival were nill.

" I'm really sorry about your child," she said trying to console her, " but if you don't get out of here then your life will be in danger."

The lady let go of her and fell to the ground on her knees and as she crawled towards the dead creature she cried, "My son, this can't be happening to me."

That was when the building began to shake and not long after that it began to fall over to the east, the lady lost her balance and immediately began to roll to the side of the room along with everything else inside it.

Kouye's sister ran straight towards her, on getting to her she used ice to create a hole in the roof and then she grabbed her and jumped straight through it.

Once they were outside the building she used ice to create a slide and with the woman in her hands she quickly slid down the ice.

She landed a little distance away from the collapsing building, looking at it now there was a worm creature about fifty-five feet tall in length and it was curled around the building.

" It must have been attracted here after I used my soul spell, the lady's safety takes priority but I need to deal with that thing somehow." She thought, staring at the hideous creature.

She then dropped the lady and said, "Come with me."

After she said that she ran off into the city and the lady followed her, having realized the state of the situation she was determined to get out of there as soon as she could.

Kouye's sister put her inside her pocket and brought out her phone, they then stopped by behind a building and she quickly made a phone call.


Now inside the room, Dave marveled at the glowing white crystals in the room and they were all arranged according to the level of their brightness.

" Try not to touch anything," Alex said, walking towards a pack of about ten crystals which were the brightest in the room.

" And what are you planning to do with these?"

Alex brought out a small folded bag from inside his pocket, he then put five of the crystals inside the bag and turned towards Dave.

" We're leaving, I'll explain on the way."

When they left the room Alex locked the door and walked to his room, as he opened the door he signaled for Dave to come in by looking at him and nodding his head.

They both got inside the room and at that moment Alex got straight to work by arranging the five crystals he had.

He brought out the five crystals and made four of them face the north, east, west, and South and put the last one in the middle of the four of them.

" What are you doing?" Dave asked, standing a little far away from him.

" I'm activating a teleport system, with this I should be able to leave the base but I'll need someone to deactivate it once I'm done." He replied, standing up immediately after he was done arranging the crystals, " I hope I can trust you to do just that for me."

Dave nodded his head and with the confirmation Alex stepped into the middle of the crystals, keeping the last crystal between his two legs.

The other four crystals began to glow brighter and a line of white light began to flow from them to the crystal in the one in the middle and it began to glow brighter as well.

The lights continued to grow more intense until they enveloped forcing Dave to close his eyes and not long after he closed his eyes the lights died out and Alex was no longer in the room.

Dave slowly opened his eyes and looked at the glowing white crystals which had now returned to their original light intensity.

" I should probably tell the others about it," he thought, walking towards the crystals, " sorry Alex, but I can't live with the guilt of you dying."


Kouye slowly walked into a building with a young with brown hair in her arms and as he came in a young lady with the same hair color as the girl ran towards him and embraced her.

" Thank you for saving my daughter." She said, on her knees with the girl in her arms.

There were many other people in the building and the most of the men and women in the women in the room were asking for their children.

Kouye had heard everything they had said and to everybody else, it seemed like he was ignoring them, but any closer to him you would be able to hear how hard his heart was pounding.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter as much as I did.

Make sure to stay tuned for my new book called: The Rise Of Death's Advocate.

starting next week.

See you tomorrow.

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